Why does Veeky Forums tell me not to overtrain by working out 5-6 days a week, but then says if a body part is lagging but it multiple times a week?
Wouldn't more work on all muscles in general be more productive?
Why does Veeky Forums tell me not to overtrain by working out 5-6 days a week, but then says if a body part is lagging but it multiple times a week?
Wouldn't more work on all muscles in general be more productive?
Hit it*
Ideal natty routine: Full body 3.5 days a week
(Muscles need 48 hours to heal)
Ideal roid routine: Full body everyday
If you lift 5-6 times a week with no roids, you have to do a split, which is shit.
There is a (mistaken) opinion here by many that splits are good for roiders, but they aren't
Overtraining is a meme
You have to do A LOT to actually "overtrain"...usually its only body builders who have to worry about this.
Just lift, eat, and get a good nights rest.
working out 5-6 days a week is fine, just make sure you're eating and drinking enough while not doing the same muscle groups every day
I've been doing PPLxPPL for the last year or so now, should I start switching it up and maybe try full body? I'm addicted to the gym and need to go at least 5-6 times a week.
>Ideal DYEL routine
Just do what feels good.
99% of Veeky Forums won't ever manage to overtrain. The only time I've ever done it was when I was doing weightlifting training 6x/week, using above 80% on squats and pulls while either snatching or cleaning every day.
Ideally if you're doing BB you want to hit a body part at least twice a week, with three being a relative upper limit. But nearly everyone can adapt to a very high level of frequency, and it's sustainable so long as you vary your volume and intensity.
Approach programming like this: you can keep two of intensity, frequency, and volume high, and your capacity for all three will increase. You can do very short cycles where all 3 are high (usually no longer than a week) which I think is called supercompensation (can't remember). You then take a very light week after each cycle to reset.
If you have a lagging body part, you can hit it 3-4 times a week and only take a break when you start to lose strength or get a repetitive use injury (like elbow pain after hitting triceps too much).
I would stick with ppl unless you're not happy with results.
If you want to try a full body, I've been toying with the idea of going from ppl to Full body every other day, accessories every non-full body day. so
A: squat, deadlift, bench 5x5
B: pull ups, cable rows, bicep curls like crazy, abs like crazy
C: squat, deadlift, ohp 5x5
D: dumbbell bench, cable crossover, tricep push down, tricep extensions like crazy, abs like crazy
and do ABCDxABCDx
rate this shit
Solid advice m8, thanks
So 6 weeks as a natty is fine with adequate nutrition and sleep?
If youre okay spending 2hours+ in the gym go for it.
6 weeks of what?
Days a week*
ye and if it gets too much, lower one of volume or intensity. You'll need deloads
This. So much. I'm tired of hearing these dudes on Veeky Forums sound like literal women
>don't work out more than 3x a week
>don't eat carbs.
>never drink
>never eat fat
>how can I lift but not get too big
Srsly wtf. My gf was a d1 athlete and she trained harder than you pussyboys. 2-a-days lift and practice 5x a week in offseason. Every day except game days in season. The whole team. All of them. They ate mounds of pasta and all looked fit as fuark. Smdh at yall sometimes.
My routine usually looks something like this PPL on repeat.
BB Bench 2x8, 3x5
Inc BB Bench 5x8
DB shoulder Press 5x5
DB Bench 5x5
Triceps work 6x8
20 min. of treadmill on incline
Deadlift 1x5, 1x3, 1x1, 1x5
Bent-Over BB Rows 5x5
DB Shrugs 3x8
DB Side Bends 3x8
Biceps work 6x8
20 min. of treadmill on incline
BB Squats 3x8, 2x5,
More BB Squats 3x8
Leg Press Machine 5x8
20 min. of treadmill on incline
Pulling shit out of your ass: The post.
Yes, I've been doing 6-7 times a week for two years and I'm A-ok 99% of the time.
>I'm addicted to the gym and need to go at least 5-6 times a week.
Ask me how I know you have been lifting for less than 6 months
>full body
> wahhhh my lifts haven't been improving lately now I hate the gym pls respond
Ask me how I know you hate yourself
its like 15 sets a day dude
45 mins MAX
wackoff more times a day to get bigger muscles