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Health #398
You've done 30 minutes of cardio at 160-180bpm heart rate already today, right user?
Is body re-composition real if you are new to fitness? 6'2, 160 lbs...
Lets evaluate some mental health
Enter gym, ready to do some squats
Fear of Gym
Hey Veeky Forums
Tell Something to the Old You
Help Veeky Forums
How am I supposed to breathe during this meme lift?
That guy who watches anime in the treadmill
Not seeing any gains
Bodbybuilders fucking rekt normal average guys
Fictional goal body thread
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Did I goof on this one or was I in the right here
What do chubby girls who carry their weight well do to look like they do...
How can I get tanned in the winter? I hate being pale as a fucking ghost
I fell for the lifting meme
Do you train your neck Veeky Forums?
Girl with question
Dinner Veeky Forums, you?
Who /noenergy/ here? I sleep like 9 hours a day and i still feel tired as fuck. What do?
How do I get a Veeky Forums bf like this?
Is 2/3/4/5 achievable natty?
Do you gain a lot of weight from creatine?
TFW 22 years old loser
4th day of 2017
This is it
Does anyone here have experience of supplements working?
Veeky Forums i found zyzz
Sup Veeky Forums, what's for lunch brahs?
ENOUGH of this "alpha" / PUA approach towards women
How do I enjoy normie things? I really try to like shit like clubbing and watching/doing sports but I just can't...
How many calories you think this meal has?
Is this the perfect female body?
Can't this cunt stand?
Thoughts on Bulk Powders?
I'm done with lifting
Fiction body goals
/Manlet Hate Thread/
6'2" 155 lbs
What age did you start lifting Veeky Forums
How do you even start fixing arms this skinny?
Cutting while at university is really fucking with my ability to study properly
Just give up if you have short torso/long legs combo. You'll never look good unless you're a woman
Fresh off a Swedish Facebook page, people were asked to choose the most attractive body type
Ahh so this what Veeky Forums means by looking good for the ladies LMAO
Hey fit, I don't understand which is better for hypertrophy, 3x8 or 5x5...
"instructor" at my gym
Hey Veeky Forums, so its my New Years Resolution to beefen up my arm strength this year...
How is this even possible?
Motivation/Inspiration Thread
Really makes you think
Why does everyone keep saying he's half Asian
"Hey user, I'm going to a festival today. Do you come?"
Martial Arts - Which one do you anons prefer? When did you start...
those after cardio wanks
Have you ever felt self-conscious while lifting, Veeky Forums?
Get a special shampoo for christmas
Quick Veeky Forums, show me your shaker!
Jay: 30, model and personal trainer is the most right-swiped man on Tindee
What would you boys do if you saw me at the gym? :)
Tfw using the assisted dip / pull up machine
Give me tips Veeky Forums
Hey guys i hust had a normie night and drank pizza and ate alot of alcohol
/DNP/ General: Winter Cutting edition
Arnold says to stop eating meat
Post your hands
Be me
Protein powder in water
Is there a benefit to doing pushups?
Head into the sauna after a nice workout
Hey Veeky Forums
Not taking a high test woman with hairy arms
half plate ohp
I am fucking Lazy
Why do all Asians pull sumo?
Workout music
How's your hair genetics?
What got you into Veeky Forumsness fit?
When are facial bones fully sealed?
FPH & FPS: Let's get another one going
Happy New Years Veeky Forums!
Veeky Forums clothes??
Unexpected things that suck about being fit
Why do people take steroids? Is it insecurity?
Why don't you eat insects Veeky Forums?
Getting fit for Hitler
Cheating /frauds/ generally
Gf texts what's up
Hey user, since you won't go get ice cream with me can we at least take a hot steamy shower together...
/PLG/ powerlifting gener
Hey Veeky Forums Unpacking Time! Help a lifting noob edition
Stomach Vacuums
What could Zyzz have done to be even more aesthetic?
Women should be banned from gyms
OK Veeky Forums, I'm getting into the instagram thing. Recommend me some Veeky Forums-approved people to follow
How do manlets feel about this?
Hav 4.5 inch benis
Mirin Thread
"Bodybuilders are weak, they have no functional strength!"
How the fuck do I get to sleep?
Is light beer for dinner each day bad to drink?
How does one go IDF mode?
Can someone give me a straight answers! Is taking steroids or test catastrophic for your health...
Why do people wear hoodies @ the gym
ITT: We decide a New Year's Resolution for Veeky Forums as a whole
Why do online fitness girls do this?
How will you be exercising your brain in 2017 Veeky Forums?
Haven't been sick in exactly one year and counting
Redpill me on zinc
How healthy and good for gains/protein is shrimp as a seafood?
Red pill me on cold showers Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums Will never make this goddess their girlfriend
Do you consider yourself an alpha male? Why or why not?
Be me
What a Natural Human Foot Looks Like If You Never Wear Shoes
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Post ideal male and female body
Picked up the weights a feww weeks ago because I didn't want to be a NYE faggot
Help Veeky Forums
Can I get a fat hate thread (FPH) going? I need some motivation to go running
/HGG/ Home Gym general - Fuck the New Years fags Edition
Sigma Male
Wtf is wrong with me
Not trying get huge as possible? Warlord not Impressed
I haven't lifted in quite some time and today I did squats and deadlifts...
How are you improving your life in 2017 fellas?
Last digit is how many years you need to lift to get your perfect qt gf
ThiCC Thread
I want to ____ the peanut butter
I'm 3 days without cofee and withdrawal is hitting hard
I need mental gains advice Veeky Forums; how do you shake off singular infatuation with a woman...
Clarence sips
/CBT/ thread
Could you at least fuck him up a little despite being Veeky Forums?
I have a foreskin and whenever I piss it goes everywhere and drips all inside my pants when I'm done
Why does Veeky Forums always look so cringe when you guys try to dress up
Hey fellas i need help
Baby's first mire
Northern Brothers Appreciation Thread
Why do folks recommend hitting a bodypart at least 2x a week?
Easiest way to spot a resolutioner
How do you develop discipline?
How do I into Sandow mode? Obviously never training chest is important, but how did he get so shredded?
Tips on how to prevent nipple chaffing? I tried tape and bandaids but they usually end up falling off
Being a murse
Becoming an ubermensch
What's the worst advice you've ever gotten on Veeky Forums?
Anyone here have any success with Tinder? Care to share your profiles?
Having a baby in your early 20s? What do you brahs think of it
Guys stahp. Newbs listen
What inspired/inspires you to workout, Veeky Forums...
*nervous breathing*
Not sure what clique you fall into? Find out which clique is your closest match by entering your stats
Have you fucked anyone yet this year?
Redpill me on sweet potato
"Hey user, can you tell me if my form is ok? I need to know if I am doing this exercise correctly."
One chance at life
Best way to lose weight quick?
This is the natty limit, memes aside
Holy shit. I have been doing noporn for 3 days and already my dick is bigger and erections are easier/stronger...
Is natty lifting just the ultimate cuck?
Pulls ups
How do you change your genetics?
Last one's dying
Sup Veeky Forums, just got a gym membership today and plan on starting tomorrow...
Is meat as bad as the hippies say? Would I really be worse off if I eat meat but I am not fat?
NEET fitness general
Veeky Forums music general
Did I hit the natty limit bros?
Tfw 2nd day off nofap
Bought height increasing insoles to see whether height made a difference
What's the best cut of steak for a cut?
I CRAVE goth girls
/plg/ Powerlifting General
You may only post in this thread if you have flaws that will prevent you from ever making it
Holy shit do you remember this guy?
What's this board opinion on intermitent fasting to burn fat
What happened to this cuck?
Girls muscle preference
Who do you lift for?
Cut from like 40% to 30% bf
Fat as fatasses, skinnyfats, "powerlifters", and general chubsters get in here
I need lifan music recommendations
This is a professional athlete
I don't get it, what's the difference between 5x5 or 3x8 or whatever? Does it really make much of a difference?
Caption this picture
Femanon here, how can i get this body? i want to lift weights but dont want to get bulky, jsut want a nice ass
Tfw got a gf and stopped lifting
Here's my chicken salad
Is reddit PPL a good program? I've been doing it for almost 2 months now
Blackout stories
Fat People Hate FPS/FPH
Why are you not eating PROTEIN PANCAKES?
How many of you are on this shit?
At least you're not a manlet
Ashley Graham, size 14 plus sized model, was recently named by Forbes as one of the 30 most influential people under 30
You wake up in this body. What do?
I know this is autistic, but how would you train a child from age 7 and up to be able to be a superhuman? To be faster...
Remember bros just be confident and you will get laid a lot
Increasing aggression
Is spending 500 cals / day in workout / physical activity feasible?
Is almond milk Veeky Forums approved?
Genetical predetermination
Tfw you look absolutely shredded in clothes
The condom broke lads
Is she off cycle?
Is there something I can eat to harden up my shits...
What's it like to have a gf?
How much do I need to lift in order to get a black qt ?
Ranger school weight loss
This board is turning to shit... becoming really boring... thanks for making it easier to leave Veeky Forums
What helps you stay on a diet Veeky Forums?
Butter vs margarine
The first sip of the d, eh?
How can I get this body?
Veeky Forums BTFO
MUH THYROID! (Thanks, Veeky Forums)
/PLG/ Powerlifting Gener
You will never go to a festival with the aesthetics crew and muzz like a sick kunt
Keto: Worth it?
Another year on Veeky Forums
Training on Ecstasy? (Mdma+amphetamine variant)
Tfw 6'8 and built like a brick shithouse
What do you think, Veeky Forums? Should we go vegetarian part-time?
Do you have to be handsome to work in corporate jobs?
Okay guys, take a look
Aesthetics >>> Strength
Getting a thick neck
Tell me about "her" and how she made you lift
Veeky Forums approved careers?
So it's pretty clear that diet is one of the most important part of keeping fit and looking good - if you have a shit...
Probably will get shit for this, but can I get a NORMIE routine? Something Chad would do. I have bench press and curls...
Veeky Forums cringe thread
Is Zyzz's shredded type body achievable natty?
Is pic related the King of Veeky Forums?
Can't stand this cunt
Stop lifting for strength
Can't stand this cunt
Thicc is sour grapes for people who know they have zero chance with thinn
It has betrayed me
People you used to think were big before you started lifting
I'm going for all-meat diet because I heard it's good for losing weight. Is this legit or am I retarded?
So Veeky Forums, have you seen any hilarious workouts from the NYR fags yet?
So user
What are you waiting for, move to Japan!
Is Chris-Chan bulking?
How much do I have to be able to lift for normies to think I'm strong?
Friends still ignoring my text messages
There is literally NO DIFFERENCE between the leg press and the squat in terms of muscle hypertrophy...
What's your pre-lift ritual?
Major problem guys...
Which squat style do you choose? - High-bar ATG, and low-bar parallel
Do You Even Jaw Lift, Bro?
The Gymnastic Jew
Political alignment and gym routine
Not showing off your glutes in compression pants
If I am 5'9, 168 lbs, and I am lifting 3 days a week, and running 3 days a week (2 miles each time)...
/CBT/ thread. Rate me boiiss
Show me a better carb source
Do you train untamed, Veeky Forums?
So who's going on a Minoxidil Beard Journey in 2017?
You will never be swole enough to fight death itself
Wew, so this is what its like to be preggo so far
The Gut Bacteria Diet
No boxing gym around for 30 kms
Can't stand this cunt
Why bro-split?
How does Chad get away with squatting only lmao1pl8 ?
Mouth breathing as a child can ruin your life
Have cousin who majored in kinesiology
Is starting strength really a meme? What the fuck should I be doing instead?
It doesn't matter how ugly you are, as long as you're tall....! Sorry manlets :(
How the fuck do i make oatmeal taste like food? all I've got is salt pepper and peanut butter...
Ok I've just spent an hour searching through archives for that video of Scooby reading the letter Veeky Forums sent him...
Is finding black women unattractive racist?
Are ya doing it for her, Veeky Forums?
Already ate my entire monthly calorie budget
Is Mewing legit?
Why aren't you Chad?
Fat People Hate FPS/FPH
How do vegans not get fat? They consume tons of carbs and calorie dense foods. It doesn't add up to me...
You don't need to be physically fit to get women
Would you let your girlfriend wear this to the beach?
Post ideal GFs
Cutting Motivation
Is it possible for a female to have a body like this?
Sup Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums, do you know any techniques for falling asleep?
How do I get nigger shoulders?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Who here /intermediatefasting/ here?
Post your style, Veeky Forums
"""Friends""" not responding to my text messages
Talk to girl
I only bench 30kg
First day of no fap
Be fat
This is what women want. Deal with it
Too muscular to be fashionable
Manlet Issues
The gym is the McDonalds of the fitness world
What snapbacks does Veeky Forums wear?
GOAT Drink
Posting your progress pics on social media
Sooo are you all on roids or what?
I don't get feels like women have new preferences for men constantly. First I'll see they want buff guys...
Is nofap a giant meme?
Hi Veeky Forums
Girlfriends are Overrated General
Why aren't you with "her" user?
What body mode is this?
Tattoo thread, get that qt.1314 with your newly found bad boy side brehs
Why does Veeky Forums love Asian qts so much?
Luke rockhold tinder
Veeky Forums, I'm tired of listening to the nigger music in the gym. I used to listen to ESPN radio while working out...
I have a serious fucking problem with dating girls
Alright, let's say (I'm still not convinced about this) you can't make your dick bigger
Fap Calendar 2016
New Years Motivation Thread
Muscle girl thread for good luck all year round
Naudi Aguilar, is he the messiah of fitness?
Post in this thread or no gf in 2017
Veeky Forums cooking dump
A squat isn't a great standard of fitness because individual proportions greatly affect how much you can squat...
4cc Roster Poll
Veeky Forums approved barbell?
Water - 0 calories. The best thing to drink for your body
Motivation thread
Sup Veeky Forums, how's your cut going?
James willems for king of Veeky Forums
Can we have a Dick Gains Thread?
It is 2017, and I want to not get turned on by femdom, cuckolding, and other submissive thoughts
Always have a spotter when maxing your brench press
Zyzz thread
/fit books
Life is such a fucking struggle...
Brehs,`you have 30 secs to explain why do you dont want a gf like this?
Anyone else feel like they could take down MMA fighters in manlet weightclasses?
Is being a faggot actually masterrace?
Can't stand this cunt
Thank you SIR
Spent new years eve lifting and playing vidya
The quiet before the storm
Who do you lift for?
/Plg/ powerlifting general
Who here /ohp only, never bench/?
Is working upper chest a meme?
Recovering Fatties CBT - Current Fat Body Thread
Can we talk about the therapeutic benefits of test?
What is Veeky Forums's height and head circumference...
Can do a push up
I'm a 22 years old male who still gets carded for energy drinks
What do you guys think about peanut butter?
Snyder enlisted trainer Mark Twight to transform Gadot’s thin...
Okay guys, here's my two cents
Deadlifting help
ITT: How to get rid of depression and get motivated
How do I maintain the willpower to cut in 2017?
Tfw dyel with clothes on
Does anyone on Veeky Forums plan on getting surgery...
Do you think you'd stand a chance in a fight against the mountain?
Your non-professional fitness inspirations
Hi Veeky Forums I got a blender for xmas but I'm wondering how beneficial it is vs fast food...
Lets start the year off on a good note with a HIGH TEST THREAD
Why do some people look better as fat fucks?
New Year, New Memes
Wide hips
When will people learn?
Did you guys make a new year's resolution?
Hey brahs, thoughts on clen? Worth it?
CBT - Current Body Thread
Is 2017 the year Isley blows Veeky Forums the fuck out by cutting and unleashing his sickening aesthetics?
Does Veeky Forums not like Scooby anymore?
Lose the belly
NoFap 2017
Need to lose 30 pounds by mid March so I can go skydiving with my bro in Florida during spring break. Is it possible?
Why do gymnasts all have such great shoulder development? Rounded, thick and and full
My girlfriend lets me chose her fitness routine. Help me to mold her body
We're all gonna make it this year bros
Routine Thread critique
This is the average australian man
Is anyone else kind of looking forward to the resolutioners?
Starting my first cycle in a couple of weeks. What can I expect? I'm thinking about stacking with dbol
Posts your tastes, Veeky Forums. Plus any cultural / mind goals you have for this year
Whats his name again lads?
Lift a lot
NYR pajeet invasion
Tell me about your broken piece of shit body
2017: The Year of the GF
Happy New Year
So user, who was your new years kiss? you did have a new years kiss, didnt you?
Facial aesthetics thread
Veeky Forums how many calories would a pizza have
It's New Years yet again
How get big traps?
Too fat to bulk
Is this appropriate attire for the gym?
Shown a girl respect
GET READY Veeky Forums
Are chucks actually good for lifting?
Does not working your legs make your dick look bigger?
Butt crisis
Post SIRs
First sip
Ive already failed nofap 2017
How many inches of length and girth does it take to satisfy a girl with a big butt really?
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
What is Veeky Forums doing for N.Y.E
ITT: your current stats and where you hope to be at the end of 2017
Body rate thread
What are your 2017 fitness resolutions, Veeky Forums?
Where is he
Tell me about "her", bros. Is it the "one" you lift for? Does she lift with you?
What's her routine?
How do i act jot drunk. im so drunk right now and i need to act normal
2017 is the year I start cutting fat
Anyone else not going to a New Years Eve party because they have no friends?
End of the year stats
Tfw this will never be you
Strength Training
Veeky Forums NO FAP 2017
Can most girls be a 7/10 with makeup?
Veeky Forums-gold thread
SIR we need youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!
Can we have the LAST high test thread of the year?
Why are you worried about Face Aesthetics when Ugly men are preferred?
You may have one (1) two-hour workout with one of these men...
Why does this exist?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
ITT: We summon Sir so he can post his year years comic
Does Veeky Forums workout at the gym AND library?
Lets do this Veeky Forums
Life Advice Thread
Routine thread
Zyzz looks better than any other cunt in the world. Dat jaw, dat hair, dat nose, dat upper chest, those lips...
What Greek sculpture do you model yourself after?
Go to get a haircut
Lets see ur fucking taste plebs
How long would you have to train to be able to beat every female MMA fighter in the world?
How well do you do Veeky Forums?
Pretty happy with my body and i'm only looking to tone up and make my butt more firm. which exercises should i be doing?
Shame me into getting fit
Just broke my 2 week NoFap by jerking off 5 times to sissy and cuck porn
What causes fat people?
Is this natty?
Symmetric Strength Thread
Rhonda can kick your ass
Non Veeky Forumsfag here, what do i do to get pic related bodytype? just powerlift my ass off?
Is SS a fucking joke? Literally less than ten working sets per session, only three times a week
How many calories does webcamming burn?
Could Veeky Forums compete in MMA?
What do you guys think of these kettle bells?
Should I join the military or get a bigboy job?
What's a good fucking program to do after I get a bit stronger (and reach 1/2/3/4) to become BIG and AESTHETIC?
Thoughts on the godly Manbun?
What is he overcompensating for?
What'd you say about manlets bro?
Ok so a grill I know always gets into debates with me over veganism...
Veeky Forums approved smartphones...
End of 2016
Teeth care thread
Oriental traditional 'martial arts' Why does cringy shit like this exist, fit? Why is bullshit like this so popular...
Anyone made lifting the "badboy/alpha/mysterious guys of their group?
Is james Willems the natty limit?
Trappin general
away from gym (and Veeky Forums) for 5 years
Be me
When you realize that skipping leg day means that you are weak as fuck>
Just be confident
Is this haircut Veeky Forums approved?
"Wow you lift a lot! You have an active hobby, right?"
Plank Thread
Does being with a HIGH TEST girl actually increase your test?
While you are squatting in the gym like a legit spaz chad is doing THIS
Why do you even lift? What's your motivation?
Running Thread
2017 Gets Thread
Gains thread
$3 dolllars for parking at the shared lot everytime I drive to the gym and get validated
How do you cure a hangover Veeky Forums?
On 1800 kcal cut
Has the manlet meme gone too far?
Any Chad in here can tell me if a fit girl's asshole looks different than a fit girl asshole?
And then the wristlet said, but it's normal for 5'6"
You may only post in this thread if you have flaws that will prevent you from ever making it
Well Veeky Forums?
Choose wisely
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Who is the worlds biggest Chad
Fat People Hate
/BWG/ bodyweight general
Veeky Forums red-pill
How does one achieve USC Chad God mode?
Manlets are the real men
Be fat
You walk in to you sisters room and see this
Noob progress
How do I get fit approved glutes?
Which 2016 Veeky Forums memes do you think will appear on SIR's comic?
Since the year is coming to a close, how about we share all that we've accomplished this year. Good feels shit
This fat chick doesn't even look like she lifts, yet she can deadlift 510. What's your excuse, Veeky Forums?
Hey guys I've been doing Stronglift 5x5 for 4.5 months now...
Who here 1/2/3/4/5
I want an qt azn gf NOW
Changing the Sticky
Stop browsing /pol/
Hey Veeky Forums, I have a confession to make. Today I was that guy who critiques other people's form at the gym...
How much cardio does Veeky Forums do?
2017 nofap
Veeky Forums memes you fell for
Enter gym
What's the deal with those fuckhueg bumper plates?
And just like that, I'm no longer natty
Fitness and Islam
What's the best routine for thiccness
at least you're not a manlet
Tfw no average korean gf
In 2017 I will finally grow a beard using Minoxidil
Can't stand this cunt
Femanon here
How often do you guys take a shit?
Who do you lift for?
Who else /dodged the big bullet/ here
Went from fat to skinny and now my breasts are garbage...
I´m considering to nofap the entire year of 2017,is that possible?
Do you believe Jason is big now?
Does Veeky Forums like yoga?
Martial arts?
How safe is it buying some steroids through darknet markets? anyone have any experience with this?
Veeky Forums post your dogs
Im new to sarms, which is the best and do they have serious side effects?
ITT favorite Veeky Forums person. I'll start with pic related
Who is going to be your new years kiss Veeky Forums?
So user, what are your plans for new years eve? You do have plans... right?
Worn out from PPLxPPL (1.5 to 2 hours in the gym 6 days a week is too much)
How close are you to the ideal face Veeky Forums?
Thoughts on AlphaDestiny
/plg/ Powerlifting General
How can I convince my girlfriend to lose weight? She's obese - not morbidly obese...
This was ripped 50 years ago
Female F,H & F
Tfw previous thread got shut down
Makes you think
Exercises women will never understand:
CBT - Current Body Thread
Nofap is bullshit
WHO /sleeponfloor/ here?
Why do women like Ryan Gosling Veeky Forums?
Someone redpill me on hair
Can the mods plz bad fart posters
ITT I will give you the possibly best/fastest way to lose weight
Veeky Forums goes to the movies
Goal Bodies Thread
How do i deal with my insane mother who is against me losing weight?
How much of a deal breaker is dick size for chicks? do they care less as you become more fit? Am I just being insecure?
Who is your fitness waifu?
What would fit do to her?
You realize that no matter how much you lift, you'll never be able to pull bitches like Chad does right?
Where the fuck do i start?
Go to the gym with roommate
Can a fit male still being able to pickup teens until what age?
"What do you see?"
Can we get a COLD SHOWER thread going?
ITT: Valuable life lessons you've learnt
Losing weight
And with this... I am no longer natty
Which slayer album will help me break plateau?
When she rubs the penis head with her palm in a circular motion
Best cutting routine?
Just masturbated 21 times today
"First time I went hunting and was successful, I was like “OooOOohh kay, I get it now, this is, oh this is nuts, ooh...
"Wow user, have you been like, working out or whatever? You should come to zumba with us on Tuesdays if you want"
What does Veeky Forums look like when they're wet?
/fraud/ teens
Why does he look cool instead of full autismo? Is it because he's got a good frame...
/BWG/ bodyweight general
Natty limit
SS will make you fat
Anyone else just genuinely feel bad for short guys? Felt bad for one I saw today
Man dies after barbell falls on neck while benchpressing
"So like, how much can you lift user? ....haha WOW thats like more than I weigh, do you think you could even lift ME?!...
/OWG/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Mfw first girl i asked out slapped me
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Fuark Rippitoe was ripped back in the day
"user, so do you like 'work out' or whatever a lot or something?"
18 years old user here, tomorrow i'll start going to the gym, i have read the sticky but i'm insecure about the routine...
What do you like better? Bulking or cutting?
Any other fatties starting their Fat Loss in 2017?
What's your gym outfit Veeky Forums? Please stop pretending it doesn't matter
Even if you lift to your full potential, it won't matter if you lack the facial aesthetics...
Proof that height is the most important
Get gf 2 years ago
Get /fit
Is he Veeky Forums?
Fatfuck wanting to be fitfuck
"Alright fucker, hand over the bag!"
Is lifting a meme, or will it actually help with depression...
Does anyone have the infograph of an average untrained males strength levels?
/FGBG/ fictional goal body general
Is this gyno on the left or just fat? can't tell. doesn't show up when I stand or sit up straight...
Get tinder
How do i become the BATMAN?
Am I the only one that doesn't push others to workout?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Thread idea: Post a picture of someone's physique and other anons guess how long it would take to attain that physique...
Daily reminder that this will never be you
Tell me about Muhammad Ali Veeky Forums
Hey Veeky Forums legally a landmass here. 5'7" 270 pounds. I've begun my road to losing weight and getting fit...
No bread
Gonna get that bf next year Veeky Forums?
ITT: quote the funniest/most delusional things you've ever heard on Veeky Forums
"Wow user, your arms have gotten much bigger, since the last time you were here...
Reminder that this is what girls want
Oh my user, you've grown so... big
How can we make her Veeky Forums
Eats like 12 bananas a day
Skelly to buff
Mfw no gf
Can't stand this cunt
What's your motivation for getting fit ?
I want to exercise at home for some months to begin with. Since its new year and gyms are full as fuck till february...
TFW eyes really hurt
Skinny to Veeky Forums progress
Ok guys, it's time for a Veeky Forums check in
How much alcohol do you guys drink and how often?
Compliments all the time irl from normies
I'm a pale ghost and now that I have some gains, I need a tan
Enter gym
How on earth do I reach 3000 calories a day?
When will I learn?
Decline bench
There are 4 Sips for 2,99 € right now at Lidl. Thank me later
Go on Veeky Forums and browse an inspo thread
Fat person hate thread
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Name a better Veeky Forums relationship than Goku and Chi Chi
Post them mental gains
Why does everyone who makes it leave Veeky Forums?
6 months into ss
What mode is this, Veeky Forums, and how do I achieve it?
How does Veeky Forums deal with being accused of steroid use?
How do I get as thicc as possible while having a nice stomach? I'm pear shaped
/shit gym thread/
Welp got turned down hard by a girl I've had my eye on for a long time
Fit Guessing Game
Germophobes at the gym
"hey user, i brought you a pizza. Wait, you do eat pizza, right?"
Curls thread
Imagine the smell
Squat form
Oh wow user! That's a big cock!
Abs on skinny guys are like big tits on fat girls
Storytime faggits
Hey guys I need motivational posters to hang on my empty walls but having hard time choosing them
Be skeleton mode, 5'9" 135 lb, arms like sticks
Who else here a sweat animal?
Good Veeky Forums feels
Beginner question
Get Fit Challenge
CBT Ass Edition
This guy works at my gym
Jason Blaha posted 12 videos of himself walking around his apartment complex looking for stalkers in full body armor...
Cut now or keep going?
Do I have Klinefelters?
What are the best body weight exercises to do while chilling at home?
Is working out while high on codeine a good idea?
What's the best PPL routine?
Honestly Veeky Forums
Thoughts on picking up girls at the gym?
What would you do to her Veeky Forums?
Which exercises are most effective for burning fat?
Has anyone on this board ever been to prison? How would you get swole and survive in prison?
What are some good glute building exercises that aren't squats or dead lifts?
Enter gym
This is the reason why you lift right?
I know you guys claim not to be lifting for girls...
I'm enlisting in the marine corps
Brehs, what mode is this?
Hello welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you?
How many peanut butter sandwiches do I need to eat for 2k calories? It's the only food I can think of to bulk on
Do regular overhand pullups for 6 months and see no lat changes
When is it over anons?
Let's get a faces of Veeky Forums thread going
Tfw stuck in ELO hell on tinder
"Where are you taking me user?"
What are you eating for dinner Veeky Forums?
What gets you through a set? What do you think about?
How did you guys develop the habit of counting calories?
What would you do to her, Veeky Forums ?
Who else is here is part of PureGym Master Race?
Skeleton thread
That first mire of the day
CBT : Current Back Thread
Does fapping lower my test?
Do you guys recommend anything for enhanced recovery besides lots of sleep and proper nutrition? No roids either...
Food prep
What is this?
How does one become more alpha?
Rough Neighboorhood
Have a thing with girl
Veeky Forums have you made it to 1/2/3/4?
What are you doing for New Year's Eve, Veeky Forums? Besides waiting for sir's comic
Right Veeky Forums, former bald lad here...
You wouldn't last a day in my world
Anyone else not attracted to their GF without makeup?
How do we deal with the /manlet/ problem?
Don't lift
He pays for a gym membership
Literally without memeing, please tell me:
What's the first thing that comes to mind?
My wife just started crying cause I told her she made me a bland breakfast. What do you guys think? It wasn't very good
/plg/ powerlifting general
Music Thread
Started doing farmer walks a few months back
Tfw you realize your big brother is the ultimate chad
Ottermode Thread
Tfw member at gym for 3 months
Male masturbation
What do you shave, fit?
Elliot Rodger looked like this and he was STILL incel
Is it possible for a human being to stay in this position?
Hey user, have you been hitting the gym recently?
Pulled a 600 diddy PR today out of pure anger after not doing them for few months due to story related
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games