Post ideal male and female body
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>zero core strength in the "male"
what the fuck
grill looks pretty good though
lmao wtf are you talking about you need core strength to do stomach vacuums, just because someone has wide hips it doesn't mean that they have a strong core
>zero core strength
he still looks good fuckbooooooiiiiii!!!!
shit bait.
What the fuck are you talking about you retarded NYRfag??That dude is on steroids and you think he lacks "core strenght" and you think that because he is a doing half assed vacuum pose??
Don't forget he has no traps too right?
Why must we always talk shit to whatever picture is posted?
ideal female
Stop watching Anime retard
>thread about ideal body
pic related is ideal feet
zero. I bet he has to use a belt to squat 1 plate
kys you fucking feetfag you are the fucking worst
ideal female body
ideal female body
>inb4 fat
low test fags wont understand
>low test
you are just falling for propaganda lmao, typical nu-male
I fucking hate this board
Fuck fat pizza shit
See you tomorrow
ideal female
ideal female
zane at this size
Careful the wind might just take your girl
Veeky Forums girls make the world go 'round
Me too man, me too.
My ideal girl body type is mexican prostitute mode
That waist (male) is tiny holy shit. I got a 34 inch waist, 32" when shredded. That waist must be like 28"
Girls with that body type take some stinky ass big shits man, trust me. They also are fertile as fuck and a drop of semen will impregnate them.
Ewww...Dude....Face is good but her body is shit. No legs, core, arms and maybe no ass and also not tits.
not even on of them...
Hey, any leads on this? Basically just wanna know it's not cheese pizza.
Im Irish and that is just a shame i want kill myself looking at them.
Somedays i think its a shame im single and wish i had a gf but since there are no girls avaliable i cant help it
When i see pics like this im fucking thankful im single, jesus chirst
The guy is doing the vacuum with his abs...His waist isn't like that all the time. Also, you don't know exactly how wide his shoulders are so you can't judge his waist.
Ideal male body
>no pecs
>minimal definition
i understand you so fucking much for zane
you'd have a better time on tumblr faggot
it isn't any sexualized image so why are you worried?
probably the best face of all bodybuilders, all other look like trolls next to him lmao
must be shopped or ireland has worst genes
Ideal body male: Nathan Jones as Boagrius in Troy movie
You have terrible taste
>muh high test female and natty male with 15% body fat and covered in body hair
back 2 leddit kiddo
Apparently, in Ireland, 9/10 girls are dogs.
And ideal Female body
Looks like cheese pizza to me, I'd guess she's 15-16yrs old
He was by far the shittest part of the movie just acted the part like a roidhead
she is older than that. it doesn't matter if she were to be underage because it is not a sexualized pic or whatever the definition is
I know: His part is pure shit. But i consider this type of body in the movie like the ideal.
who's the girl brehs?
I want to be this.
Put all those nutrient resources into the body and the most demanding part of the body--THE BRAIN--must be deprived, stunted. Would not want to be you.
Unless you can get a well paying job to lift a weight or find something socially useful to do with the skill (maybe go around lifting stuck cars out of sinkholes, snow, mud) you'll get old and have nothing worth talking about.
hory sheet perfection
holy fucking shit m8
Its shooped, look at the girls waist on the far right. people dont actually have hips like that
Is that my goddess Paige Hathaway?
no female ideal
>all the homo
Good lord would queen
not everyone that posts here is some 19 year old twink who wants to get muscles so he can lose his v-card to a bar sloot
I'm old and would def be okay to look like that ... and I'd totally fuck that dude too
The thumbnail makes it look like their dick is out
This body is designed to get women