"Bodybuilders are weak, they have no functional strength!"
"Bodybuilders are weak, they have no functional strength!"
>If you aren't a bodybuilder there's no point to lifting
"Powerlifters are fat, they have no definition"
> going to the gym is an expression of toxic masculinity. Instead, consider joining a local co-op and going vegan!
gonna go pay lil rich piana BITCH a visit today like literally pay him a visit
I feel like there's some truth to this desu. Like yeah sure you can get some pretty damn impressive totals and stay lean, but all the worlds best powerlifters have accepted the advantage that fat gives them, especially with things like squat suits.
I'd rather die than look like that guy
Don't worry you never will
>I'd rather die than spend 6 months dieting down back to humanity and being an athletic tattooed man
Does anyone have the comic where there's a giant, muscley titan looking character towering over a stick figure and the stick figure is smirking and says some shit like
>my superior speed will beat him
>implying you can just died down the oil he pumped into his body
dude needs some holes for it to leak out
>roommate is a big guy
>does more pushups, dips and pullups as I ever did
>I'm out of shape since my exam one year ago
>went bouldering together for the first two times
>he is worse as I am while being taller and stronger
>he gives it up, because he's to heavy
>mfw I'm out of shape but have more functional and more relative strength as him
>shadow of the colossus
He looks like he's from Veeky Forums
with a gun (and distance) I am stronger than the most powerful powerlifter in the world.
but it's true. If me and you got into a fight I would just weave around your pathetic punches and knock you out cold.
tfw I went to this uni :( got into an argument with a girl and I legit had to go and see the "women's officer" and the dean about it (the dean was also a woman). Felt like a criminal desu
Rich panini is a scumfuck and ugly.
If by best powerlifters you mean literally lifting the most weight, sure, because there's no advantage to being on the lower end of the weightclass, you don't need to be lean. Conversely, powerlifters who want to fit into a certain weight class can't afford to be fat because that could be muscle instead.
Do us a favor and weave yourself into a noose.
weak ass fuck, no functional strenght, no potency, no speed, no cardio, fake muscles.
I know, im not worried because im not dumb enough to ruin my body like that.
Absolute bullshit, but that doesn't mean bodybuilders can inherently fight well. Want to fight well? Train to fight. Want to hit hard? Train to hit. George Foreman and Ernie Shavers didn't hit like fucking trains because they benched and rowed, they did so because they spent time on a heavy bag.
This you?
Is that real technique? It looks like shit
Watch her last fight when she tried to confront a real boxer
>down in less than 50s
rousey isn't a boxer and she shouldn't try to be one.
Thanks but no thanks
This does not look healthy
Rousey's stand up game is absolute trash, unless she can clinch and use her Olympic level Judo.