How many of you lost your true love?

How many of you lost your true love?
How has it affected your gains and personal life?
How long has it took you to recover?

>le me
>When I go to work I literally dont even think about her. It's when im laying in bed or when I go to the gym is when I think of her

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lotta saging gunna happen but i just fucked up pretty big with the firl of my literal dreams and she was into me and literally i hurt more than anything. im on christmas holiday rn but when i get back hopefully i double my gains at the thought of my huge mistake.

I want to drink myself to sleep every night

But I want abs more. 7 calories per gram. Sheesh

Pro tip: she's only your "true love" until you meet someone who measures up to her on pretty much every scale. It's not easy to find her, but all you can do is keep looking. Keep on trying. Failing and falling, but putting yourself back out there and trying again.

And she sure as hell aren't your true love if she doesn't love you back just as much as you do.

Anyone that thinks like this should be discounted as a human.

I am in the position of wishing I had my true love...she is engaged to someone she always fights with, and she fought with him last night because I got her better gifts. She is 4 years older than me though.

Truly, with a maddening heart, I am sickly in love with her, and would do anything to have her. She loves everything I do, and she is so kinky sometimes and hot.

When I broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years, I didn't go to the gym for three weeks afterwards

Trust me when I say the sooner you get back to your routine the better

Words of wisdom born of experience.
Listen to this, OP

did you guys date beforehand?

For a long time I wasn't interested in or even attracted to women that were not her.
i'm just bitter and consider losing her as a life failure from which there is no coming back from. IMO it breaks you and leaves you less than you were before, from there you remake yourself and press on, or fall into regret, shame, despair and hate until something changes.

I think about her every other day and it's been two years.

thats my problem
I talk to girls hotter then her on a daily basis...but they just arent...''her'' yanno

>true love
>the boyo calls true love to some tail fixation
>not growing old with someone and be lying in bed sunday in the morning looking and remebering all the shit you both did in a life time

Get stuffed you fucking spastic faggot.

You'll eventually find someone that clicks. It sounds trite, but you will.

I holed myself up for years after my breakup, and still eventually managed to find another person I click with.

my gf of 4 years left me a year ago to go fuck my "best friend", shit fucked me up hard for 6 months or so. Then you just stop caring. Realize youre better, you can do better, and get huge. At some point that bitch will want to be back in your life and pro tip: DONT DO IT.

good for you asshole. I don't even want to meet new women anymore

I wouldn't say I've lost my true love, but I've had oneitis for a girl for years now. We went to church together and she moved to socal for school this past summer.

One thing I've noticed as I started lifting this year and have had a lot of failures with various girls is that I've begun to not care. Especially after breaking up with my previous gf and wasting months going after another girl. I've more or less stopped caring if I get the girl. This is bad though, I can't seem to get attached to my current gf, someone I should love by all means, but it doesn't seem to click with me. Is something wrong?

Anyone that doesn't follow this thought process is doomed to their own self-pity.

Weird how they always come back

I've yet to have an ex come back, why's it so bad? I don't want to make some terrible mistake

all women cheat bri...

It's not bad if you both have changed and you fix whatever was your issue before. You shouldn't hop back into anything like a month after a breakup though. I know people that got divorced and then remarried after like 7 years apart. They've been married for 30 years now. Sometimes it just not the right time.
Experiences change people, and if someone feels like they're missing out on experiences because of you, it usually won't ever work out.

Tl;dr if you or the ex change after time apart and end up clicking with someone that you used to be with, then go for it. If it's right after a breakup and you're both the same people then it's usually a shit idea cause you broke up for a reason.

what if we broke up because she was ''going through things'' and said I was too stressful

Often times they're just doing it because they're lonely, not because they liked you.

first girl I ever loved died just over 4 years ago. Her death is the reason why I set foot in the gym. I've put on 60lb since then.

I'm relatively successful now. I've got a decent physique, financially stable and a girl friend who I've been with for over a year now. its rare a day passes when I don't miss her. although the crippling depression that came after her death has mostly faded. There are still plenty of days when all I can do is think about how things would be if she was still here.

I'd give everything I have to be with her for one more night.

wait...did you mean to say bro? or do you know who I am?

these feels are to much..

its just a recipe to get hurt man, we started hanging out a lot again, fall into old habbits (banging), I got attached, she didn't. She said she didn't like how fast things were moving and she didn't want to commit to anything. So I told her thats what I wanted and if she didn't then I couldn't have her in my life. It fucking hurt to do but you have to look out for yourself

same thing happened to me and i still haven't gotten completely over it in 2 years

Okay, I'll share.

>7 years ago, meet chick through friend
>she seems perfect
>friend zones me for two years
>I break free of friend zone, date three months
>insecure over relationship, I think she is better than me
>break up because I'm afraid she is cheating
>she becomes my one-itis

Advance to present
>I got into fitness, self improvement
>realize I was in a very bad spot
>ex contacts me, I confront about buried thoughts
>she thinks I was the one, never got over me
>we meet up, she has gained ~80 lbs
>she is an alcoholic
>she mindlessly agrees to everything I say (I think she did that before too)
>it is super awkward

I jumped ship. Moral of the story is I think the one-itis syndrome is more a sign of neediness than it is reality based. That was what happened to me anyway. I hope you other anons are as fortunate.

Im gonna tell you what my dad told me, that girl is a fucking cunt, she never loved you, she never gave a shit about you. If she did she wouldn't have done that. People like that aren't worth wasting a minute of your time being upset over.

Yes nick

>Ilyena? I would burn the world and use my soul for tinder to hear her laugh again."'

What's this from brother?

Yeah, I did. Think of her every day of my life. There is no recovery in my case, only the fight to keep on going for the sake of the people I care about. It's just a hollow imitation of life for me desu. I still go to the gym because it helps keep me sane. This thread isn't really for me though, I doubt and sincerely hope none of you lose your first love the way I did.

tell me how you lost her

I know that feel. Only last year for me though. The quote that always comes to mind for me is "When the sun has set, no candle can replace it." to which she would playfully call me a faggot but it's true all the same. It's never the same. How could anyone ever match up to her?

It's terrible and robs you of your will to live. It fucked me up man.

She died. It was a a simple car accident, easily survivable. But she didn't wear her seat belt. I don't know why, even though I had told her so many times and just a month before we and her friends were talking about the accidents we had been in. She died needlessly, and the horror it and pain it has caused to me and her family and friends is unfathomably horrible.

The Wheel of Time

>If a sword had a memory it would be grateful of the forge-fire, but never fond of it

A big focus in the series is overcoming hardship and grief without becoming bitter. It's an amazing book series.

absolutely excellent taste. i finished the series early this year, took me the better part of last year to go through it

>tfw book 5 best book
>tfw sanderson sucks dick

Nobody ever will brother. like I said in my first post. I've been with an incredible girl for over a year now. I'm in a good relationship and I'm happy for the most part.

Since she past I've felt like I'm missing a part of myself. Life is good now, hell if she was still here I wouldn't have had the drive to accomplish half of what I have. I haven't felt the pure bliss I would feel when I was with her.

You've got to accept that your life will never be the same again. Enjoy the memories you made. find out what makes your life worth living and give it your all. Being without her will get easier over time.

She helps me deadlift, she makes the feelings after a heavy set that much more worth it.

>doesn't realize that love is illuminati ploy

I pushed her away because I didn't want to hurt her anymore. In hindsight I know that we could have just talked out a lot of our problems, and I hate myself for not knowing a better way at the time.

Oh, also, to answer the question at hand, I started going to the gym.

Wise man.

You've already learned the wisdom, but I still think you'd enjoy reading The Wheel of Time

I did it on audible in 4 months. Double speed and at every chance I could.

Hell of a series.

I'm rereading to catch extra details (started as soon as I finished), and have not been disappointed.

Felt like this a bunch of times. Didn't get over it til I had my heart broken enough times and had more experiences with more girls. I'm sure it'll happen to me again someday but every time I'm way better at handling it

>A big focus in the series is overcoming hardship and grief without becoming bitter. It's an amazing book series.

Huh, maybe I should give it another go. Last relationship I was in girl ended out of the blue and I thought we were gonna be together forever. I basically cut all contact with her, unfriended her on facebook, quit the job that we worked together and left the country. Haven't spoken to her since.

I feel like I shouldn't have unfriended her on facebook and been more mature about it, because everyone goes through this shit. Two of my friends both went through more significant breakups at the same time, yet I still felt absolutely alone. How childish of me.

>How has it affected your gains and personal life?
Deep depression and I had to go on medication for it. It left me cynical and bitter to the point of having to take 3 years just to be able to have normal socialisaiton with other people. All-in-all it was 5 miserable years.

>How long has it taken me?
5 years