Wtf is wrong with me

Guys I've been doing 5x5 since 5 months and I can barely do 30kg OHP, what the fuck is wrong with me?
Whatever I do I don't seem to surpass that nummber, and I'm even struggling with it, how to get rid of my weakness?

Im 5'8, 62KG - 140 lbs -

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just keep at it.
most people find OHP the hardest compound exercise in 5x5, so don't get disheartened if you aren't progressing as quickly as others.

You need to eat more.
You can't get stronger without eating a calorie surplus.

And before you say you eat a lot, no you don't. You weigh 140lbs.

30 kg as in with bar counted? once you stall on ohp it literally takes ages to increase. just go as heavy as you can go and do more sets and reps with it and keep grinding. try doing some push presses as well or even seated db press

Fix your form
Eat more
Sleep more
Add assistance exercises
Take a sabbatical from OHP

eat more!
I'm 176cm and 5x5 only got better for me after getting to at least 75kg, at 80kg now.
Also as said, OHP-Stalls are the hardest

This. I don't give a fuck how much you think you eat, because it's clearly not enough. Lift harder and eat more. More, motherfucker.

bench 105kg
ohp 45kg
guys help :(

yes with the bar

Im on 200 caloric deficit , I eat about 1800 calories a day, I used to be fat and I cut like 20 kg's, still cutting to decrease my BF, im at 15% right now.

My form is fine
I will see to that
I sleep a lot
I do a lot of assitance excercises
I deloaded a lot before
This weight feels too pathetic to struggle with man, I really hate myself when I fail a set with a number this low

Like I said man, people at their first day at the age could probably do better than me, and this is making me very angry at myself

What are your lifts numbers bruh? bodyfat?

I've been stuck around 105-115 for the last few months. Sometimes I can get 5 reps of 115 but my diet and rest have to be perfect. I just did a 3x5 of 105 yesterday that felt really good so I think I'm going to try loading up from there.
I've been alternating heavy 3x5 with lighter 4x8 every other week with the hopes of building some endurance. It's made 105-110 feel a lot more stable, but I blame a lot of my problems on weak abs.

You're the size of a small frail child. Eat more.

>ohp 67
>bench 72.5

wanna trade?

Stop. If you want to get stronger, you need to eat more. Either go for aesthetics or for strength.

I was similar to you, Im 5"9 and I was cutting even though I was 140 lbs, because I wanted abs.

You won't get abs, even if you cut because you need to bulk to grow the abs, I'm now 150lbs and my lifts are going up. You can't expect to get strong cutting

Seriously. I get that you're terrified of being fat again, OP, but you HAVE to eat more. Food = fuel.

Squat 110kg
Bench 75kg (RIP)
OHP 50kg
Deadlift 120kg
Power Clean 65kg

Bodyfat should be 15-20%, never measured it.
Started with 5x5, took one year off, then brosplit for 3 months and now 4 months of Starting Strength

I think you might be underestimating your deficit, 2000kcal/day is normal for women who do light cardio at most - with 3 days a week of heavy lifting 2500kcal/day might be a more reasonable TDEE for you - take a look at

woah.. that's.. impressive?

Thanks guys, I will eat at maintain + 200 calories until I see improvement in strength

>You can't get stronger without eating a calorie surplus.
That's just wrong. Though OP does need to eat more.

buy 0.5 kg plates for OHP and later on bench. you will never advance on those two lifts in 2.5 kg jumps.

buy 8 0.5 kg plates and you have all the weights covered for 1 kg increments.

I got wrist straps for that, same thing right?

Stalling on OHP? Chezuz crust user 30kg what th-


Yes, you're right. He can be a sick cunt. He is gonna make it. Brah.

user, just keep going, push hard, make sure you're eating enough. Try some creatine.

Follow the tecahings of lord zyzz, and you too will be a sick cunt.

Ps the captcha is with you!

I just a got a tear in my eye, we're all gonna make it brah

i guaranfuckingtee youre not eating enough. ye you think you ar, no youre not. wolf it dowń forcéit down, add 1000kcal a day to whatever youre eating. good shit too, like chicken fried rice