/plg/ - powerlifting general

Welcome to /PLG/ Powerlifting General.

Primarily for the purpose of becoming a better athlete on the platform, but all forms of strength training accepted!
>youtu.be/iNWrFmCCfXw edition
Post progress, PR's, meet videos, schmexy lifts, or anything strength training related!

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Just said hi to wilks :)

And did some shit tier squats without knee sleeves

How was Ed Coan so good ? He has the body of a cereal box, no real thigh/glute thickness, and certainly no long legs ...

>I'm confused

>How was Ed Coan so good ?
Loads and loads of drugs

does ipf allow plain socks for diddlyft?
or do have to buy those Official IPF approved(TM) Deadlift socks?

Knowing the IPF, it's the latter

>does ipf allow plain socks for diddlyft?
Yes as long as they

*cover the majority of the shin

Another keep yourself safe tier post from the lithman

alright gonna buy some cheap ass chinese soccer socks

I just realised what keep yourself safe means and now im sad