Why don't Americans cook their meat properly?

Why don't Americans cook their meat properly?

whats wrong with food poisoning?

steak is fine to have rare, but hamburgers? why do some americans eat rare hamburgers? i get diarrhea thinking about it. "give it to me on the pinky-blue side" they say.

Medium rare tastes the best imho.

>give it to me on the pinky-blue side
we don't use faggot language and would say mid-rare but thx for the giggl m8.

Protip: cook your steaks in red wine - keeps them juicy and buffers some of the heat so you can get a delicious red wine flavoured steak that is tender all through

another protip - slather your steak in butter and sear it in a cast iron pan

you have to remember that the average american uses a microwave more often than an actual oven

Very subtle rusing OP no one will be able to resist this

You forgot to add ketchup to the well done one as well.

Solid cuts of beef like steak don't need cooked all the way through because the inside isn't exposed to the bacteria and what not. This is why thigns like beef tar-tar are possible, the exposed part of the meat is removed, then only the inside is used.

If you don't ike rare steak, that's fine, but do yourself a favor and don't waste your money on expensive cuts that way. Just get some ground or a roast and be done iwth it.

I'm aroused now

medium rare is the best for any beef, hamburger or steak

>>Veeky Forums

Yes, FaŠ¼

Das it, mayne

You know how I know you're a nigger?


any other answer is wrong

Get Skirt steak and season it with mojo overnight. Bitches love that shit

Food poisoning is only a concern with pink ground beef because every part of the meat is exposed to the air. Steak is fine because it's a singular piece of meat that only has the outer surface of it exposed.

Because the only way his steak could taste good is if it was loaded with an excessive amount of herbs and spices?

>he's never had eye filet

FULL plebian

So basically you're a faggot who actually thinks he's likely to get food poisoning from eating a medium rare steak, something that's not happened to me or any other person I know of. Ever wonder why Americans think the rest of the planet is full of pansies?

That sounds incredibly unsourced.

This is the only correct answer.

>steak tartare is American

>possible food poisoning
Contamination is on the surface of the meat, so really as long as the outer surface is cooked, its safe.

>food poisoning
Hmmmmm, it's almost like being vegan is healthier...

Absolutely haramm

...if you can't cook things. Which means you're lower than cavemen.

>Ever wonder why Americans think the rest of the planet is full of pansies

In some instances. Many Americans think you are trying to be james bond if you drink straight vodka

Pretty sure you can't get food poisoning from beef.

You're retarded. There are no food born illnesses from beef. Ground beef contains e.coli if intestines of the cow are nicked while slaughtered. If you grind your own meat you can eat your burgers bloody.
TFW I'm a head butcher
Yfw my guys eat raw slices off the loin every day when they cut.

Why are you able to eat vegetables raw without getting sick but not meat? Every other omnivore on the planet does it. Hint: because humans aren't meant to eat meat.

It's called evolution.
Our ancestors were able to eat raw meat without getting sick you pompous nu male.
Hint: you should go back to school.

And you can still eat most* mamals without getting sick.

But then your beta cuck ancestors started cooking meat and fucked my alpha male ancestors stomachs up over 10,000 years. Fuck I hate hipsters.

>medium rare is the best for any beef, hamburger or steak

Medium rare burger is fine at home if you trust the source of the meat. Medium rare hamburger in a restaurant is asking for diarrhea.

I cook my steak rare/blue rare
I cook my lean pork medium rare
I coom chicken until it is almost completely done (Just barely off white in the center).

I haven't been sick in 7 years since I started doing this and the flavor is way better and the meat is way juicier.

Do you really think people thousands of years ago cooked meat until is was dry and nasty? No they cooked it until it tasted good.