Just got put on 5mg of Generic Adderall and am nervous as fuck...

Just got put on 5mg of Generic Adderall and am nervous as fuck. Anything you other ADHDfags take along with it to prevent shit from getting fucked up?

a bullet

i used to take 20mg. the effect was amazing at first but the comedown was not worth it at all. Anxiety went through the roof and everything would just get gloomy. not to mention i could barely eat on it.

Yeah, that dosage was WAY too high for me as well.

I've been on it for 5 years and I still only take 10mg twice a day.

I try to keep a pretty strict eating routine for myself. It helps stabilize the rest of my day.

5mg is not that much, generic adderall as in amphetamine salts? or are you just talking about 5 mg of an adderall substitute? it sounds like ritalin if anything.

to be honest bro, you'll be straight. just make sure you dont forget to eat and keep hydrated for the most part. eat some good whole fresh meals, not some mcdonalds.

It's been over a decade since I've taken any meds so I'm pretty on edge about the whole thing. Hopefully it passes over once I actually take them, which I will after eating.

>relax and don't expect or assume anything
>Drink lots of water
>Remember to eat
This one's a little tricky. I don't recommend it, but if you do be very conscious of how you feel and how much you drink. Be honest with yourself. If you're LIGHTWEIGHT adderall helps you drink more but be ready to face the consequences of going from a tiny twink to full blown alcoholic in a night

You're concentration and focus will be awesome, just stay in control and don't spazz out

Lol you'll be good. Just stay hydrated and eat. Appetite suppression is a common side effect, so careful not to lose gains.
As you get used to it, your appetite should return.

I'm going to do it. I'm going to take one now.
FUCK brehs I'm nervous.

>have had ADHD symptoms all my life
>went to a doctor a month ago to talk about some of the symptoms I have
>diagnosis me with adult ADHD
>wanted to give me a prescription
>tell him I'll think a bit on it
>follow up appointment is next week

I don't know what to do, bros. I took adderall and vvyanse recreationally in college for a bit and i remember thinking "So this is what it's like being normal" every time I took it but I ended up abusing the shit out of it. I'm afraid I might abuse it again if I get a prescription but on the other hand my untreated ADHD has gotten me into some tight financial issues and it destroys any platonic/romantic relationship im in. What should I do?

Learn impulse control strategies would be my suggestion.

You lucky motherfucker! my doctor is being stubborn so I have been popping vapor inhalers. I'm afraid they are going to hurt my stomache, but it seems like Everyone is on steroids. I think amfetamine can compete!

I take 20mg of XR.

God I fucking love that shit. I take it in the morning before eating and just coast on the high while I blitz out and do my homework.

Literally have never been so productive in my life. I used to have trouble keeping focus on the page and could barely read a couple pages in the span of an hour. One time I caught myself having to read the same paragraph over 10 times to even remotely remember what it said.

you'll adjust to it after a while, just chill.

OP here. I was too pussy to take a full one, so I bit it in half.

Not so much impulse and more I do something I'm interested in, get mildly invested in it then get bored and completely stop doing it. Happened to me all throughout high school. Sports, hobbies, etc. Thought I could make it through college but I got bored after a couple years and my grades suffered immensely and now in debt because of it

Bought a gaming computer early this year and was spending most of my time outside work and gym on it until around august and I haven't really touched it since

There's no follow through in any of my relationships. If someone stops giving me attention, I forget them usually. Not out of heartlessness, time just slips away and then it's been a week or so and I've forgotten to text them.

Shit like that. It's gotten to the point where I've just cut ties with most of my old friends and the ones I do keep up with rarely hear from me

OP, you weren't gonna notice anything at 5mg let alone 2mg

Just finish your cap and start reading something factual, you'll learn something new.

kek, even half a small cup of coffee will set me off. I have a babby nervous system.

That feel when took copious amounts of coffee this summer to be more productive. I even got the jitters, but damn I worked harder than ever.

Caffeine fucks me up beyond belief if I'm not careful. Can't work with the jitters, makes my head spin.

Adderall already feels cleaner.

Got diagnosed with ADHD? I was diagnosed hyper when I was a kid, but eh. I have some ADD symptoms, but only self-diagnosed, so yeah...

I mostly take loads of coffee because of poor sleeping schedule. Being sleepy destroys my attention span and memory. I'd rather have the jitters than being semi-stoned due to lack of sleep.

everything you just said sounds just like me.
The loss of interest in hobbies and friends, everything. Attached are my personality scores in case you're curious.

Yeah, "Inattentive ADHD" they call it. Supposedly amphetamines help calm your head down which, so far, I'm finding to be the case.

Like, daily? Sounds trippy.

Speed slows down people with ADHD. Counter-intuitive, but that's how it works apparently.

Were you prescribed this? How does it feel compared to without it?

yeah, adderal is just slow releasing amphetamine.

op should try synephdrine and pseudoephderine and ephedrine to see if they calm you down

not with the adderal, on their own obviously so you dont get mixed results

Yes, prescribed. Without? My head would be going several miles an hour. For once, I actually feel somewhat centered.
Maybe one day, hesitant enough with drugs as it is.

I've gotten ISTP everytime take those. I'd say it describes me decently

>doing 30mg and nothing happening really lol

Theanine/glycine may help smooth things out.

adderall is a hell of a drug, and for that reason there are replacements now that are much less easy to abuse, I would recommend one of those

I handle adderall just fine and manage to avoid abusing it, although I hear modafinil shows promise in those who have difficulties with amphetamines.

I popped an adderall-like drug my friend gave me a couple of weekends ago while getting drunk at a bar just to experiment

I've never felt so in command of everything, it was so bizarre. I'm not usually anti-social but a little reserved especially in large social settings like that, nothing like that. Just floating around chatting with everyone and having a consistent stream of shit to talk about without a bit of anxiety or insecurity.

Wish I could take it regularly but I'm too afraid of dependency

I might ask about other options. I live on a rural area so it was probably just the first thing that popped into his mind

Vyvanse is great, its like adderall ER with zero come down.

head meds increase or decrease levels of neurotransmitters, and a neurotransmitter can have completely different or completely opposite effects depending on how much of it there is, because everything that can be complicated about the brain is complicated

Haven't had ER. I just have the generic tabs.

Generic tabs always give me weird side effects and mood swings.

Do you have ADHD? Granted I've only taken one 5mg tab (just got prescribed), but it seems to have stabilized my moodiness.

What dosage did you take?

I was on it for ADD and I felt fine except for the first week or two. I had a few isolated incidents in that time where I was sort paralyzed, except mentally instead of physically. I knew my limbs worked, but try as I might I couldn't move them, and I couldn't think about much either, for example I wasn't able to panic about not being able to move and I couldn't think about the implications of it. The closest thing I can think of is sleep paralysis, except this would happen in the middle of the day while sitting up. At any rate, it would go away after about half a minute, and by the third week of taking adderall it stopped happening.

I don't know if I have traditional ADHD but I've been diagnosed as a kid but never took the meds till highschool.

Mainly I'm just slower at processing things, bad reaction speed, mechanical skill, etc. shit sucks because theres no cure. addy will make me do my work but nothing makes my brain work at normal speed.

Used addy once. Two 10 mg pills at diff times. Barely an effect and came with a rash outbrake on my face

Kek, this is such an American thing to take medical grade crank for the slightest unmotivation there is. "Uff I cba to read, better take amphetamines, perfectly safe because my dr said so".

If you go to higher doses sure, 5 - 10 mgs isn't much. Caffeine has the potential to be worse m8.

your mum stays hydrated because of my cum

because you know better than your doctor

It literally just enhances everything by increasing dopamine flow to your brain. If you do class work or study on it, you will be really into it. If you lift on it, you will probably feel a slightly enhanced feeling of whatever lifting makes you feel like. If you are nervous or anxious or depressed while taking it, it will enhance that too.

5mg is a baby dose though. They started me at 20mg although I think it's too much desu. Adderall really helps me in school but it lingers in your system and gives you insomnia hours after it wears off. I can't get an honest night's sleep when on it. Also it makes you lose your appetite so you won't feel hungry until your body goes into starvation mode and you'll realize you haven't eaten in 12 hours and freak out.

All in all its Good for paying attention in school but absolutely kills gains.

Oh and you can't fap while on it. And what I mean is you can but you shouldn't. The first fap on Adderall your dick will be soft and hard to get off but once you do it will be the most intense orgasm since your balls dropped. After the first nut your dick goes rock hard easy.

That sounds good but it's not. your brain gets addicted to the dopamine rush and the horniness doesn't go away. You will end up compulsively fapping nonstop for hours until you dick is raw or you pass out from exhaustion. Don't fap on Adderall because it will burn out your dopamine receptors in your brain faster than crack.

Op scared of this wtf

>tfw met girl who had an adderall script
>tfw would occasionally snort a 10mg pill and pop one then drink heavy
>tfw would pop adderall and snort coke aswell as drink
>stopped doing Coke and adderall cause of my job (random druggtests)

>tfw want to get an adderall script and only 21 but know I'd abuse the hell out of it

Maybe this is why stimulants do jack shit for me

I know 5mg is babby-tier, but I'm sensitive as fuck to drugs, so it fits on my end. I don't intend on exceeding 20 mg.

Interesting note though, yeah, I don't feel horny at all. Which is fine as I used to watch/fap to porn for hours on end. Not so much now.

>One time I caught myself having to read the same paragraph over 10 times to even remotely remember what it said.

This used to happen to me when I smoked pot and did opiates. Doesn't happen any more though.

>implying ADHD is only related to unmotivation

Jealous you don't get medical grade crank you fucking third world loser?

High tolerance?

Get the prescription and sell it to struggling college students