18 years old user here, tomorrow i'll start going to the gym, i have read the sticky but i'm insecure about the routine. What do you suggest?
Also best begginer routine general.
18 years old user here, tomorrow i'll start going to the gym, i have read the sticky but i'm insecure about the routine...
If you're planning on doing barbell stuff, spend some time just learning how to perform the movements properly before trying to progress on weight.
Yes, i don't want to injure myself. Which starting routine do you think is the best?
Try with Jason Blaha 5x5
Not him but at first, when I didn't know what I was doing, I started doing the routine that Scooby suggested in his website to see if I liked it and to learn how to do basic stuff. Then I started to read and decided I wanted to get strong so I switched to SL 5x5. After that it changed to SL 3x5 and here I am.
>A - Mo
>B - We
The Press
Power Clean
>A - Fr
All 5x5
A x B x A x B x A x B x ...
Stronglifts 5x5
Thanks guys for the replies, i'll give a look. Should i add Wright every session and how much should i use a begginer routine?
>the press
Military press?
If possible, go today. You'll feel really proud that you did.
I always feel accomplished when I consider skipping the gym because it's inconvenient but go anyway.
Yep, OHP aka military press
Is your goal aesthetics or powerlifting?
not OP but aesthetics
im short and afraid im gonna get fat on all these programs everyone says is a meme and i dont know whats real
I'm a pastafag, it's too late.
Thank you anyway for the advice.
My goal is aesthetics.
Try with SS and search for Starting Strength the book. Also remember to watch Rippetits videos (Art of Manliness) on youtube. Once you've been doing the Big 4 for some time, add accessories. Read, get informed by yourself. Good luck
SS Gomad is a meme OP, do not fall for it
SS in itself is a good strength program for beginners, just make sure to throw in accessory exercises to balance out your physique
Too scared about getting memed
What should i add to not look like a t-rex?
I don't like starting strength because a complete beginner has no business learning a complex movement like power cleans and has a zero percent chance of doing them correctly without a teacher.
Find a brosplit and do that until you gain a basic understanding of how your muscles work and how to make them grow. Read up on nutrients, diets, excercises, and muscle groups. After you understand how everything works you can start your own split where you focus on growing what you're lacking.
I wouldn't recommend doing deadlifts unless you're working with someone who knows their shit.
Read guides and watch tutorials. Bodybuilding isn't easy. It's a lifestyle that you need to want to have.
Good luck you fat fucks/aushwitz survivors.
please just tell me what do I do if just want to get lean ottermode like justin bieber something I don't want to be gross and strongfat
Not me.
i'm getting more confused and i don't know what to do
just do ss + isolations
See Or you can just google this shit. You're not the first ones with this question.
wow google NO SHIT
every time I google it someone says do SS and then someone else says SS is a meme
Here's a secret: Use any fucking routine you find and follow it. You don't have you optimize your training when you're more likely than not going to quit within a month.
You'll make decent gains on any program and if you end up sticking with it, you'll have gained enough knowledge to pick your own program anyway.
Starting strength with the added volume.
And apply that to only upper body compound lifts. A fourth set with less weight and 8 reps. Add curls and chest isolation. Do curls on the day youre not doing chins and do chest isolation on bench day. Thats all you need.
Dont do gomad. Maybe 1-2 liter mill per day(depends on how big you are)
is 5x5 the best?
Ive heard that 5-8 is best for strength, and I'm not sure if its a meme :/
3x5 is the best. Fuck 5x5.
I've been doing 5x5 for main lifts and 3x12 for accessories. I thought this was acceptable if you're middle of the road between bodybuilding and strength training.
what do you mean 3x5?
like, 3 pushups five times? 5 pushups 3 times?
Im doing things 8 times until I get tired
I thought I was doing stronglifts/starting strength. Turns out I was closer to reg parks 5x5, seems like a nice balance of barbell strength movements and aesthetic lifts to keep balanced. But I've been doing it for ~3mth so can't really say
I hope you're okay with this slight hijack relevant to the OP that I posted in a 404'd QTDDTOT:
Skinnyfat with a 'home gym.' And by home gym I mean two adjustable dumbbells and a bench. Not sure how closely I can really follow SS, I'm not looking to get big, but as far as I know, to escape this skinnyfat hell, I'm going to have to get big first then cut down. That said, I'm not so sure how to tackle putting together a routine, especially with home gym. I think I have the pieces, just not the order to put them together. I was thinking of doing dumbbell presses, overhead dumbbell presses, goblet squats, planks, and pushups. I'm missing out on deadlifts with this, though, and it just feels incomplete in general. Can anyone give me some guidance? Thanks in advance.
First number is the amount of sets. Second number is the amount of reps per set.
It's written the same way you say it. 3 sets of 5 is 3x5.
OP, if your goals involve the following:
>real world strength
>muscle mass
>improved sports performance
>muscular endurance
then you should honestly do SS or a similar linear progression beginner routine. i have heard good things about 5/3/1 beginner routine and greyskull LP so consider looking into those and finding some reliable info on them. at the beginner stage, improving strength improve a hell of lot more than just your totals.
long story short, beginner routines normally rely on linear progression (ie improvements from workout to workout instead of week to week or month to month) and normaly involve compound lifts primiarily. getting stronger in these will, WILL, result in muscle growth. and if you add in the appropriate accessory lifts ( for example if you do SS then rows instead of cleans if you don;t care about sports performance or olympic lifting, curls, chins, tricep extensions etc), and if you control your diet appropriately and don't bulk like uncle rippetoe suggests, aesthetics will almost certainly accompany very fast strength gains.
really the differences between the beginner routines are both miniscule and signifcant at once. you will end up with similar results but getting there will be easier or harder depending on whcih. its not hugely important, choose one, ride it out and you will get what you want.
also, if the number lifted s quoted first, then its the reverse.
so if you do 225 for 3x5, it becomes 225x5x3, if you decide to use this notation
OK so to start out, do Strong lifts 5x5 + pull ups and use the app to guide you thought the progression. watch videos to learn how to do the lifts and practice with low weight. Once you feel like you got the hang of the lifts you can tweak your routine and find what works best for you.
Reddit beginner PPL if you want to look good and put on mass.
SS if you want to be a bottom heavy powershitter.
lol but this guy is strong as fuck. Would look fine after cut. The lighting and pose in this picture doesn't do him any favors, either.
read the fucking sticky