Recovering alcoholic here Veeky Forums...

Recovering alcoholic here Veeky Forums, what do you guys who don't drink all the time do besides lift and browse the Internet/watch TV? I'm finding it hard to stay occupied without wanting to drink because it's so damn boring

I'm trying to lose weight and get fit but the drinking is making that very difficult

lift more, get some constructive hobbies, date non shitty women and read books

I drink lots of beer. It's making me fat too. Really gets in the way of working out and anything fitness related. I used to only drink on a weekend night but now I drink almost every day. Even a couple beers a night really fucks your fitness, I find alcohol just saps me of my energy and strength. Maybe take up something artsy or an instrument. Re-wire your dopamine pathways, find personal achievement in your hobbies as a release and not alcohol.

Find yourself a hobby, Im doing the same thing currently. Im borderline and ive had one beer this week and its hard resisting the urge to go out and grab more.

I drink ALOT of water. It really helps stave of that need for beer.


I drink pic related like it's going out of style. I lift more, I focus more on work and I know you don't want to hear it but doing AA cures a lot of the boredom; working the steps keeps you busy, the group keeps you social, sponsoring new guys is a great way of giving back. Find a young people's meeting there are QTs there.

I also make more time for activities; hiking, rollerblading (sometimes I let my dog pull me for miles, before we keep pace. Sometimes I hit the skatepark with a crew of bladers and lace tricks), I also watch shows/read/vidya (have gotten bretty gud @ battlefeild4).

Boredom is a symptom of getting off the booze, it'll get better with time. Life with out booze is different my man and I've found it to be better, honestly I've come to feel like I have fucking super powers.

Good luck Broseph

Yeah the worst part about trying to stop now is that it's winter and not much to do outside

Ya, that sucks. At least your getting through the hard part during winter though

Alcohol is quite literally a poison.

It will inhibit cellular recovery, which is why it is so devastating on your progress.

Just play vidya, take up a sport, learn to read, whatever a dumb alco cunt like you might be capable of.


I quit drinking over 7 years ago. It's lifting, shitposting and vidya really

If that's all than I'd probably rather keep drinking man, all my fun times and social times are because of alcohol, without it I'm a hermit and bored as fuck

I've always been a quiet introverted person until I started drinking than life became fun

just start getting into hobbies, doesn't matter what. preferably things that put you in contact with other people though.

having a "calling" to do something is absolute bullshit

Just go out there and look for the fun in things, you will absolutely find it

I do ballroom dancing, play tennis, play super smash brothers melee competitively, cook, skate, play pokemon go, i used to brew beer, i read, i fuck around on the guitar, sing sometimes

just go man
start doing shit

if you're a closet nerd i definitely recommend competitive melee
it's a sick game and a huge community of cool people doing it

Iktf bro I don't enjoy anything unless I've got like 8 beers in me

Smoke DUDE
As long as you aren't already a pathetic shit it won't take away your motivation and make you lazy
Just don't be high when you go about your daily shit

i used to be really shy too. I'm an extrovert at heart but my lack of confidence and excess of apathy choked away my enjoyment of life

Honest to god, going out and taking part in social hobbies and bonding with other people changed my life more than lifting ever did. I still lift, of course, but the confidence i gained through struggling with socializing and eventually trusting myself to just be a normal person and talk to other people, to open up and engage with people is what changed my life the most

I smoked weed everyday for around 8 years than it got boring so I drank instead, I've had more fun drinking than I ever could have had smoking weed

Recovering alkie here as well, two and a half months in. It really is a bitch, isn't it? Its like everything is shit-ass boring. Nothing gives me joy anymore.

At least I haven't put a noose around my neck while trying to psych myself up to finally end it all in some time now. So I guess that's progress.

Fuck brah I honestly wouldn't mind death but I want it to happen in my sleep so my parents don't feel as much pain

I'm shy af.
I started volunteering at various locations and met lots of interesting people. Though many times you'll encounter college students that are only there for the volunteer hours, you'll find plenty of passionate people who can keep you busy if you're willing to help.
Anyway, that's been my approach.
I'm still shy, but at least I'm doing shit.

Here's a secret from a 52 year old.......... everyone wants to die but some play it off better than others and fake happiness. Life is not a gift.

What if I simply don't like people? Seriously, I don't click with anyone, presence of most folks annoys the shit out of me.

I'm not naive enough to think that its them who are the problem. I know its because I'm just a shitty, hateful person. I just don't know how to change that.

Shitty person detected

I just said that, haven't I?

You might be the reason I hate most people. Stating the obvious like that.

Top kek

people can seem really shitty and dumb until you get them to open up and away from their shell and forget themselves with you and the way you do that is by taking your guard down first

the only thing that matters in this life is having fun before you die

whether you like it or not you are human and your biology craves the attention and approval that others bring

Look for the things in people that you admire instead of noticing the things that you hate because desu everyone on this planet is in the same boat

maybe liking other people starts with loving yourself and being comfortable with you who are


The only thing that matters is having fun which is why I do opiates, coke and drink all the time because being sober is not fun at all for me

Shit man, logically I know you're right. I know the wiring in our brains makes us crave social contact.

I have no problem admiring things in people. Strength of character, physical excellence, bravery are all things to be respected.

I guess the hard part for me is the opening up and letting my guard down. I literally cringe just thinking of doing that. Oh, and the loving myself part? Kek. I hate my guts, desu senpai.

well, you opened up to me, and that's a start.

Vulnerability is something I admire a lot. It's something I try to cultivate because I had a lot of trouble doing it. People admire it. It's why girls respect it when someone tells them their feelings and leaves themselves open to rejection. But that's getting a bit off topic

It's ok that you hate yourself man. But if you're on this board, it means you've put effort into changing at least one aspect of yourself, and that's a skill you can use in other areas going forward.

If you commit yourself to life long learning, and pushing your boundaries in places outside of the gym, you can definitely be happier than you are now. It's definitely scary. But you can do it.

I feel you on that. Winter in Minnesota is bullshit. To goddamn cold to do anything outside. And all that sounds good is eating soup and baking bread and drinking beer

People that dont drink are boring to be around.