Any muslims here?
>tfw I realized the teachings of Islam and the discipline for fitness are a match made in heaven
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Let's have a Muslim lifters general.
Any muslims here?
>tfw I realized the teachings of Islam and the discipline for fitness are a match made in heaven
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Let's have a Muslim lifters general.
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I like to put on a playlist of Christopher hitchens and use my kaffir beheading anger to fuel my lifts
Also I do Iraq pulls instead of deadlifts
>be Muslim
>make gains
>blow self up
Sir, this is a Christian board. You can only stay if you give back the Great Byzantine Empire.
9 year olds generally aren't that impressed by big muscles. I suggest buying a Nintendo Wii if that's what you're looking for.
Wrong image. For my failure you may stay.
ISIS nasheed are seriously catchy tho, hit a squat PR to them earlier
>Sir, this is a Christian board
World is subject to change. Look at what's happening to Europe, slowly converting to Islam.
nuke europe when?
Who else here /murtad/?
Posting best version of best našīd
The change only happens faster when you accept it like that. The change will happen though and Muslims are equivalent to barbarians in the Roman times.
People are always degenerate, but when they accept the degeneracy and nations turn fruity the next big hard religion comes to change things up.
This is now a Christian thread
Salam 3laikom Brothers. How were your gains in the past ramadan?
>Kafirs having problems with drinking gains away with nye
Suck my Dick Nigger
>tfw they can do N O T H I N G against ISRAEL
Sjors je kanker moeder vieze jidf
Hehe I drank with a friend of mine on Christmas who was 6 months in Syria and killed Isis and FSA Niggers
YPG Volunteer?
proud to be an infidel get fucked ahmed
all you're going to get is shitposting and overused Muslim jokes.
>implying this whole thread isn't b8
Fuck off heathen
post peenor
If world becomes too Muslim I will go down shooting and killing as many of you as I can before dying. Come and get some.
Nah m8, Millions of the absolute sub human race, Arabs, caused that West Europe got Borderline Nazi Partys with +20% and these partys were pretty much jokes/ nonexistent before that shit.
In East Europe they literally kill Arabs and Black people sometimes even in their biggest cities.
China is giving them a hard time too.
There are almost no Muslims on the American Continent.
Even in the Middle East they get purged.
Read an article how Kurds in North Iraq and North Syria oppress Islam and especially Arabs.
Islam is a fucking plague on the world. Even worse than Judaism
Sounds too good to be true. I thought Europe was cucked hard by those fucking scumbags? ie sections of UK under Sharia Law.
Yeah ok UK is fucked, they don't have a party against Islam. But continental Europe starts to realise things.
Denmark and Czechia are a God example for +90% white countries, which still are pretty right wing.
I'm Canadian we are gonna get fucked here too our Prime minister is a weed smoking white cuck hippy. I hope Trump invades.
Hi OP. Practicing Muslim here, inshaAllah. Praying, eating Halal, beard, etc.
During Ramadhan, I switch to Intermittent Fasting. Works pretty well.
>world is subject to change
It is. And here you see us resisting that change
Converted last year.
And I have to say. Being a white boy from the country, muslims are the most warm and welcoming community to outsiders. I get less judgment from my new brothers than I ever did from the christians in my own hometown.
>Mohammedarmadillo bro
i'm sure that will have a tangible effect in the real world.
Been listening to Quran recitation during cardio. I recommend Matrood, he has a very nice voice.
> mohamadeen faggots all curling 25s with bent backs huddled in groups
> cant eat anything so making no gains and smell and look inbred so everyone keeps a distance
> ramadan starvation guaranteed dyel mode
> they all inevitably crowd round the one muslim cuck who gave in and roided
Literally the worst in the gym but luckily they all give up
Not true, uk allows internal disputes to be resolved via Sharia courts but not for criminal matters which are always referred to the crown court same as ever.
Dutchman. Come to 8ch net /meadhall/
You'd fit right in.
truth be told muslims are literally the worst gym goers, only rivaled by the sighkhghs or however they spell it.
An honest question to all muslims in this thred, do you honestly believe the crap you read in that book?
JIDF please go
>implying he's wrong
at least jews are funny. muslims have no redeeming qualities. muslim holocaust when?
>Grew up with Muslim parents who immigrated to Australia. So I naturally also believe in Islam.
>Visit Iraq when I turn 18 and noticed how batshit all my relatives and everyone else are about religion.
>literally every minute you're talking to someone it's about religion.
>Everyone kind of has a contest to show how religious they are. chuckle as my unmarried aunt literally shouts out in front of a group of men "oh my, I need to go pray! I don't have much time left" whilst acting distressed.
>My relatives start saying random shit I've never heard of is sinful. Ask my a group of aunts (huge family) later if they've ever read the Koran. None of them have.
>Go back to Australia after one month. During that time I realise I don't actually believe in God.
>Actually end up getting laid and drinking as it's no longer against my beliefs.
>I'll prob marry a cute blue eyed Kafir and we can have cute halfie kafir kids.
>feels good man
Well done bro. Hope some others of your family come to the realisation as well, its a nasty religion that really ruins decent arabic people.
Best story I've read in I don't know how long. Enjoy your life.
I wanna say something passive aggressive like, "Enjoy the dunya while you can," but I guess all I can do is make dua for you.
>tfw everyone knows my religion is islam
>tfw I stopped believing on it since im 14
>8 years later everyone still thinks im religious even my parents
>tfw the girl I wanna hangout still thinks im muslim and she is katholic
Why can't they just delete religions
Same here, but I'm [spoiler]a jew[/spoiler].
>Oh user, but you don't eat pork
>Oh user, but you don't drink.
Fuck this shit nigga, i just want to eat ma pork and chill with some alcohol fuck religion
I eat pork and drink like a pig, yet nobody seems care.
No water sucks though. Fasting with water is so much easier
Best story ever
Been fasting since I was a kid. Gotten used to it. Only the first 2 days tend to be hard.
Idk, kurds have been making huge gains recently and they're muslim
reminder that arabs are the most inbred people in the world.
>sacrificing your spiritual purity and devotion to Allah for worldly temporary "gains"
absolutely haram
Great "Empire" you have there bro
Fuck muslims, they're a cancer on this planet. Crusade and race war soon fucker.
great "empire" you have there bro
actually, sculpting the vessel you travel this temporary world in is actually encouraged because this is also a form of worship, taking care of the body you were given is considered friggin fantastic
The sand niggers are second only to Indians in retarded dyel nonsense in the gym