To people who have made it;
I want to get fit for the sole purpose of having more success with women.
Is this feasible? Should I turn back now? Will lifting help me with regards dating or hooking up?
To people who have made it;
I want to get fit for the sole purpose of having more success with women.
Is this feasible? Should I turn back now? Will lifting help me with regards dating or hooking up?
Other urls found in this thread:
Turn back now. You'll never make it with such flimsy motivation.
Will it help you? Yes. Will it kill your entire foundation of motivation to lift after as little as fapping? yeah probably
Certainly, I was a 22 kv until I got fit. It won't solve all your problems, as social skills are more important, but if you have no confidence or skills like myself, then it's a good step in the right direction.
>are you fat?
If yes then get NOT FAT.
>are you ugly or funny looking?
If yes then NOTHING will help you.
>do you have a shit personality?
If yes then FIX IT or nothing will help you.
>are you unintelligent and/or unfunny?
If yes then NOTHING will help you unless you can magically fix those major flaws
NO, it won't, it'll just make your muscles bigger.
Getting the clue yet?
Thats is where im at, with zero confidence. Not totally fucked in the face department. Currently skinnyfat and ashamed of my body. Was thinking that some success stories would help
Flimsy motivation bahaha. The urge to mate is one of the strongest and most primal needs all animals have. I got ripped to get laid and it fucking worked
Yes it will help and you will achieve it. Once you get a nice body, girls will start paying attention to you and you will gain more confidence from that.
You'll never make it if your sole purpose is women. You're also misguided if you think gains are all you need to fuck women regularly (unless you're chad, but if you were chad you wouldn't have needed this thread). Your game and social skills matter more than the gains, the gains only really help with the start up interaction if that.
If you don't got a gut man, to women, you got abs. The only people that give a shit about low bf are other dudes who want superior aesthetics than you. Go to the gym, lift heavy as fuck, and just be healthy. You wanna be bear mode? Then do it. You wanna be lean as fuark? Then do it. You wanna be a twink fuccboi?... Uh sure just do it. But don't go looking for gains and think "this is for her" cuz thats piss poor motivation.
>think getting swole will get you girls
>get swole
>maybe get a gf
>gf wants more and more of your time
>lose interest in lifting
>lose gains
>discover gf only interested in you with gains
>gf leaves
>back to square one
How many times do you go through that loop before you discover you're being dumb, lifting for girls???
Lifting will help, but don't ignore your social and personality gains. Those will help far more.
Most women just have baseline standards - they want someone who is taller than them, not fat, and acceptable looking. Beyond that, most don't care about your physical assets. If you're already in decent shape, you'll be lifting to gain access to like 2% of women who have higher standards or just to improve your chances with women you already have a chance with.
Most women just care about confidence, personality, and "chemistry".
It's all mental. Just don't give a shit. Don't stress rejection. You're the coolest dude in the room. Fuck everyone else. Control your alcohol. It's a tool not a crutch. Get a haircut, workout and maintain good hygiene. Stop being a faggot and cluttering my board with your whiny, faggot bullshit.
>he doesn't have a gf, he just bangs skeezy club sluts
/fraud/, please leave, you're shitting up the thread with your drug-addicted delusions of grandeur.
If you dont have success now you are ugly
>cluttering this board
I'm quite happy banging tinder sloots and have three very nice fwb out of it. I never needed to get /fit to get a girlfriend but I sure as shit did to get laid a lot.
Quality projecting there kid. Plus I never could pull in dark night clubs, im just not tall enough and that counts. Tinder and snap chat is what's working for me
ive never approached a girl in my life for the means of dating, i have 0 self-confidence
>Is this feasible? Should I turn back now? Will lifting help me with regards dating or hooking up?
Lifting doesn't do anything for lacking social or interpersonal skills
Lifting will only ever increase the chances of conception after you've already put in the work to find someone interested in you
>Lifting doesn't do anything for lacking social or interpersonal skills
Doesn't do anything for that either unless you're talking about confidence from working towards a fitness goal, but that'd be the same measure as any other control
now this is proper high test not that fat bullshit that people usually post
I have been approached several times and both my ex gfs came to me a a result of my lifting and overall good looks
Still, i dont consider that ive made it in any way and in fact i struggle sexually more than most i assume despite having a girl constantly texting me wanting to hang out(i.e fuck)
You can get apporached but its not a sure fire way to get laid
I think it's written somewhere that it's not rape if she cums 4 times.
You'd better get some fucking social skills
being fit may open some doors for you that would otherwise be left closed but to walk through those doors requires more than an LMAO2PL8 bench.
I'm not expecting it to become a case of women throwing themselves at me as soon i walk in the door.
Let's put it like this. IN GENERAL;
Does it increase the average mans chances with women?
Does the average man become more attractive through lifting?
Is society kinder to fit people?
Are women more likely to look fonder on a fit person or a skinny person?
are you fucking retarded?
Ill give you my experience from it then
>Does it increase the average mans chances with women?
It should, all things equal better body > worse body and some girls ive talked to have said theyd rather have an average face dude with an awesome body than other way around but id take it with a bag of salt
>Does the average man become more attractive through lifting?
Being fit is attractive, attractive is good
>Is society kinder to fit people?
Id say yes, people are friendlier if you are well dressed for instance and i think being fit ties into this aswell
>Are women more likely to look fonder on a fit person or a skinny person?
Depends on the girl, they are fucking retarded so dont hope for any reliable answers from em directly.
Ive heard girls say they love a guy because he is buff/juicy but ive never heard any girl say something positive about a dude because he is skinny
Its more that he is attractive despite being skinny
Yes to all.
remember posture is important as fuck if you want to make a good impression
thank you. i was just trying to spell it out
You're not gonna make it.
Those who made it are no longer here. They've moved on to living the life they strived for.
Veeky Forums is all about the struggle, therefore everybody here is probably in the same boat as you too
What women look for in a long term partner:
Money > Personality > Face > Body
In that order.
What women look for in a one off fuck.
Body = Face
>Will lifting get you girls?
>Can you get girls without lifting?
You wanna know the problem with just getting fit for the puss is?
Puss never stays the same and neither do you... Workout for you and your longevity and get your shit in order. Puss comes and goes. Learn self respect first you dingle berry...
Workout for mental health and watch your diet, WORK on being social and your personality. The body is just a small bonus.
Depending on what else is wrong with you, it may or may not HELP, but getting fit certainly won't HURT.
>struggle sexually
Go on..
Money and status-this should be your focus. So long as you don't become a blimp, that is all you need.
Hi dom
Lifting helps with self confidence and makes you slightly more bearable to look at. Potentially even pleasing to look at.
If that shit doesnt help then everything is a meme and not being a chad since born means you can put a bullet through your skull for starters
no become charming and have social status
I got these after I stopped caring about pussy. But then when pussy tried to hit me, I was completely oblivious and passed it up multiple times.
fully agree
id switch personality > face though
even if you are autistically retarded women will say youre cute, whereas if you are an uggo you will forever be that creep guy"
True enlightenment is realizing that once you have the gains and success with women, you're motivation to lift must be fueled by sheer gains alone.
Then lift for self confidence. The important thing is to live your life for yourself, others always come second. Make yourself the best you can, let others judge later.
without any social skills, you will have no success with women regardless of how you look. looking good will help you get more attractive women compared to not looking good assuming level of social skills are the same.
stop jerking off, your balls create liquid confidence and you're wasting it, whole new world out there for you bud
I've been lifting for 5 months and last week I went to a college bar. Two girls came up to me and asked me to take their pics and then they took mine without asking. Then we did chitchat but I started talking to my bro again and didn't bother to ask for their numbers. Next time I will do this because I want to get laid.
Social skills are more important to attract women than a perfect body. Sure, a perfect body might spark the initial interest, but if you don't have the charisma to back it up you're essentially setting yourself up to fail.
I have a good buddy of mine is I think isn't very attractive and has an annoying lisp, and this guy has legit banged over 50+ women to the point where I can't even be a little jealous anymore. What do women love about him? His confidence (most important) sense of humor (also very important) and just charismatic personality.
He's not tall either, at 5'10. Every time I see a manlet thread, FRAME AND FACE thread, etc. I laugh because Veeky Forums is so autistic, they don't realize the most important attribute is confidence.
those are some great quads
one cant just aquire that, that personality its build from the ground as a kid,
thats it for us older than 23
user women should not be the goal.
Your own self improvement should be the goal.
You can get women while being a fat fuck, if you are completely satisfied with who you are and are willing to express yourself.
If you want confidence you just need to start approaching girls. There is no way around it.
Lifting won't give you confidence, it will just make you less confident because you think you need to be fit to get girls which you don't.
You cant even see her quads baka
Nope, but it is just as hard to remake your personality as it is to remake your body
He never said it was her quads
Obviously shooped.
Can u tell from the pixels ?
I don't think most people can accomplish it for opsome reasoning. You'd be at a good risk of really nailing a 5-6 day routine for half a year until you get hit with a hard crises of identity.
Don't listen to these haters op.
In the end yes it will help. It builds your confidence, body and mind. But it does not happen overnight. Maybe in 6 to 8 months you'll catch a girl miren you.
> huge confidence boost
Finally you will break out and talk to those girls and they will be fitshocked by staring at you that they don't hear a word you're saying and next thing you know they're riding your dick
The single most important change to have success with women:
Is the same to be successful in life. Be genuine and real with your ideals and goals. Try to become a better person. Help others, dont be selfish. Become a better person and trust in yourself since everything you do is for the better of yourself and others.
When I went down this road getting girls, or friends, or having a good time in life became easy. Dont focus on one stupid and selfish aspect like "how do I get girls", focus on how you can change the World for the better and then eventually you will grow better and will attract better people (including girls). It will be a hard road.
i really needs a big chunky cheesy girl. If she isnt big, chunky, and cheesy, I don't want her. Her sweaty fupa fold marinading in her oils just turns me rock hard man. Thigh gaps? Ew. Jawline? What are you, gay? I need my big chunky easycheesy thicc mozzarella mommy. Wide pelvis?? Gross. It's gotta be easy. It's gotta be cheesy. You're doing it wrong if you're not doing it thicc.
If the sour aroma of a nice juicy easy cheesy mozarella mommy's fupa doesn't turn you on, you are fucked in the head my friend. How could you look at those delicious gooey creamy thighs and not pop a boner? Those ooey gooey creamy chunky cheesy mozzarella mommy thighs. Damn. I'm salivating.
If you dont like thicc, you're fucking low test. If you dont fuck a nice ooey gooey easy cheesy chunky mozzarella mommy, you're fat short bald little beta cuck.
If that's the only reason then you won't stick with it. Women are fickle creatures and plenty of out of shape men are successful with women. You should get for to be a better version of yourself, success with women will come when you are confident , secure, and a healthy body helps.
If you do something for the sole reason of impressing women you will get frustrated and quit I guarantee it
I've been lifting for 2 years, all it did was made me alone with abs.
Man seriously, when I didn't lift I got laid more than now that I do
Had a girlfriend life was great
she then broke up with me, obviously cause my quads were too small
so I became a powerlifter with shitty lifts but look mehish, still better than before though and normies think you're basically Arnie if your squat is more than a 100kg
however for some reason my game is worse than it was back when I didn't lift.
I don't even know where I'm going wrong
It's like playing chess, I can get them in the point where a check mate is sooo possible and easy, that anyone could do it, but somehow I fuck up for fucked up reasons and it ends in a draw.
The other day I declined having sex with this hot american girl
I don't know.
Do I regret it?
Yes. So, very much.
That's heavy bro. Do you have any friends? male/female?
Very insightful post.
Humble sage detected.
It's feasible if you're doing it to get laid. It's not feasible if you're doing it to find love.