How're you enjoying your no gains?
/LHG/ Lanklet Hate General
this is stupid, 5'6" here, lanklets arn't our enemies, they are coping with the fact that sometimes they arn't given everything in their life so they take out their pain on manlets so they can feel like they are special.
manlets have no idea what this pain is like, we only know how to move upward.
for a terrible analogy, Sasuke is the lanket, and Naruto is the manlet.
Dubs and this thread will officially be a manlet hate thread.
t. angry mini man
Fuck off to please.
thanks for the analogy because we are all anime weeaboos here who pay attention to that crap
What are the lanklet parameters?
rolling for world peace
I'm 6'2". Am I considered lanklet status yet?
I think lanklet starts at 6'3-4"
lmao manlet keep dreaming
Evidence for the lanklets
Sorry you seem to have put manlet instead of godlike insertions and proportions status
>"classic" physique
more like chubster mode
I forgot to cap the part where this is under or =10% bf
Ete e el baile de pite la anguila
Is this a new ebic meme?
rolling for them to learn
Rolling. My college shower used to have regjlar chairs to put your shower gear. They slowly started taking one away.
Now i have to place my stuff on top of the wall dividers between showers.
>Mfw showers are only for 6'+ now
>Mfw im the only guy using them now
>Dwarf university master race
>tfw johnny bravo was a manlet and tried to compensate with his shit-tier hair
I'm fine with my weight for the amount of food I consume, I hate to forcefully eat (had to to escape auschwitz)
Lmao, If i had 170lbs I'd be a fucking lard ball
>tfw 6'3 174 lbs
>used to be around 230
does classic mean fat in burgerland? wf
I'm 5'10 and 172lbs at 9/10% bf. And all I do is calisthenics.
it feels good to be
tfw 6'4" 200lbs
means I can gain ~45+ pounds of muscle to still be considered natty
Fair enough. I think adding 5 lbs/inch in height for under 6'0" and 10 lbs/inch in height for over 6'0" is crude. But, thinking of guys at these heights (for example, Zane was 185 at 5'9") I don't think these figures are too far off.
That said, whether this is achievable natty is another issue.
>where do you think we are?