Post em
Some ab progress
5' 3" 113lbs
Post em
Some ab progress
5' 3" 113lbs
Post pussi plz LOOONDOOOON
5'5 118 lbs
In the event this isn't b8, you pretty much have the ideal female body imho, mirin'
179 cm, 76kg
White knight pussyboi
interior crocodile alligator
>tfw thinkgen of you hurtin
My back as of 3 months in
Looks like shit, no wonder but give it some time
Gained 4 kgs last 1.5 month
I love my noob gains.
Anyone can say if i have good waist shoulder proportions?
Mind you i have quite a bit of fatty lovehandles, should get better once i drop from my 17% bodyfat
Id like to bust mine lode inside you're virgina if u know what im saying
hahah thank you! you have pretty much the ideal body too, how you balanced your leg size with the upper body. nice necklace too
18+ website
get a life
why did these photos need to be so revealing? gb2 instagram---->
You should cut bro
>lovehandles get better
Not if you don't cut bro
>Good proportions
It's really to early for you to worry about that shit
Stop eating garbage, start eating clean, and CUT! I believe in u bro
>already fat af
>gained 4kg
you should probably get rid of that fat flubber before gaining anymore weight. lift less, diet, and do a shot ton of cardio. you look like a marshmallow
Post feet.
>complaining about them being revealing when guys literally post naked pics cupping their balls
lmao stfu fag
Keep training man, too much blubber to tell about ratios yet, but it looks like your frame is good
not bad man
Nice skin
mirin. work on ab definition
Pls be in LA
I Eat clean tho.
But on fair calorie surplus
Easily 700g of chicken breast and 250g of rice a day or equivalents, oatmeal with protons, white cheese is staple of my diet and i cut all garbage from my diet.
I was 84kg with 187cm and people called me skelly but i still have a lot of fat on torso. Im making measurements erry week my waist is standing still and im actually losing fat as stupid as it sounds. Noob gains etc. Ill start cutting the moment i see getting fat hard
Fat on your arms hides your gains. Should probably do more cardio or cut
When you lose your virginity you'll be less impressed with revealing photos of women on the screen
It's clear from her body she doesn't lift. She is unbelievably dyel.
She runs on treadmills then posts her body for thirsty virgins (you)
IMO, that type of body is much more attractive than a girl that actually lifts. That said, this is a bodybuilding thread. She is DYEL as fuck and virgins will orbit anyways.
>lift less
Are you baiting? Why would he lift less?
He needs to
>eat less
>do more cardio
>lift MORE
when you are that dyel you can put on muscle during the cut so why should he lift less lmfao.
0/10 advice
Eating clean doesn't mean shit. Stop eating so much and cut. DO CARDIO
lift less doesn't mean don't lift at all.
listen to us don't listen to us but you need to cut
*shrug* it's your body.
If you get any fatter loose skin and stretch marks will be a problem.
Your diet sounds good, just eat at deficit, since you're at a deficiet, same protien, less carbs
Once you get lean add the extra carbs back in
>losing fat
I'm a strength trainer, I want a little chub. not all of us are pussi boi aesthetic nobs
This thread is for fitness. Anyone can post anything related to fitness. Cardio is fitness. Who tf cares stop gat
Why would he lift less though at all?
Lifting on a cut is good, burns extra calories, stops you from losing lean mass.
Unless he is lifting 4 hours a day/every day, he isn't overtraining. So why tell him to lift less?
I don't understand the logic/what he will achieve by lifting less. Can you explain it for me?
I'm not calling you out or something, I just legit don't understand what your thought process is
I am saying that he should shed the fat before he starts trying to gain muscle. Other wise he while be in an awkward phase of muscle covered with flubber.
tits or literally gtfo
Ok now I'm going call you out.
It's always better to have more muscle. Plus, with more muscle, he will look better after the cut. He might actually look like a man, instead of a fucking beanpole.
> Other wise he while be in an awkward phase of muscle covered with flubber.
Dude, that's a whole lot better than your body being comprised of straight up skeleton+ fat
starting today I'll start reaching for bear mode for dem dere strength
Need to grow some facial hair and bodyhair for bearmode man.
6'1 183
>current body thread
>devolves into useless broscience shitposting
not even sure what i expected
Damn dude, you look amazing for being 13.
Keep it up you could be an IFBB pro someday or somehting
6'1 160 skelly reporting in
5'8 70kgs but non-lifter. Just some bodyweight exercises.
How shit is this?
you're not white and you don't lift
But I'm not trying to be white.
Btw,not enough money for gym.
Where i live a gym costs 50 eur a month
>17% bf
Nigger please. You're WELL into the 20's. Only fooling yourself.
Fat as fuck and still gaining weight? Seems you need to re-evaluate your situation.
>But I'm not trying to be white.
you should be, you might be able to afford a gym membership if you acted white.
Do more chest, looks like you only do brocurls.
what country? and get rid of that body hair. all of it. you have not enough area covered with hair to pull off bear-mode.
160 6'1
What do I have to do?
man hast du einen geilen bauch
Fuck mang,it's winter and >no gf.
There will be no shirt removals anytime soon. Why bother?
lol do you even fucking lift? there is no way in hell you are 70kg, you're 63 at the very most.
T E L - A V I V
>nobody noticing the dick
let me touch yer butt
unless you're working out and losing weight you can't post here brandon. we've told you this before.
the fact that she post the underside of her boob tells you two things. shes a slut and shes fishing for more than compliments on her shitty stomach
age, height, weight, how long have you been lifting?
make it a habit and you'll find one.
Upper chest looks so weak on the thumbnail I thought you had saggy fake tits hangin
I drive a Chevrolet movie theatre
Trying to cut rn, hoping to lose 5kg by January 10th-ish. Ideally wanna just drop to about 70kg. I'm at 80
go back to /b/
Alex,get the fuck out of here with your DYEL hairy body,you fucking imbecile fuck.
pls really be this person and also be in connecticut
I would say hes into high 30%
OP what's your routine? Do you actually lift? You have almost the same proportions as my gf and she is just about to start lifting.
pls lift
Tried rotating
18 y/o
lifting for about 2 and a half year now
Any better here? It tends to look weird when i flex
I have that duvet cover.
....and your pic has given my dick gains
Amazing progress
6'3" 220
>first time plz be gentle
how do you know me so well stalking?
Trap aesthetics is weak son
Similar frame to me. Quads looking good. Chest could do with work but might be the stance
Legs look good, may want to add more volume to upper body. Back needs serious work, chest is lagging as well.
Ex 320 lb fatty fag. Currently 195 lbs and going into the military. How do I look?
>No loose skin or stretchmarks
I think you're full of shit or 6'6.
6'3" senpai. This was me earlier this year when i was 320 lbs took this pic on march 10 (I know i fucked up on the date stamp kek)
Thanks senpai I'll add more chest and back volume.
I used to weigh 270lbs and play football and dropped down, that's why my legs are bigger
I lost 10kgs
Went from 94 to 84 within a year or so by running and eating slightly better
Bee leeve it or not, i am not that fat as it looks from my back pic
Unfortunately i dont have pic of my lower body on this phone
I do have bitch tits. My body is disfigured because i have been skinnyfat (more fat tho) kid all my life. Only in 2015 i started caring
Idk, ill observe results.
My strength gains are satisfactory, and not really interested into going single digits bodyfat. More like 15 %bearmode
Current stats 5rm
Ohp 47kg
Bench 65kg
Squat 100kg
Diddly 130x5 140x1 sumo
Anyways, thanks for advice. But im pretty much decided on bulking hard now amd cutting later
Muscle mass will help me cut. I still do hiit after trainings.
You are all now in my fap folder. :)
How old are you?
Just hard to believe.
Manlet fuccboi
How? Metal bones?
I'm 6'3", 50lbs lighter than you and look the same size.
you can see stretch marks if you look closely. they are red and right under and all around bellybutton
that or i need glasses
Cool necklace Moana
I'm 5'5 132lb
Each time i see people who are the same height as me and Skinner i begin to really hate myself. Thanks trap user
Not even gonna lie. Kinda flattered.
that's hot as fuck. turn around and take another picture
>tfw in no one's fap folder
Hungry all the time because of cut, feels bad but gonna be worth it in the end
>Cutting during winter
what are you doing retard
We're all gonna make it user.