Why are normdrones so bad at squatting? Guys I know can bench 2pl8 and can't even squat the same. I'm pretty strong at squat (110kgx5) and it escapes me how these cretins don't think it's important.
Why are normdrones so bad at squatting? Guys I know can bench 2pl8 and can't even squat the same...
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dafuq is that? Low bar squat with high bar position?
Mostly because they are pussys. Heavy squatting is incredibly exhausting and most guys don't want to actually work at the gym. Also it's rather easy to do it wrong and hurt yourself.
Some people are just not made for squatting. I can deadlift 4 pl8s, but struggle to squat 2 pl8s with good form.
>hahah everyone else is a normie but not me here on /fit xD xD
Fuck off
Remember to save and retort these threads folks.
Freebar squats are not for everyone. Many people just don't have the flexibility or the prerequisite strength to do them with even 1pl8. Seriously, I see guys at the gym all the time trying to do them, their heels come off the floor on every rep, they're struggling all the way down and all the way back up, knees shaking and veins standing out on their necks because they're straining all the weak core (abdominals and back) muscles that just can't handle supporting the motion. Sometimes I'll ask them to just go all the way down into an ATG position with no bar, and they just can't do it without toppling over. I tell them to go work on their flexibility and core for a month, then come back and try squats again before they wreck themselves. Most of them never come back.
Yeah - some people. That's not the reason why barely anyone ever squats more than 1pl8.
Have you tried wider stances and are you even mobile enough to do a proper squat?
>why does CHAD never squat yet he looks 3 times better than me!
How is gomad going faggot?
>that one fat neckbeard in every thread that has to remind you what his fictional comic superhero named Chad does
Yes. I work on mobility and I also do wide stance squats. It helps, but I still suck at them. It's a common lanklet problem.
Because your body needs to be tight and in strong form to bear the weight evenly on your body, no one teaches people this shit and the ones who do squat are usually taught. When i started out i had no idea what i was doing and didnt brace my core when squatting, it didnt end well and some people might get scared after something like that.