What does Veeky Forums think of popping pimples...

What does Veeky Forums think of popping pimples? I think it's a good idea because they contain molecules that contain energy, therefore removing the pus would increase your TDEE by removing empty calories.

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Both a good and bad idea.
Removing the puss helps get rid of the bacteria in it, but in doing so your odds of developing scars shoot through the roof.

>I think it's a good idea because they contain molecules that contain energy, therefore removing the pus would increase your TDEE by removing empty calories.
one of the most autistic things i've ever heard

i always pop whiteheads though, the rare times i get them. that shit is just gross.

No matter how bad and red it is and pussy, I highly recommend you take a dollop of this stuff ( have never tried other yogurts and this always works ), and put it over the pimple area.

Leave it on there, eventually what happens is it dries out completely, you dont want to remove it or wash that area and make it moist again, the yogurt basically sucks out all the bad oil as it gets dry -- you leave it overnight (might get a few flakes in bed) -- and the next day the swelling should be down or the pimple should be healing and disappearing a lot faster.

Be careful not to get it too wet and soft again, you want it to be dried out.

I also sometimes put the stuff on after a shave just a few minutes to bring down inflammation if my shave left me a little red, that you just leave on for 10 mins or so.

just google it. You can naturally let it go away and or pop it without scarring. I reccomend popping because at night you might scratch it and also it's fucking ugly. My first week of college I got 6 whiteheads...popped all those shits around my mouth

I had pretty bad acne until I started taking Accutane sophomore year in high school Shit cleared way up and I've had maybe 3 zits since.

I kinda miss popping them tbqh. It was strangely wonderful. This kinda cute chick at work sometimes has outbreaks on her jawline and I kinda wanna date her just so I can pop them at my leisure

Can I eat the yogurt after? Don't wanna waste gains y'know?

It depends entirely on the pimple. Some are good to be popped, others are not

no that would be gross

also you can use it as a mask its suppose to be good for complexion -- ask jessica alba

momscience alert detected


my rule is if its white and juicy and the pulsating kind of whitehead that i might pop accidentally just by washing my face, i pop it softly

sometimes i drain the puss out but leave the yellow crusty top as an early scab

if it's large enough and im mad i just rip the whole thing out

you detected the momscience alert?

Christ almighty

toothlase does the same shit, but the absolute best method (besides washing your face, and even that isn't 100%) is mixing crushed aspirin with hydrogen peroxide into a paste and putting that on it, antiinflammatory, dehydrating, and sterilizer

Just get it out without damaging the pore.

hit on her while she's at her worst part of an outbreak, her confidence will be near zero


pic related

It only spreads the bacteria and infection

I had acne for several years but it only got better when I stopped popping them

Acne is from hormones.

Doctors say to pop them. It gets the infection shit out. Leaving puss to build up damages the pores leaving scars.
Just be gentle and firm, kid.


it's like a car crash, it's horrendous but i can't look away.

You're both right and wrong, popping a pimple when it's ready will heal the infection faster and prevent scarring that would result in prolonged inflammation from leaving it, however popping a fresh pimple that is still red or swollen but not fully come to a head can be problematic and cause post acne inflammation and sometimes scarring if the acne occurs frequently in that spot.

Basically what you want to do is #1 take a hot compress to any inflamed acne and hold it on there for about 15 minutes, take a break, repeat and it should come to a head after which you should gently squeeze the pus out. After which you will see significant reduction in redness and swelling. Also make sure to keep the area relatively dry after draining as acne bacteria prefers moist environments to grow and you run the risk of reinfection or prolonged swelling if the spot is overly moist. Wait until the swelling has completely gone down before applying any kind of moisturizer.

I used a pair of these to pop mine before Accutane. No way I was gonna spend every day in high school having bunch of gross pimples on my face, it was already bad enough already. I became really good at it, I could instantly tell what technique to use on what kind of pimple to get the pus out without making the area red or worse.

Man I fucking love popping pimples but I almost never get any

Does anyone have any advice re: causing pimples?

don't shower after gym. once a few pimples form, pop them and spread that good puss all around


>Get a cool scar
>Bad thing
Pic related is how I know you're a virgin. Women love that shit

Good lord, saucerino!

>spot the permavirgin that also plays video games

Your disgusting face full of acne scars isn't comparable to big boss' eye scar, sorry fatso.


I love popping whiteheads the feeling of pus leaving my skin makes me diamonds.

jesus what a mong you are. holy shit this is pure neckbeard retardedness

s..sauce pls

that's not how pimple scars look like
and scars aren't cool grow the fuck up

lmao...do you know what washing your face is?

My ex was bat shit crazy she would pop my pimps and save the puss. I would go back to her place days later and it was still sitting on the window sill where she left it.

Don't date fat ugly autists then you sick fuck


Permanent pockmarks aren't worth it buddy.

Decrease oily, fatty and sugary foods.

Stress minimally, don't do things or eat food which increase inflammation

Sleep right

literally best anti pimple advice out there ... I've had acne until I was 23. Then I started regularly washing my face ( three times a day) and boom, 80% of it is gone.

plz be a joke

>living bubblewrap

I love doing it, man. And I live to smell my fingers afterwards. I only pick the ones on my shoulders and that's the reason I still have them on my shoulders. I don't have any on my face because I only pick the blackheads.

Get more vitamin A in your diet.
Honestly, I took 2-3 times the RDA for 4 weeks and it made my spots go away pretty quick.

I'm surprised so many retards fell for this shit-tier bait

tbqh i absoultely love popping pimples. it's basically like a fetish for me, except not sexual at all. there's something so satisfying about finding that sore, tight little ball of pus and dirt then applying pressure until it breaks through the skin. You have to keep squeezing until a little blood comes out - that's how you know it's been completely emptied and the blood will flush out any more nasty gunk that was stuck in the pore. It's like a cleansing process. I'm glad I don't get many pimples anymore and my skin looks much better, but I still get excited when one pops up.

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