

>tfw no THICC polish waifu
yeah, she's hot as shit. Bumpin with more high test, mein neger


"Come on Jews!"


>wish my penis is her javelin


Its all about the face, brehs.
doesnt matter if thinn or thicc, face matters most.

Yeah but hers is disproportionately small for her body.

No it's not.

She's great.
>but still pretty face
>also from my country


It's because she's not short, subhuman manlet filth. It's why it's so easy to pick out the manlets in CBTs: you can't hide your proportions

>if amy adams was thicc

No one wants that. So few people want this, there aren't enough people to even shout racism to guilt us into pretending we want that.

jeb sie kurwa polaku biedaku

>that camera tilt at the end




too thicc


Spotted the Irish

Literally a 10/10


Bless you

I want to be maria andrejczyk’s little baby tampon boy. i want to turn into a little crying baby and then suck on her breasts. her magic breast milk would turn me into a little baby tampon boy. she would stick me into her hoo-hoo and i would wait with anticipation spouting little baby goo-goo ga-gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i want to feel her maria andrejczyk blood inside my little goo-goo ga-ga baby tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo-hoo juices inside my little baby tampon boy body and goo-goo ga-ga like a little rolly-polly baby boy. it would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo-hoo maria andrejczyk blood and i would giggle and goo-goo ga-ga and yelp with little baby boy excitement as i roll around in her maria andrejczyk hoo-hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft little baby tampon boy goo-goo ga-ga body. then i want her to pull me out and squeeze and wring my little baby tampon boy body so that her maria andrejczyk hoo-hoo blood and juices spill all over her maria andrejczyk face. it would hurt and i would scream in pained goo-goo ga-gas as pain envelops my little baby tampon boy body until i reach full climax and turn back into grown human man.

>neckbeard autist thinks anyone cares about his tastes in women
More underrated black qts for me

How well did she do?

see this is attractive

OP girl is just overweight

rolls + cellulite = no thanks

almost got bronce


Know the difference.


How to pronounce last name


She isn't fat boyo.
She is fit thicc. She got lots of muscles under the fat.

lmao why are her shoulders so broad? is this what white ppl think being thicc is? lmao

>those nails


Ass is definitely natty



>She got lots of muscles under the fat.

Hmm, now where have I head this before?


The blonde would be attractive if she didn't have that dyke hair.


>implying she is that fat
You can still see her form. Don't be stupid you nignog

>the same woman, classified differently

can I see your shitposting license, please?

Stefania is the perfect woman when it comes to body

feminist "art"

Stefania Ferrario is stunning, god what would I have to do to find a woman like her?

Wow you are weapons level retarded if you woudn't hook up with her over a haircut. Plus if you saw her with long hair you might see that this pixie cut fits her so much better.



nah m8 she looks better with long hair

is a different girl, Matt


>You can still see her form

Yeah, fridgemode but fat. Really sexy.

is jen selter thick?

no shes /implants/

No, that ass is not natty.

gay pls go

How can women just walk around with their asses flapping around in the open?

Not that I'm complaining

socially acceptable and encouraged brother

>not liking a broad-shouldered fat girl means you're gay on Veeky Forums

0/10 would sell as slave to plantage owners in a different continent then go home with a boatload of sugar for my countrymens tea times.






t-ted cruz?