Who else here /fuckarounditis/ ?
Been lifting 4.5 years, still a DYEL at 5'7 - 85kg.
Should I just cut down to 65kg and give up on lifting completely? Feels like it's time I learned.
Who else here /fuckarounditis/ ?
Been lifting 4.5 years, still a DYEL at 5'7 - 85kg.
Should I just cut down to 65kg and give up on lifting completely? Feels like it's time I learned.
Nice bedsheets fag.
Manlet lifting for 4.5 years looking like that? Gotta do more than just squats my man.
Oh, I think I made the mistake of training 7 days a week as well.
My routine for 4.5 years has been the following.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday = Lower body + Abs
Tuesday/Saturday = Upper body Pull
Thursday/Sunday = Upper body Push
So 3x frequency lower, 2x frequency upper.
You should cut until your abs are clearly visible, then bulk until they are barely visible. Then repeat.
We didn't need to see your pubes bro.
Do you have a before pic? I wouldn't stop lifting as you'll probably go from looking above average to mr poppin fresh. What's your diet like?
what kind of progression are you using on your main lifts?
What happened? Did you take a 4 year break within the 4.5 years of lifting? da fuk
I've never had visible abs in my life....
Yeah not on this computer I'll try to find one for you gimme 10-15min to find one.
The normal 5 rep + add weight when can do 5 sets, since never been strong enough to move onto another more advanced type of progression so I've stuck with the basic 5x5 on first main lift of the day.
No meme, I've lifted without a break since I started. Sad!
>Do you have a before pic?
Best before pic i have, taken in mid 2012.
Wow, you look like trash op. And here I thought my 3 year progress was subpar. Thanks for making me feel better about myself.
My 3rd year progress wasn't much different to my 4.5 year progress, so don't get your hopes up that it will change much haha.
hahah I member browsing Veeky Forums back then and I'm sure you used to post that picture a lot,
Well you look a lot better now. I know it seems like you should've done better in 4 years but I wouldn't be disappointed in myself if I were you. You don't look like a body builder but you look strong.
So it took you 4 years to shave your chest?
Yeah I use to post a lot back then complaining about my starting base.
I think I could look better if I was lean, what would my bodyfat be about now? Like 25%? I think I need to cut down to 10-12% or so to get a better idea of progress.
On that topic of hair, I've noticed my hair growth is less and thinner on the chest. I don't shave.
stop eating shit you fat cunt
Yeah I gotta stop doing that :(
I don't think being 85kg at 5'7 is good. I'm guessing I need to drop at least 10-15kg.
user you look damn fine, keep at it we'll all make it
you look strong bro just start cutting and you'll look great
never give up
5'6 here, you look like shit
Do the following for coming months:
And cut to 75kg. During cutting season, cut to 65 kg to look absolutrly shredded
Cut to 72-74kg and cruise on 350mg test for the rest of your life and you'll have a top 1% physique.
You're just fat. Learn some nutrition, eat clean with a deficit. Incorporate some cardio into your week if you haven't already, you need it for both your looks and your health.
hi janoy
Nigga you fat.
>BMI actually recommends an ADULT MALE to go as low as 120lbs body weight
This has to be illegal
Your diet, routine and intensity are all most likely lacking if that's as good as you look after 4 years. 5 years here
How much calories should a 5'7 85kg manlet eat per day to drop down to about 70-75kg in 6 months?
Most BMI indexes are full of shit and don't account for the fact muscle is heavier than fat.
Its why body builders are considered the unhealthiest overweight fucks out there if you go strictly by them.
Read the fucking sticky.
WTF are you doing 4,5 years? did you go every second week? Is your diet shit?
Do you count calories? Do you get your protons? Do you even 2split? do you even do anything ? How did you look before? You will never make it, you wasted 5 years
OP here.
I'm going to consume 1800 calories per day for the next 200 days.
According to my calculations I should go from 85kg to 72kg in 200 days eating 1,815 calories per day.
I'll post again in 200 days, thats 7/7/2017. Screenshot this thread, place it in your Veeky Forums folder and put a reminder on your calendar.
I swear to god on my entire families life that I will stick to this and get it done.
The Man with No Delts
Coming this summer
Hey i just calculated for fat loss and i also got 1.8k calories.
Problem is.
How the fuck am i expected to eat 1.8k calories a day?
Fuck should i eat?
Fucking grass and nothing more?
Who cares, I'm going to get it done. Don't care if I'm going to bed hungry every night.
I'll be using a variety of methods in order to stay on track, and even if they fail and I'm still hungry I'm not giving up, not this time.
It's fucking said, praise kek.
Good luck.
Tho i still don't know how the hell should i eat 1.5g of protein per lb.
Like i dont want whey. I just want it from food. And its fucking impossible.
Lunch:8oz chicken breast, with vegetables
Dinner:8oz chicken breast/6oz steak,8oz fish with vegetables and maybe a starch
Post workout:2 scoops whey, nuts, and fruit.
>2 scoops whey
I want food proteins
Nigga this is not even like 100g of protein while i need fucking 250 with 1.8k.
You don't need 250g protein.
There's no benefit for LBM retention while in a caloric deficit after 0.82g per lbs.
Two cups of Greek yogurt
Is this true?
In the sticky they said 1.5g for 1lb which is pretty much impossible
0.82g for cutting
0.64g for bulking
anymore is a waste of money
I've been fucking around the last year too. I still lifted but with very little focus, shit diet and no set routine. I'm choosing to stick to a program because I still love lifting and want to actually achieve the goals I set out for myself at the start.
We will both make it OP
oh my fuck you need to cut
Here are some words of wisdom:
>Your whole training is only as good as your diet.
If you didn't have a shit diet you'd be top notch in your first year.
You have probably been just wasting time for the last 4.5 years.
Go fix your macros and shit, ready the sticky, pray to Scooby.
Your legs look good.
In better lighting you'd look better. Outside of that I think most gym-goers suffer from fuckarounditis. I'd consider jumping on a cycle if you want to look good, otherwise you will always kind of look like shit (natty life really)
I would recommend lifting 4 times a week, watching your macro's better and probably bulking some more before a cut. Cutting into nothing is a stupid philosphy, you wont ever see your abs with that little muscle on your upper body. It seems like you have kind of neglected your upper body but have done a solid job on your lower body. Just bring your upper body up to par a bit and then go to cut.
What the fuck are you talking about, i'm 210, 26% bf, and eating fucking 1700kcal a day, hitting 190g protein.
> SS claims another victim
You don't even have a visible adonis belt. What the fucking fuck could you possibly have to gain from lowering your underpants faggot? Jesus christ.
showing off those joocy thighs?
Screenshot this.
Same here, with everything - academics, lifting, hobbies. I make quick early progress and then don't progress past beginner stage.
Gonna be different in 2017 though man. Awww yeah. Going full on cocoon mode unless a gf rears her head in the next 2 weeks. I don't see that happening though.
>I've never had visible abs in my life....