i CRAVE goth girls
i CRAVE goth girls
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Did I do it right?
How can you not?
Do goths even still exist?
I thought they went away like 8 years ago
>this is the average Veeky Forums thread now that every 12-year-old has a smartphone
Yes, you just graduated high school
why are you such a fucking idiot that you think this belongs on the fitness board?
Veeky Forums is 18+ kid. fuck off.
That's scene not goth
They crave you too, OP
theyre so perfect brehs
>tfw no goth gf
Do they even still exist?
Bruh I know that feel. Knowing that since im 23 now ill never pork one is a special kind of frustrating
>ywn fuck boxxy in the ass
Past 18 they turn into overweight cunts, and I don't mean high-test.
They have bad faces too.
Did you guys finish playing VTMB too?
>Do they even still exist?
>Bruh I know that feel. Knowing that since im 23 now ill never pork one is a special kind of frustrating
In 90% of all cases. Sometimes they are just plain awesome though.
Ib4 you played something other than Gangrel.
Yeah, better have gotten them in highschool.
Also, they tend to have mental problems.
I do know one that turned out fine. Very rare tho.
I was in a relationship with a mature goth woman (10+ years older than me). AMA? Some of the negatives here are very true.
Nah. Not interested.
I'm watching my friend deal with a codependent goth.
goths are only cute @ 14-17 breh
>ywn date a qt random XDDD girl addicted to gaia online and watching naruto cerca 2004
Not really much to know there - she is delusional and self-entitled, with a pinch of wicca and faux concern for nature.
Put a finger in her butt?
Damn, yeah you niggas don't need to know shit. She just gave great head, the goth aesthetic is my fetish and so is mature.
Trash tier self esteem. Could cheat with little deniability and she'd let it pass. Also are all goth girls obsessed with the nightmare before christmas?
my djarum's are ready, and mors syphilitica is on. I'm bleeding black, and shitting bats.
can of aquanet is empty, and fishnets are torn.
...n-i-i-ce bo-o-ots, wan-na fu-ck?
I'm 34 years old, good looking, live in one of the best places anywhere, own a really cool business and travel the world. I would throw it all away if I could date hot goth girls again. I date some very interesting and attractive women but none of them can compare to mid to late 1990s hot goth girls. Their look was the one that all the early 2000s scene girls were trying to co opt for themselves. I feel bad for every one of you anons who never got to experience what it was like to see these young women in their natural habitat. What a time to be alive. I'm not talking the fat girls with Jack Skellington backpacks and cruddy looking 3/10s with caked on makeup - I'm talking the original OG hot goth girls who somehow bought all of these expensive industrial leather outfits before Amazon was barely a thing. Where did they even buy this shit? Who knows? Who cares? This is back when you still had to pay for music and facial piercings were still socially unacceptable. But these girls pulled it off. It is impossible to top. Somewhere in the 4th dimension there is an alternate timeline where goth became a normal style and everyone dresses that way. I desperately want to be there.
Currently fugging a 19yo petite gothic qt AMA
Where the fuck did you find her?! What is your geographic location!! Even in college I never saw them.
Honest question: dyel, and if so, how does she feel about that?
If yes I'm killing myself
Do you really believe goth/emo kids want muscular Chads?
Was a goth girl in the mid 90s. Nice to hear we were appreciated.
>tfw VTMB gave me goth fetish
Chads, no. But goths and emos into metal can vary
>didn't already have one
I got mine at 4 when I watched beetlejuice.
For me it was the girl band in a scooby doo movie. Fetish ever since.
Look up Peter Steele, every goth chick's dream. I still try to emulate his style even if I'm not a fan.
I got mine around age 9/10 and would head into Hot Topic and saw the girls working there
scene girls have the best look a girl could possibly have. I'm lucky they like the daddy look, but they have zero self-esteem, so they let any guy fondle them at the bare minimum. they're undateable because of that. a shame.
>but they have zero self-esteem
They can be undyingly loyal though because of this but yeah a short leash would be ideal I think.
Also obnoxiously liberal, fml.
>undyingly loyal
>let any guy fondle them
Pick one
Something that is definitely not lacking in my life.
Tips if your crazy enough
>Live in LA
>Figure out what nihilism is
>Stop caring
... Be goth I guess, have a few friends who are dominatrices. There aren't a lot of us, but we find each other and root out normies and posers like none other. Honestly, if your not finding them, your definitely never going to be able to date one.
>Kek going outside when pale skin is the trademark
>tfw no health goth gf to go to boiler room with
I don't live in la. Do I just kill myself
>ywn be able to pull an alpha metal man look due to receding hairline and thin hair
Goth girls and scene girls can absolutely be qt's but they also seem like subcultures where 99.99999999% of the girls would be the worst gains goblins imaginable
Same senpai
Are your best bets for finding a "scene" Seattle/NYC from what I've seen.
Outside of that most dress pretty normally during the day and just class it up as they get older.
How do you live in LA with pale skin? Drive everywhere? hang out under bridges?
t. wann-be gothchad
>tfw you can pull this off, just gotta finish the cut
Bad side is I put a lot of care on my hair.
This is why this sucks. I fucking despise nihilism, i try to live as opposite as I can to that mentality but god damn the aesthetic is my turn on.
In its active form, nihilism is likened to a hammer — used not only to chisel away all artificial meaning, but to smash them. Active nihilism paves the way for the creation of new values, the overcoming of the self by taking a new relation to oneself as an autonomous creator. In effect, this is the transformation of living as the “one-self,” into “my-self.” Thus, the end result of nihilism in its active form is nothing short of paving the way for the grounds to becoming my own self.
Have you been to LA? No one fucking walks.
woooooooooahahahaoh lelelelelele
Thank you Nietzsche I'm aware of this, I went through this in college.
scene and emo girls ALL have daddy issues. they love older guys with a daddy look. bald, balding, whatever. as long as you're tall with wide shoulders and not fat you have a shot. I wasn't even muscular yet when I was 31 and scene and skater girls would sit on my lap.
thing is, they NEVER do it if there are other scene kids around. when they are in the group they go for the skinny guys their age to keep appearances. but the second they're alone they orbit daddy types.
I for sure have this look, Statham cut with beard and stache plus reasonably fit. Where 2 find these girls?
you were doing god's work out there
That's probably more of an insult
>protip: 95% are fat
Emo girls masterrace have a better ratio and are sometimes super skinny (think rave girls).
Fuck off Panpizza, go back to making top 10 videos
>tfw all I wanted as a teen was a goth/scene gf
>finally make it, become jacked normie who could pull any girl on the market
>goth/scene girls have been replaced by kylie jenner instagram whores
Chokers look retarded
>you were doing god's work out there
Satan's work
You just have to know where to look OP. Plenty of them are found in obscure vampire forums and Youtube channels. I came across this one channel:
You better believe they exist and are out there somewhere, considering her subscriber count
And that is why you will fail
Chokers are the hottest thing. Fuck off.
Choker+black lipstick makes my dick carbon fiber hard.
That feel is all too real.
These bitches don't shower...
the cigarettes take care of that
You weren't. 95% of goth girls are fat and pretentious.
>Be me.
>Studying a Master in Industrial Engineering.
>Have this 23yo girl with with white hair and dark clothes in class.
>She never spoke to anyone.
>Time goes by and I start a like her.
>Word on the street is that she has some kind of mental problem, but I'n not sure.
>The last day I decide to ask her out.
>She didn't came to class.
Welp, it seems that I either dodged a bullet or my turbo autism is still twisting my life. Thoughts?
I hate you that you waited all semester to ask such a qt.
Could be worse. Not that guy, but I still haven't asked out the girl from a class that I've liked for about a year and a half now
I fucking hate you niggers. I'm done with college and moved back out. I hardly ever see QT's.
I hate you niggers because I acted the same way and have so much regret.
any more like this
In my defense, one of the reasons I've not pounced is I've seen and heard shitty things about her, and don't want to get involved with that.
If I could grow some balls and swing a hook up, I might do it (I've got 2 more years of her around)