Lifting for 3 years now. No matter whst I do for bi tri they just wont grow. They look exactly like pic related.
Please halp ;_;
Lifting for 3 years now. No matter whst I do for bi tri they just wont grow. They look exactly like pic related.
Please halp ;_;
Have you tried eating food
Its not food. Everything has blown the fuck up besides bi and tri. Have a massive back shoulder chest legs but bis flatter than kieara knightley's chest and tris like autobahn. Ive given up because it has to be genetics
pullups and dips
lots of em (if you even do it)
Superset pull ups with skullcrushers
Then after that
Superset dips with bicep curls.
3x10 your arms will grow.
I do them religiously
>They look exactly like pic related.
So totally in proportion to the rest of your body?
If you want huge bi and tris and you have tried hi volume and high weight compounds and isolations, you could try taking a bunch of PEDs
Sit down and do concentration curls if you want big arms. I used to listen to the memes about muh compounds but isolation exercises are a very good way to blow up a particular muscle group. Hit them 2 times a week for max gains, maybe even 3 depending on your routine
This do feeder workouts bro.
Chains. On as much as fesable.
What your max weighted pull-up, weighted dip, bench, OHP, squat, deadlift, and barbell rows?
tricep extensions with rope or bar 3x12
single arm concentration curls (I use an incline bench and stand if the gym is empty ish) 3x12
focus on the mind muscle connection, it'll happen
Follows fits advice of ss and gomad
Wonders why his arms are small
Learn to isolate bro
Hammer and reverse curls my friend
Also try formatting your workout differently, like changing the number of sets or reps in a set.
And as someone said the mind muscle connection is important. Try to 'flex' the weight.
Hi Kai Greene, how are things going in New York today?
All these faggots telling you to do pull ups, dips, more compounds, "throw in a set of curls", shit like that, they're all retards with tiny arms or fatceps at best. For growth of biceps and triceps, isolation is required. Isolation twice a week, and strict isolation (including variable curls for both heads of the bicep as well as the brachialis).
Think supersets, light weight, high volume, time under tension and working antagonizing muscle groups instead of resting.
A sample arm routine is:
Superset DB hammer curls and DB tricep kickbacks (with neutral grip), 5 sets of 8-12 reps with weight increasing by 5 pound increments for the first 3 then hitting the last set at the same weight as the first but holding the flexion at its tightest point for a moment.
Close grip bench and straight bar preacher curls, 6 supersets of 8, increasing weight gradually until the 7th set, then work to failure, strip some weight, repeat until you reduce it to about 55% of your max, then the final set should be whatever you can manage for 12 tight, long reps.
Superset cable tricep pushdowns (or pulldowns with Rope) cable bicep curls with the cambered handle (either standing or lying) 5 sets at a static weight going for 12, focusing on keeping even tension throughout the movement.
At the end I like to use the resistance bands to superset biceps 21s and overhead tricep extensions for sets of 15, usually around 3 sets, if I can manage more I didn't work my arms hard enough.
That's a sample of a decent arms workout, it looks like a bodybuilding workout because it is one, but it certainly helped me put 2.5 inches on my arms in a growth period and only shed about 7/8s of an inch when I cut.
christian religiously, or muslim religiously? big difference in effort and commitment
does the guy on the right even lift? :/
>supersets when you haven't hit a plateau
never gonna make it
Nice trips OP
I'm the same way, my arms get great pumps very easily, my arms will swell up and look massive and then a day later they'll be half the size. feelsbadman
IKR it's soooo unrealistic. Everyone knows Vikings spent 8 hours a day working out and were massive roiders
I'm sure a trained warrior would look better than that faggot
This guy tried to get on the show but they told him he was too big.
lol he's too big? I looked like that after 7 months of natty lifting.
t. everybody on Veeky Forums
lel. this i like
>not doing philosophically
>they told him he was too big
is that what he told you? ahahhaha
Yes, are you calling him a liar?
Kekeroo m8
this thread made me realize that insecurity is something people sometimes never overcome. the bodies you've used for the pic are normal, strong looking bodies which are pretty proportionate. whoever disagrees especially in an aggressive manner is obviously completely sucked in to the hurr aesthetics bro or some other inferiority mass monster complex. who the fuck do big arms matter to seriously. some thing else which is silly is that most people here don't have a concrete goal. "i just want to be strong" and then the same guy complains he isn't big enough. does everyone think they have some amazing genetics or something, which will magically grant you huge muscles you're "not even trying to have"? either i am retarded (quite possible) or people actually believe that by lifting natty for a fucking year or less they are gonna look like zyzz or some other lipstick wearing roided faggot. rant over
nice bait, frauds.
hammer bicep curls (use the tricep extension bar)
static holds are useful for triceps - on the last rep of each pushdown set hold the weight at just before lockout for 30 seconds
as far as i remember they were looking for people to play as ragnar sons.
After watching new episodes im not suprised they've chose wimpy fags instead of him. They are playing the role of Ragnars faggot sons and the strongest one is a cripple.
I though he was just looking for a role as an extra.
I have a weird issue where my triceps look nice, but biceps are lacking a bit. I'm half latino, so I assume it's genetics?
I don't think you need big biceps to decapitate rival cartel members
im not a roider you stupid cunt
could it be because he cant act?
liar, retarded, or too naive
>could it be because he cant act?
>liar, retarded, or too naive
Well if you're just an extra you don't really need to speak or anything, and seeing as he isn't a trained actor i doubt he was looking for one of the more important roles.
It's so sad how fucking bad the show has become.
They should have just ended it, it's obvious that they don't care about it at all.
No idea why they made Ragnar go from someone that is rather smart and also likeable to a total mentally retarded idiot that can't even hang himself properly.
Just unauthentic and stupid.
No, he said he's fired.
>used to think the Show couldn't go on without Ragnar
>now it would probably be better without him
Former/recovering curlbro here.
Preacher curls 3x8
Hammer curls 3x10
Pullups xf
the thing that rattles my cage the most is the number of fighting women, fucking gender equality quota in battles, i can't look at this shit
I could have dealt with 1 or 2 but when they have just as many male as female fighters it just gets stupid.
Compounds for arms is a meme.
2 out of 3 days I do arm iso - dips and barbell curls one day, skull crushers and hammer db curls the other. 3x12 with a nice negative. If i can be bothered i finish with a 20kg barbell curl & overhead extension megasuperset thing
Vikings is an entertaining show
I love The Flash dearly, it's fun and entertaining as heck, but it is definitely not a good show. The writing is just downright awful and it's so cheesy, but I enjoy it nonetheless
Who are you calling a cunt you fucking cretin?
have you tried lifting more in ways that work the muscles you want to grow?
Dips, overhead Tricep extensions, hammer curls.
Also be a manlet.
My tris grow but my bi refuse to grow. Trying to change it up and go heavy on bis to see what happens. 5x5 on hammer curls.
And not to forget: explosiveness!
Could have gotten a role as a berserker.
its ok, ive come to accept that i kinda like the really large shoulders chest and back look with like mediocre arms, idk it accentuates everything else imo, also im vascular so i get away with it
I'm only on the second season of Vikings and I'm honestly not sure if its actually good. But as you said, it doesn't necessarily have to be good to be enjoyable.
add more volume
increase frequency
pick one. then after a month or two, do the other
to the user i replied to
are you slow?
shutup homo
Why would jews hire an anti globalist nationalist?
do three sets of DB curls and skull crusher at the beginning of every workout and eat more. stop being retarded
Second, what are your lifts?
If you're throwing up 3pl8 on bench, or hitting 2pl8 on weighted dips and pull-ups, you'll need to have some size on your arms.
increase frequency and/or volume