Why do people take steroids? Is it insecurity?
Why do people take steroids? Is it insecurity?
Insecure with their masculinity
hunger for greater strength
they want to look like shit
Do steroids even make you stronger or is it just useless musclemass?
Why do people lift weights?
Is it insecurity?
Hey fuck you it's me from the CBT. You think you're tough for making a new thread with my pic?? Fuck off dyel post body.
they wanna feel big and special because they dont have the intelligence to make it
Compare totals from tested and non tested meets. There's a bit of a difference.
How you do anything, is how you do everything.
They take shortcuts through their whole lives, not just to get swole. Shortcuts in friendships, family, dating. They always cheat themselves out of a real life experience.
Not gonna lie, when I said roided up dudes at my gym, yes, I do mire, but I also feel bad. Sad lives they must lead.
They make you much stronger.
>le cheating yourself meme
lol fuck off you sad cunt.
top kek, he's definitely a turbo skinnyfat loser
I'll never roid, but the longer you lift, the more tempting they get. Natty hell is real.
me on right
Honestly wouldnt mind doing a single cycle just to have a small boost/see what it's like but doing multiple cycles like this over and over is fucking retarded
There's a difference between getting the best physique from your genetics and injecting oil for a physique. Both have different outcomes as well.. once a person goes off steroids, they will lost a LOT of their muscle as well as maybe pickup some withdrawal symptoms. A natty will keep gaining and have minimal losses unless they completely give up lifting and nutrition.
Haha holy shit the mid-right guy looks like a reject Zyzz. Haha look at his face hahahahahahahah
dude look like a fish
troll or new?
because i have nothing else to do :(
Pressure of competition. Not formal, just wanting to be as good or better. They know it's not possible to get those physiques while staying natural, and they probably don't want to use them, but insecurity starts to settle in. If you had spent years lifting, keeping good form and doing your exercises the right way, sticking to your diet and routine without fail, and then some guy who has only been lifting for four or five years suddenly walks in and he's got 25" arms to your 18" arms, wouldn't you feel frustrated and like you wasted your time? So they start to do steroids, too, and it starts off this unsustainable competition where you eventually end up with two flabby guys in their mid-50s who look tanner than shoe leather and have to take hormone replacement therapy.
Why do people wear corrective lenses? Insecurity?
junkies will be junkies
t. junkie
show us what you look like
for the guy who posted that pic. yeah, talked like a retard that whole thread.
Only about 10% strength difference between advanced powerlifters both natural and enhanced. Study was done using only testosterone and didn't account for dozens of other drugs though.
iktf :(
Bigorexia. Look at Luimarco, lifetime natty, mires non-natties but easily out-angles them on his YT videos.
Must be saluted
Seems like a lot of DYELs are under the impression that people like the guy in OPs pic don't have to work hard for their gains just because they are on gear
People who weren't born Chad so they do everything they can to become a pseudo Chad
This. Go to the steroid general and look at what most of the roiders look like.
It will give you an appreciation for people that actually look like they roid
Search 'Stoya' in archives
Stoya looks fine for a 6'5 dude on test only
My body quit producing testosterone, so I have a prescription for it, thats why I take it.
If you don't know, you don't belong here.
It's insecurity
Which can be a great motivator, by the way - Though I draw the line at self-medication.
Here's the non-photoshopped one
I've met a couple people on roids. They have major insecurities and are always overcompensating from their car, to dress, to the gym. I'm not morally against steroids. I'd only do them if they made me money though.
Look at Rich Piana. That guy has so many daddy issues it's nuts.
Because it's an option, just like anything else. Faggot.
If you where big and could be bigger for a measly $1000 why not do it?
You do the same things as before just with more results
Take very low doses as to keep balls big and hair lush and pimples at bay
It's simple.
1) no wayyyy bro roads are bad mkay
2) fuck it why not. I can if I want to
3)deal with it you sissy cucks. We all know that every single pro lifter even the God Arnold took the juice, you still have to work out its not just a magic transformation.
>not taking roids to make dick hang lower than balls
>just a question
>feeling the need to defend yourself so agressively
Seems to me OP struck a nerve, you don't really come across as a very confident guy.
Because they are insecure and need to believe themselves to be manly.
Found the juice monkey
>being this new
The guy died for taking steroids
Wow that's deep and makes sense. :(
>being THIS new
>discount zyzz
Chad is made, always.
Chad mode body does not come from womb dumbass.
> making it
> with roids
How do you feel knowing that you will never make it, fraudfags? Making it is much more than having big muscles. It is more about changing yourself inside, unleashing that sweet potential that will change the world at your will, because you suddenly get some mature balls to have the right attitude in the right moment, finding yourself in the right place in this world.
As long you try to change yourself from outside out, like taking steroids and waiting that some kind of miracle happens in your life, you will never make it.
Making it is about finding inner peace. A hot body, money and some quality pussy are mere consequences and nothing more. Your happiness will not depend from this shit anymore.
Come to the natty way of lifting, fellow Veeky Forumszen, and let this life of lies, frustration and douchbaggery behind.
You fell for it you fucboi
Not only do they make you way stronger while you're on them, they also increase your athletic ability long after you're off them.
That guy looks like dog shit. Would rather look like a ectofag with zero mass than that freakshow.
kek all those roids and no traps
also reminder roids age you prematurely
found the newfag
>implying roids don't also give massive confidence and well-being gains which definitely persist long after the cycle
No, roids don't give you confidence. I know lots of roiders and they're VERY insecure, which is why they use roids.
I was diagnosed with low T and ever since I've been on Testosterone, my confidence and overall well being are incomparable to how I used to be.
Once I got into injecting instead of those stupid lotions I experimented with other compounds.
I'm back to just using my normal dose of T but knowing what I can achieve and knowing what that feels like to be on higher dosages helps me.
kek, testosterone is directly linked with confidence and male happiness, if you went from 500 test to 2000 you will have a completely different man
I pity you if it's beyond your understanding that in some cases roids can improve your life dramatically AND if you need to talk negatively about people who use steroids, just to feel better about yourself
I know testosterone gives you confidence, but roiders are still insecure as fuck.
Insecurity is a mental issue. They constantly try to prove themselves, no matter how much testosterone confidence they have. They are still a pile of insecurities.
nice cope desu
chads are born through superior genetics, if ou arent born a chad you can be at best be a pseudo chad and maybe be mistaken for a chad by post prime staceys and other washed up hags
if every incel realised the truth that they will never come close to chadhood they would kll themselves
bad luck boyo
Unironically browse a steroid board to tell bigger people than you they are insecure.
>Almost bait.
>That skin
Jesus christ, I imagine he smells like what an ashtray full of cigarette butts would smell like if they were made out of meat.