New Year New Hate
Fat People Hate FPS/FPH
Its my god-given right to refuse you... b-bitch.
Who love candy here?
>promoting obesity
I thought that was a vagina for a second
How can someone look at this and not have their eyeballs fall out of their fucking skull sockets
mental illness
Hopefully Trump does something about these SJWs
>Dress pants and Jordans
This nigga from the projects for sure
>i am worthy of love
And I'm worthy of winning the lottery, but being worthy of anything doesn't mean you're gonna get shit
Man I'd fuck the shit out of that redhead porker.
Tess Munster/Holiday (I don't know what she goes by these days). She's a fat acceptance "model" that's scammed a bunch of fatties out of their money for her 'cause' and campaigns for body positivity despite shopping the hell out of her pics because she looks that awful
Just don't remove that corset, the pressure stored within would upon release rupture your ears and possibly collapse your lungs.
how do fat fem nazi's treat really skinny anorexic people? with open arms and acceptance?
That second one looks like the fat chick in the free smells pic.
Some yell about thin privilege. Some commiserate by saying they suffered from eating disorders once upon a time. There's a lot of hypocrisy among them, so you get both quite a bit
can somebody shop that cookie into the 'free smells' image
I love this shit. I need to make a fake account and promote it. I love when these people drag others down with them too. The more fat fucks there are, the better I look in comparison. Hanging out with chubby or fat guys works the same for us the same way it does for women. The finer pussy gravitates towards you since you're the best looking one in a group.
Time for some HAES bingo!!!
Cross out the ones you have personally heard from someone.
that picture is what the THICC meme is all about
Always a classic
oy vey muh kekels
>tfw when your own brother says he's fat because of his genetics
We have almost exactly the same genetics and I'm pretty fit. I don't know how to save him, I've tried almost all everything
Insult him.
What part of her body is pictured? I honestly can't tell
why is fat people hate almost always fat women hate?
because on the internet fat women like to show off their blubber more
>be me
>not you
>female, modestly attractive, fit
>moonlight as pc tech at bestbuy because burger economy sucks
>60% of clientelle are fatsos
>not obese, but still every bit as disgusting
I honestly can't believe some of the shit they try to pull.
>fatasfatass mooncow waddles in with 42" tv in cart
>Hello welcome to geeksquad. Were we expecting you?
>"Ya my TV is broken. I think the LCDs melted."
>Excuse me?
>"Ya see? It swishes."
>she pushed it a couple times, and something rancid sloshed back and forth within
>Mam, we do not service TV's exceeding 40" here. And TV's under 40" are recycle only, with the exception of those under an insurance policy.
>slap on some sterile gloves
>sterile mask
>plastic bag around magnetic screwdriver
>hazard bucket under tv
>open up pack panel
>cat urine flows out
>"See? The LCD's melted. I want a refund."
>Mam this is urine.
>"What? No the only thing I have is cats, and they dont pee on the television."
>Well mam, this is clearly urine, and the manufacturer guarantee does not cover liquid or spills. And urine is a liquid.
>Supervisor takes over.
>Proceed to hide in the back office and listen in white-collar despair at the whale's ignorance for 30 minutes.
>Supervisor eventually gives her a TV, gratis, on the condition that she gets the fuck out and brings her cat pee with her.
>fuck fatties. Fucking subhuman, the lot of em.
>Literally evolution
guess what genitalia most of the proponents of HAES have
Yeah, that should work.
what are you doing in burgerland?
Trying to cash in on the large amount of underdeveloped, desirable land and become a real estate mogul/landlady so that I can retire and focus on my gains starting from 40.
Dealing with them in retail is hell heaven forbid you don't carry xxxxxl in their size or worse:
>Burger comes in wheezing wanting a frozen >princess costume for her kid
>Nope it's Christmas Eve and we have nothing but small left
Apparently I ruined Christmas because they can't use portion control coped abuse for five minutes before I finally got fed up and suggested she get a queen sized bedspread a tiara and a wand and make her own.
hit 2 bingos. almost hit a few more damn. most of these are from my aunt who actually ended up getting liposuction and is now already almost overweight again.
>was /fat/ before i got Veeky Forums
>she's constantly saying how she can't lose weight
>every time she comes over (which is about once every 2 weeks) she eats all the snacks we have at home
>literally complains how she can't lose weight as she downs a family size bag of chips
fast forward years to present time
>i'm Veeky Forums
>she got lipsuction a year and a half ago
>every time she sees me she says how we're both looking great and both in shape
fucking enrages me how she thinks we're the same.
we stealin yo wimmin white boyz
>every time
>u mad white boi?
kek I love you guys
Appreciate the hard work that went into this edit
That's kinda pathetic man
Why again are so many feeders black? Is it because their ancestors in Africa were used to starve or is there another reason?
because they are the only ones with dicks big enough to get past all that fat. this is why most high test women love bbc
Is this why people started putting razor blades is candy on Halloween?
i'd be pretty fucking pissed too if someone said they only cover tvs up to 40"
what kind of bullshit is this?
but why does anybody want so much fat?
Fuck I wish I would be able to stomach all that Maccas meal
Sounds like a plan.
>can stand up
>Amsterdam, Netherlands
I feel shame and hate. Kut.
well yeah don't starve yourself when pregnant I agree
but the idea that being fat means there is more room in your womb is crazy and it pops up far to often
all of them from the same person even
Chontel 4eva
fat chicks are easy lay and always horny
>white collar despair
I don't know why but this phrase is both hilarious and causing mild feels.
>Thinking about rich piana hurting
It is a plan, and a damned good one, too.
Credit score is already 750+. I'm working on getting it to 800 by next year, which is doable if I pay off all my revolving debt incrementally before the near year without taking any hits to my credit score from stupid shit like missing a payment or messing with account status.
I'll be buying a condo with heavy attention to floorplan so that I can turn a 3bed 2bath condo into two 1bed 1bath rent-able apartments with a shared kitchen area. This way I can squeeze an easy 2k/mo out of each 150,000USD condo, where I'm planning on purchasing multiple units in 4-condo buildings so that I can turn them into 8-plexes and monopolize on the bloated renters market in this state.
If I can realize this within 5-10 years, I'm golden. And at current pace it's looking like I'll be able to realize this in three years, two if I am hyper diligent.
And then, once I've got four rental properties up, I just have to work a few years until my house is paid off. And then once my house is paid off, I can expand property ownership by two rental properties as soon as each can be bought, renovated, and leased. And at that point I can retire whenever! Which'll be super nice, because I want to be able to provide my boyfriend with the optimal environment to be able to focus on his gains. Love me a muscleman. Mmf.
Fresh from quickmatch
Even the tits are shooped ever so slightly
We only do TV's under 40" in store. The rest require that we send somebody to the client's house, poor souls that they are.
Once I've retired at 40, I want to write in great length about the murky nature of the underbelly of the working-class.
BMI is bullshit though, user
You cannot fulfill the demands of women anymore
>pic related
Fuck you and fuck fat lards. You can baby them all you want.
At first I read >177 lbs
I think it would do well, the reason it is funny but did comforting at the same time is because it's very true.
>TFW you talk to the guy who writes the equivalent of Angela's ashes for fairly well off white people.
Fuck my oneitis goes to UT Austin
Sh-she probably doesn't want an ottermode pretty boy like that r-right? Real men are weigh 200 lbs right???
>it's because the models arm is too long that I can't reach around my gut to my hip!
Just from the picture she looks like she's in absolute agony from standing up..
> do cardio they said
For me, college was a time for unlearning codependency. Did my own laundry; washed my own dishes; made my own money and bought my own alcohol. Would've bought more, if wage-slaving were less slaving and more wage-ing. But that's the nature of that - like I said, co-dependencies, unlearning, 18-is-adulthood, Ladder-Climbing: 101, An Introductory Course. And anybody that's ever been to college knows that introductory courses are mostly hazing.
Further proof that being a mother doesn't automatically grant you knowledge about pregnancy.
Fuck I hate people who try to talk about that shit like shitting out a couple of humanoid rats makes them experts in the field.
imagine a world without women...
whatre you gay?
Na mate there will still be traps
People that like traps activates my inner sakura cuck queen. IDK something about watching my man fuck a failed man senseless really shiggies my diggies and makes me want to smile.
I refuse to believe you are a biological female
There has never been a documented instance of that happening.
Fat Acceptance is a mental illness
Most fat guys realize and admit that they're fat.
Don't mean any offense, but this is why feminism is still a thing. The incredulity of the general populous when faced with female ambitions to things not tied to their gender is alarming. There must be a reason why you and others like you refuse to readily associate females with financial success and logical thought chains and the defining of this reason and its causes is paramount to achieving equality - read: not equity.
But that's another conversation, and whoo boy does it make the plumbing leak.
Food is litteraly what she found on google
I had the option of fucking a fat chick. But honestly I have standards. I am not so desperate to fuck that I'd go with a fat chick.