Ideal thread
Ideal thread
What about face ?
Gonna be honest I stole this from another user so ask them
Digging it, but not sure I like that third girl's face. She looks like a super slut.
>last samurai
>tom cruise
if they were going to go #anyonenotasian they should have at least gone the awesome route and cast sigourney weaver.
style is boring, rest is ok
style is boring but unique cowardly lion hair might make up for it. girl is really pretty.
>girl samurai
fuck off, libcuck
lol. wasn't xena gay?
lol, but not as lol as the one above you
i don't smoke. seth rogen picked for aesthetics only. i like that (teddy) bear mode.
>style is boring
Mate, there aren't a lot of styles that can go with a 240lb body. I'm not even into all this trendy shit, anyway.
Girl is Barbara Palvin if you care.
Why would you even lift for guys that are borderline dyel?
Fucking women, you should all be gassed.
Gtfo Rebecca you super slut, your pussy was loose af and your asshole literally winked at me during doggystyle.
No homo
my mommy on far right bottom right
>samurai xena
This was a thing?
The later seasons of Xena had her go all over the world.
You wanna get bleached do ya?
template? :)
who is the guy on the lower left? It looks like David Bowie.
it has been explained to you over and over again that most girls don't care very much about muscles. you choose to keep ignoring that.
Pretty basic 7.5/10
Love everything but the hair
why you gotta fucking take it there, you boring piece of shit
why gross?
I didn't know girls had foot fetishes. I mean I guess why couldn't they?
Lel, demented chick detected.
>female """"""""""""""""warriors """"""""""""""""
spotted the nu-male
It's harder for non-manlets to be bigger than ottermode/borderline dyel.
Hope you have better luck picking up women in the future.
you suck your daddy's cock with that mouth?
Clint Eastwood.
Take that gook out of there race traitor
Tell that to Chris Hemsworth or Joe Manganiello. Height is no excuse.
we should just get rid of the style square and substitute hobbies or something. it can just be assumed every guy is going to put white t-shirt and jeans.
or fat/bear cute guy
Who is the model in the top left? I've seen him before
Are the guys on the lower left school shooters?
You're the one bringing up garbage PC neo-history, you faggot cuck.
we can.
really good hair selection
i think you and should be together
that girl kind of looks like a lizard no offense
really lovvv the style
I know that tatoo. IT'S FAWKIN ZEEZ BRAH!
No, it's okay. I understand. Women couldn't possibly satisfy your insatiable masculine needs.
It's unfortunate that men feel the need to roid to become successful with women or in careers related to media.
To me it's the same issue as women getting breast or butt implants.
I'm a natty gal and I want a natty man.
Is this enough for you?
That was a complete non-sequitur. God, you're a faggot.
You're a nigger, though. So who cares what you want?
best so far
She wants a slight and weak white man to smother with her massive ape pussy from time to time when she wants to feel powerful.
thanks for taking the L on this one bud
>gross short hair
What are you even doing here?
Correcting the record, I'll bet.
go back to /pol I'm so sick of assholes like you leave her or him alone microdick
getting fit and thick and lmaoing at racist manlets crying
>confining stunning and brave PoCposter into a gender binary
You make me sick. Kill yourself, cisfag.
Reposting mine. Been meaning to update it but haven't got a chance to yet. I'm pretty much at my goals tho, except for the girl.
>greasy hair
>ill-fitting clothes and a grown man with a skateboard
>furry shit
End yourself, please.
Can somebody post some of her fridge body pictures ?
agreed. it's just fucking tiring now.
it started off as a joke, and now all these idiots take it seriously. it's fucking embarrassing. i'm so ashamed of myself for ever contributing to this braindead culture.
Wrong thread, buddy.
Of course.
Not a bad idea.
thanks, not that it means anything
back 2 africa
>Wrong thread, buddy.
Point me to the right threat then.
I haven't been reading the thread don't know if it's a girl or a guy just know you're a faggot
don't reply they're all ugly virgin assholes with self esteem issues, no matter how many dumbbells they shove up their roided up asshole they will always be fundamentally, to the absolute core, unlikable and perverse
stay strongx
>stay strongx
great taste OP, almost all the same but I keep my hair shorter
i really needs a big chunky cheesy girl. If she isnt big, chunky, and cheesy, I don't want her. Her sweaty fupa fold marinading in her oils just turns me rock hard man. Thigh gaps? Ew. Jawline? What are you, gay? I need my big chunky easycheesy thicc mozzarella mommy. Wide pelvis?? Gross. It's gotta be easy. It's gotta be cheesy. You're doing it wrong if you're not doing it thicc.
If the sour aroma of a nice juicy easy cheesy mozarella mommy's fupa doesn't turn you on, you are fucked in the head my friend. How could you look at those delicious gooey creamy thighs and not pop a boner? Those ooey gooey creamy chunky cheesy mozzarella mommy thighs. Damn. I'm salivating.
If you dont like thicc, you're fucking low test. If you dont fuck a nice ooey gooey easy cheesy chunky mozzarella mommy, you're fat short bald little beta cuck.
please stop. It's almost not funny anymore .
I was right with you until those girls, the only one worth fucking is the russian singer woman, you can do better than this OP
It was never supposed to be funny. Niggers are a cancer on the human race.
im a girl supporting another girl not a cuck you ugly obdurate frog poster
I think you misinterpreted revolt against the modern world, you don't actually save europe by calling niggers cancer on basket weaving boards
Thanks m8, now I'm nauseated and laughing my ass off.
not all frogposters are dickheads
have fun marrying and having kids with your cousin to preserve your pure delicious white blood
Joke's on you, slut. There are no niggers in my country, and we violently oppress the other minorities. You guys need to salvage your own countries, though.
I don't need to. It's okay to be racist around here.
Bit cluttered but whatever. Fight me.
>"b-but I'm different validate me"
Of course there aren't niggers in your country, eastern Europe master race right
The last samurai were the guys fighting alongside Tom Cruise, not Tom Cruise himself. They even refer to them as the "Last Samurai" at the end of the movie, yet everyone is a dense motherfucker and still thinks it was about Cruise.
>ywn rub dicks with the boy on the right
>ywn give him kisses while he softly moans and rubs his velvet skinned cock against yours
ftge lads
I mean, three hairstyles is not one, choose one
>pls not the shortest
>upper left would be hottest
> eastern Europe master race right
Damn right. The only non-nigger, non-muslim, non-libcuck part of Europe left.
let's get back to ideals, you nazi morons.
I will heem you the fuck out
These threads. Every time.
Can someone post the template plz
if they are the master race why did u lose every war?