Do facial exercises make noticeable changes to

Do facial exercises make noticeable changes to
A E S T H E T I C S or is it just another dumb meme
that gives ugloos like us the hope to change so that
we don't begin anti-chad riots on the streets instead -.-

facial aesthetics = your underlying bone structure.

you can change how you look by losing weight and consuming less salt (less water retention). also drink lots of water so your body doesn't hold on to it. that's pretty much it.

trimming your eyebrows, getting a good haircut, and taking care of your skin (carrots for that orange skin glow, vitamin d, etc.) goes a long way with your facial aesthetics.

but to look different the only option is surgery.

if you aren't balding you do not have the right to be upset about any other physical feature on your body


Chew normal gum for a month, then when you jaw is strong enough, chew mastic gum.

I was able to in 2 months, get my jaw strong enough to be able to flex it for the first time in my life.

On normal gum. I am currently waiting for mastic gum to come in the mail (think I may have gotten scammed kek, been like a month) to start it for extra gains.

>facial aesthetics = your underlying bone structure.


>but to look different the only option is surgery.

If only there was some sort of muscle in your jaw that could be trained like all other muscles?

BEFORE: (jaw so weak in photo I can't even flex it)


>couldn't flex my jaw

This is a joke, right?

that shit ain't changing how you look you doofus


>increasing the size of the muscle in your jaw doesn't change how your face looks

Why are you lifting, it's not as if adding muscle mass is gonna change how your body looks doofus


Please tell me you are joking you couldn't do that before. Have you never chewed something before?

it's all about the angles. you're sticking your jaw out in the gif, so obviously it makes it look more prominent.

ps. you're an ugly fuck and a more defined jawline wouldn't solve that

>you're ugly

You're not posting your face you prince, anyways, the claim was that the size of the muscle in my jaw was increased. And it was.

Totally changed the structure of my face in 2 months. Looks wider.

TWO MONTHS. Will post proggies as years go by etc.

>more defined jawline

Are you dyslecix, autistic, retarded, all of the above?

You don't exercise your fucking jawbone, you are increasing the size of the JAW MUSCLE.

jesus christ

>sticking our your jaw

What does this even mean lfmao

This trip faggot needs to fucking kill himself lmfao

go back to /fraud/ we can banter there, this is an actual thread from someone looking for actual advice

OP here, thanks for your help!
I'm currently chewing and mewing regularly, and your posts gave me hope ...
I read somewhere that the only facial muscle group
That CAN hypertrophy is the one you use for chewing.
Is this true? Or is it also possible to change your cheekbone area, eye-shape or lips?
Call me crazy, but after mewing for a few months I seem to have grown an upper lip that definitely wasn't as big before.

No idea man, but it sounds true to me.

Weight loss will change the fat around your cheekbone area, move you closer to sunken cheeks.

I guess also there is fat around your eyes?


I am also doing it but seeing no results. That said, haven't been doing it long.

Stick with it. I can't see any negative health effects of mewing, so why stop right?

"Mewing" is just basic jaw positioning, if you aren't doing it constantly and consistently something is probably wrong with your jaw and you should see a doctor or something.

You should get some minimal improvements, it will be barely noticeable and won't make someone who is ugly any kind of pretty. And you don't need to do dedicated exercises for it, it should come naturally together with normal lifting. Neck muscles make a bigger improvement on your looks.

Mewing refers to positioning your tongue on the roof of your mouth no?

That's what moosey told me shit.

but user doesnt this cause bruxism

Nah, because your teeth never touch. That's why you got the gum. If you did the same motion with no gum, it wouldn;t go so well

Your teeth never tocuh either, they simply touch the gum, which is soft enough not to fuck your shit up

How do you manage to chew on both sides of the mouth to grow the muscle evenly, I cant make a conscious effort of doing it.

Uh, I actually fucked this up.

I chewed more on the left side than the right, for a month, and actually, ended up that the left side of my jaw got bigger than the right.

Not the most aesthetic. I only could tell flexing the muscle and feeling it.

This was corrected simply by chewing only with the right side for a couple weeks.

Nowadays, I simply chew with gum in BOTH sides of my mouth.

This ensures even growth of the jaw muscle.

>it's an Alex thread

Truth is, I ouldn't clench my jaw that noticeably before I started using venlafaxine. 3 months later, the bruxism made me have a larger jaw - although, by "larger jaw" I mean I look less of a jawlet, but I'm still a jawlet. It's been a year now of constant bruxism, so, yes, it works, but bone structure is much more important than the size of face muscles, unless you can unnaturally increase their size, that's where the "tren jaw" could play a role.

>you can change how you look by losing weight
I'm losing my face gains with every bf%. My optimal bf% for facial aesthetics is ~16%. I start to look 10 years older with ~14% and like a grandpa with 12% and less. Fuck that gay shit, I'm only 27 and I want to get rid of stomach fat without looking like I'm dying vegan

You ugly ass autistic fuck head why do you think you are remotely good look.
Jesus CHRIST this cognitive dissonance.

>caveman bridge
>long crooked nose
>tiny gay mouth
>bags under eyes
>point crooked ears virtually no earlobe
>shitty public sideburns
>shitty bears genetic
>a dimple in a narrow pointy jaw not even have a square chin

If I saw you irl I'd think you're some awkward looking shit head God forbid you walk around with your head up like you're confident of being dyel. You're basic af if not ugly. Stop posting Alex you're not good looking

Muscles in your face can't fix your fucked up caveman bridge shit ass beady eyed ugly bone structure Alex wake the fuck up.

please tell me there are more pics of alex

Is his nose crooked? It looks like marios but its not crooked. And is the brow ridge a problem? Its masculine rite? A good nosejob and lower bf% we got a decent face.