ITT: quote the funniest/most delusional things you've ever heard on Veeky Forums

ITT: quote the funniest/most delusional things you've ever heard on Veeky Forums

I'll start out: "manlets can't get girls"

>manlets aren't beta faggots

anyone who legitimately considers themselves a manlet is a huge beta faggot.

He has a top 1% physique

He has tons of youtube money and fame (self made, business etc)

and despite that his GF's all eventually leave him once they get over the whole meme of his aesthetics and youtube money

Sad how he stretches his spine to the last bit

>and despite that his GF's all eventually leave him once they get over the whole meme of his aesthetics and youtube money
probably because he's autistic, or he dates sluts.

>Manlet is a mindset

"Girls like muscles"
I really wish this was true, to some extent because attention is always nice and knowing girls want to fuck is a good thing
Sure, ive had some girls try to pick me up after i got big but that happened before too

In short, i wish muscles elevated your attraction level to an average american fat girl so that if i wanted to get laid anytime i could

Hardly delusional, I never got hit on before getting muscles. After, I now get hit on by as many women as I do men. Zero.

However, I did have a girl call me "cute" after getting jacked so it's obviously the muscles.

what do you mean by this

Not the OP, but if you are short and act like a huge beta pussy faggot - then yes, you are a manlet and you will never succeed.
If you are short and act confident and alpha (yes you are still a manlet), but you will accomplish your goals.

Start liking men and you literally can fuck someone anytime you want

That bitch was hot

>implying this is possible
nigga, all i ask out of life is to be able to get laid consistently with 5/10+ chicks
As it stands this is fucking impossible since 999/1000 girls have a boyfriend and the rest are the "i dont want one lol" type

Damn, Dave Grohl got ripped.

Grohl has better hair and looks less like a pompous autistic child.

rip in peace hairline

Holy fucking shit, you just want to get laid with 5/10's and you can't? Hahahah
You must be ugly as fuck, have legit autism or ooze insecurity. How can you not be able to pick up a 5/10?
After getting fit I'd never even consider. fucking a girl that's less than 7/10.

Are people on this board really this bad with girls? I thought it was a meme.

she was annoying as fuck.

I would still dickstroy her slutty ass tho.

>a succesful manlet that has his own fitness brand and lots of money and fame is able to pull average looking girls

Really good motivation for the average manlet without money and fame out there :^)

Nice humble brag

But yes, not everyone has gotten down talking to girls, is that really so difficult to understand? Is it seriously so far out of the realm of possibility that you "can't even"

On the very high chance that you are trolling though, 6/10, I 8 the b8

I think you missed my point by several miles, friend
if a girl is 5/10+ she in 999/1000 cases already have a boyfriend and i dont know about you but that shuts me down completly because i dont fuck around with taken chicks

Im good, social and not at all insecure but if there are no girls avaliable to approach...what exactly am i to do?

and i did say 5/10+ as in 5 or better, better is prefered but from 5 and up ive noticed girls are never single

That's the thing they'll never learn.

I can say with 100% certainty that's this post was made by a manlet with no gf.

Post yfw you realize manlet is a mindset

Post nudes or gtfo


Twas half bait.
Yes I get laid more often with much better looking girls since getting Veeky Forums but it was only after also practicing talking to girls for longer than a year.
I dunno where you live mate but that's definatly not the case here. Sure around 50% are taken. Abd for me they are off the table aswell but no harm is done if you just talk with her for fun/expand your skills talking to girls. Not every girl you should talk to should be with the mindset to get laid. Actually this should NEVER be your mindset. Girls smell and notice neediness from a mile away. Once you get this and act like this you'll notice that girls are often alot more interested in you and alot easier than you think.
Just the fact that you say that most of them have bfs or dont want one is proof of this. I never bring up this subject and if they ask you, which they often will, you know they want you.


>. Actually this should NEVER be your mindset
I socialize with people and have an easy time talking to randoms so its not like i hit on girls explicitly to get laid. i talk because its fun to get to know people
Still, what i said holds true. its insanely hard to find a girl who is single where i live (Sweden btw)

>top 1% physique
Look at these legs.

what confuses me about this, is it the actual approaching them that you guys can't manage? or once you have struck up a conversation you can't keep it going?

Little bit of Column A, little of Column B.

The first is crawling, the second is walking. It takes a while for some guys to learn to run

I know you're lieing. look up statistics. Only 21% of women aged 20-24 are in a serious relationship.
However from 25-30 this explodes towards 50%. Just go to places that are mainly filled with 20-24 year old.
Those are the statistics of Sweden in late 2014. Could it be you're just more attracted and succesfull with taken girls since they're easier to talk to because there is no pressure of 'getting' with her.

> drink a gallon of milk a day.

holy fuk

I love statistics but in this case i feel like they fail me since there are supposed to be single women avaliable but this doesnt paint the whole picture
Most girls who are single are single for a good reason, last girl i dated had a friend who was a virgin at 21. I asked her whats going on and the girl i was dating said "She rejects every guy who approaches her, not sure why but most of my friends do this"
So its not just "Is she single?" its "is she single and looking for a guy?"

Right now im pissed since girls are a shitshow at best, ive had nothing but bad experiences with girls (both inside LTRs, hookups, casual dating and rejections) so im wondering if all the searching is worth it in the end

There are always going to be outliers, just like there are a few intelligent black people.