Am I a bitch for crying at this movie, Veeky Forums?

Am I a bitch for crying at this movie, Veeky Forums?

dude i cry at UPS commercials, nothing wrong with letting some tears loose


You're a bitch for crying over anything except the loss of someone very close to you, or extreme pain.

i cried about balding today

Be strong brother. Mines starting to recede

Would fuck AnnaSophia Robb, too bad she's such a liberal slut.

>or extreme pain
It's okay, bro.

I actually teared up. Mostly for the nostalgia though. I used to work with students and I had to make them read this book as part of their curriculum, and I actually enjoyed it in a damn-I-miss-being-a-kid-and-feeling-like-the-possibilities-are-endless way.

Out of curiosity, I watched the movie for free on YouTube. Part of me got sad, mostly because those glory days of being a kid are gone, and well cause the movie itself is kind of sad.

>I'm just a depressed little faggot

I wish I could cry this easy. Dancer in the Dark is the only movie to have ever made me cry.

>tfw stoic

This. Bitch made men are everywhere, its pathetic

This movie was fucking garbage

No. In 5th grade we watched this movie and I cried in front of the whole class when the qt kissed the guy. I was a sort of joking class clown but surprised even myself with the amount of tears I produced

The OP book made me feel but I didn't cry. I also cried and feeled to the sisterhood of traveling pants books

pic related made me cry hard.


She's everywhere..
(BOTTOM left of OPs image)

does my doggo count as someone close to me

t. /b/

>tfw never cry over physical pain
>tfw emotionally fragile as fuck


I cried like a fag to this movie too. I watched it with my gf years ago, i was expecting something like narnia based on the cover. Classic stitch up.

>That scene in Hardball where G-Baby dies

I cried when I realised at 18 (current age) I may stay at 5'8"


I saw this at the cinema with my dad and sister and cried. Dad made fun of me.

It's a hard transition, but shaving it isn't all that bad. You get used to it.

No, I cry every time I remember I won't get to bang prime ASR.

Ok, now this right here is a faggot

why didn't you save her lads

Was sad, but didn't cry.

only book/movie that has made me cry was Where the Red Fern Grows. Fucking waterfall