How many calories you think this meal has?
Its spaghetti bolognese with brown beans. Meat is 23% fat.
How many calories you think this meal has?
About tree fiddy
more than you should eat
but not too many to count them yourself before cooking the meal you idiot
>Not eating beans with rice
Never gonna make it
About 700-750 educated guess
600, small as fucking plate.
>those 25% bf veinless hands
Man I see stuff like this and I fucking cringe in horror but at the same time I feel so thankful I don't look like that anymore
Yeah, no.
Looks like 2 servings of pasta and maybe 6oz beef. Ill say its not more than 600cal unless you used some sugar shit sauce.
>spaghetti bolognese
>no spaghetti
>Spaghetti Bolognese
>Is not Bolognese, does not contain spaghetti
also nice b8 thread
>measuring food before cooking it
>those fingers
lol who the fuck cares you manlet, you're never going to look good anyway
I'm about 14-15%.
I guess my hands just store more fat than normal
wanted to try it. Didn't work too well.
Do my hands look really that fat?
you're supposed to weigh it before cooking, retard.
Do you eat the raw food or the cooked version of the food?
Like which is the one going into your body and being digested?
They don't look fat but they don't look like the hands of someone who lifts for some reason.
Because the nurtient information on the package is for uncooked food. You can't possibly say how much the cooked stuff actually has. Also fucking water retention with pasta, rice, etc. If you're weighting cooked pasta and just calculating the calories based on this weight with the information on raw pasta, you are counting way way more than you eating since cooked it has multiple times the raw weight while actually loosing nutrients.
>Water contains calories
>what is reading comprehension
Nowhere in that post is "water containing calories" even remotely implied
Maybe try reading it again
Maybe we cna safely assume anyone weighing portions of pasta does so before the cooking. Like any sane, civilized person would.
As for nutrients, is it true that cooked pasta would lose carbs just from being cooked in water?
honestly hard to tell because your hand is a really shitty size indicator, based on the fact that the rotini is probably standard size I would hazzard a guess at at least 600 (there is no way it is less than 500).
fuark i haven't had this with meat cooked in tomato sauce in a while
yes and no, the trace amounts lost are negligible and it's mostly a starchy coating that is lost
also if you know anything about how calories are counted in the lab then you would know ALL calories listed per portion are (good) estimates and not a precise amount, so the amount of variance between a cooked and uncooked version is similar to the delta measured when doing calorie testing, so don't worry about it
for some foods it can matter a great deal but most people are cognizant of that (IE ground beef if you drain the fat, melted cheese separating the oils/fat but that is also a factor as to why ground beef (etc) doesn't have a calorie listing on the product at the store
>As for nutrients, is it true that cooked pasta would lose carbs just from being cooked in water?
Just look at the water you cooked the pasta in - it's cloudy because of the starch that gets lost while cooking. Because of that starch the cooking water is sometimes used to thicken the sauce. I don't really know how much it is though. Probably neglegible.
ok pajeet, whatever delusions make you happy.