How close are you to the ideal face Veeky Forums?
How close are you to the ideal face Veeky Forums?
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A few more cakes shoved in my face and I'll be there.
Middle is best
Not according to women
Second from the right is best for long term attraction. Far right is best for one night stands
>Second from the right is best for long term attraction.
You mean the cuck that raises the r rights kids?
i'm number 2 from the left-right
A 2 or 3 at most
I'm fucked
RVIII. Underagefag here.
You're cute. Get a haircut tho.
1st from left but I have a beard so I can hide my insecurity about it
It has that effect when I hide my Asian fucking eyes
What do women know?
i have the middle one, what do?
#3 i think. average for everything in life
Dude you look like a younger version of my stepdad lmaooooo. Might show him your pic
Show me a picture of him
r8 my jaw guys
pretty up there tbqh
>strong brow
>strong, square jaw (girls commet on it hehe)
>not fat
>good hair
Pretty decent just lose some face fat tho
How do I lose face fat? Im bulking now btw
If you actually did your fucking research you'd know women only picked the right one for a one night stand. For a boyfriend or relationship they didn't pick the hyper masculine face.
Kinda close
Recently started consciously pushing out my jaw in an attempt to fix my underbite.
I don't understand why chinlets get surgery for this. Just need willpower.
After a week it already feels less painful and more natural. Am sure in a year or two it will just be default.
Anyways I look like (5) before fixing underbite but right now I'm not on the chart desu and it feels good.
(Jaw pushed out in pic)
(Will post normal underbite pic after)
While we're on the topic, I always schill mastic gum.
It will make your face look wider in no time at all.
Wider jaw= masculine.
Photo of me with underbite
As you can see it is a night and day difference, no surgery required.
>TFW mastic gum is 75 USD for 60 pills in your country
s-should i just chew toothpicks and rubber?
you look better with the underbite desu senpai
Hope you're mewing hard with a high dosage of vitamin K2 and D in the diet.
You can re use it for like 3 days Each piece. .
I ordered my mastic gum over a month ago. Guy scammed me lol. Still not coming in the mail.
I'm gonna file a dispute with my credit card.
All jaw gains I made was on normal gum. I would take a few peices of normal gum, dry them out, then chew them.
Dried out normal gum has a lot of resitance.
Just buy some normal chewing gum, and dry it out a little. It will get chewy, like a hockey puck.
I haven't even used mastic yet.
>less masculine
It's a matter of opinion, but I prefer the way I look without the underbite.
Of course I'm going to take steps to want to look a way that I find myself the most attractive.
I've never had a problem with women because I work in sales. If you guys struggle, honestly I can say, work a sales job. Any kind of sales.
I have never known a good salesman that had problems with women or posted >tfw no gf
your are a werewolf, you cant trick us
Confirmation bias there buddy. Ugly people don't get hired for sales jobs. Or they get outperformed by attractive people. You should know the Halo effect nigger.
Yet I see ugly guys with qt girls all the time.
because they are confident, have no approach anxiety, and know how to convince people to do shit they want.
Any kind of sales job will give you confidence and alleviate approach anxiety to people.
That stuff is the single most important stuff in getting women IMO.
I see all the time, threads
'How do I pick up girls at the gym?!??!'
So stupid. I write stuff like 'girls are people too just say hi to them and ask for their number' and I am promptly informed that I am a delusional virgin and it's impossible to get a girl's phone number.
A lot of guys here have huge mental blocks, that's why they are so lonely, they are too scared to talk to girls, then they post
>2-2017 year of gf r-right?
As if somehow if they just wait another year a girl will fall out of the sky into their lap.
Sorry for the rant but yeah guys need to understand that they never gonna get anywhere without saying hi to people
>A lot of guys here have huge mental blocks, that's why they are so lonely
such as me. but i dont know where it comes from or how to fix it
Is there a female version?
I didn't disagree with you, things like anxiety, health, confidence can all affect attractiveness sure.
I worked as a bartender and now I'm a teacher. I know what you're saying. But ignoring clear advantages of having a good face/height from your genes is just dumb.
Also about the ugly guy with hot girl thing. Idk man with how much make ups girls put on it may appear to boost their ranking. Show me a confident funny short poor ugly dark skinned indian with a blond blue eyed beauty. You can't.
does test change your facial structure?
you look like a murderer
dark, sunken eyes
nice chin tho
If you blast a lot from steroids for years or are going through puberty yeah.
only when you're a child, I think.
It's a lack of confidence.
I had the same problems but working in sales gave me a lot of confidence.
I cleaned dishes and I started dumpster diving and the money I made dumpster diving I started a business with.
That's when my life really turned around and I was happy/confident.
Things turned around drastically with women because they tell I was happy/confident.
That's why I say happy/confident is the most important thing.
>Show me a confident funny short poor ugly dark skinned indian with a blond blue eyed beauty. You can't.
I dunno. I live in MA (USA).
I often times see 3-2/10 guys with 6,7s and 8s and 9s tend to gravitate towards 5s and 4s lol.
Maybe it is a geographic thing, but I see ugly guys with qts all the time.
I think people also date outside of their attractiveness a lot.
I dated a girl that was a 9.5, a girl that was a 3, and a girl that was a 9.
Of the 3 of the best relationship was with the 3/10. She is the one I miss.
I think that
Are some of the most important things toward attractiveness.
Why'd you ignore my mewing and vitamin k2/d comment?
I think im most hesitant to ask a girl out because of what might happen if I got rejected, as long as the girl is relatively close to me socially
Where I come from everyone is friends with everyone and the girl I kinda fell in love with is a good friend and also is in my class. So if I asked her out and she wouldn't accept I'd have a lot to lose (a good friend, very good grades, etc.)
I just don't know if its worth it or if I should wait or whatever
Drive up to a new city and practice with strangers. Ideally a big city.
Well yeah, but I dont really have a lot of problems with strangers, but I crumble completely when the girl is a friend of mine, that changes everything for me
Don't go for friends dude. Stop going through mental gymnastics. Friendship and relationship isn't a simple bridge to cross freely.
You sound like you have your "friends" pussy on a pedestal.
In that case i definitely recommend meeting new girls.
I'm 21 years old and i just finished my first blast (16 weeks 500mg test / week) and my face looks more masculine than when I started. Here are the changes to my face (note that i'm being hyper objective: i'm not going to bullshit you saying I grew a slayer jawline):
>hair has gotten darker
All my hair has darkened but noticeably my eyebrows, eyelashes, and facial hair.
>volume of facial hair growth has increased
I have facial hair on my upper cheeks now, which i didn't have before. Also i now have noticeable stubble around my jaw and neck a couple hours after shaving (whereas before i wouldn't have stubble until i woke up the next day). My eyebrows and eyelashes have thickened.
>no noticeable changes to bone structure
As expected.
>hypertrophy of muscles around the eyes
This gives the appearance of vertically narrow, less feminine eyes.This is due to me forcibly squinting slightly in public during my blast. I no longer have to consciously squint to achieve desired eye shape.
>fat distribution on face is less estrogenic even though i gained 4% bf during bulk
This one is the holy grail of blasting test imo. Before I had very puffy cheeks and a round face with almost no jawline. However now i store less fat around my cheeks and my chin, my submental fat has decreased as well, giving my face a more masculine look and helping to bring out my jawline and cheekbones a bit. I've been getting a lot more attention from girls than I did before the blast, very likely because of my less feminine looking face.
Overall, test has noticeably improved my facial aeesthetics (over xmas i had comments from family members I hadn't seen in a while who told me i looked different and much better than they remembered me). Although be warned if you're yet to do a test cycle that you may experience acne and hair loss (I didn't but its a possibility).
I am taking vitamin D/k2 supplemtns and mewing as well dude.
Sorry, didn't want to ignore an user.
I am currently
>vitamin k2/d3
>pushing jaw out
>chewing gum
>cutting to single digits
My bf is very high, maybe 14-15%, as a result it makes my face look worse (less prominent sunken cheeks) .
I'm cutting to single digits and then just gonna bulk to 12-cut to 9 and repeat for the rest of my life.
>I think im most hesitant to ask a girl out because of what might happen if I got rejected, as long as the girl is relatively close to me socially
Consider asking out rando girls then.
I date/fuck girls I meet at the gym, grocery store, whatever.
if you see a cute girl smile at her and say hi.
There is zero negative consquences to a girl telling you to get lost
as soon as you get over this (irrational) fear of rejection you will be much happier
I know her well and im not really after some casual sex, I want something long term and I think she could be the one. I know her for 3 months now and she is by far the best fit out of all the girls I've ever known
The thing is I want something that lasts, I have no problem with picking up a random fuck
then pick up girls that you see as dateable lol
I want the same thing it's just hard to find
You sound like a virgin. Are you?
Just forget where you placed it
lmao stop it
You look like you've got a fucking mouthguard in, stop overdoing it.
Middle slight 4 here
Aiming for 5 need to lose buccal fat
Wanna get to vitas mode
No, but I don't see the value in just picking up random girls for some nights. Sure its fun, but its just not quite what I want tbhq senpai
who gives a fuck, youre gay as aids
>symmetric face
4 is best
probably 2 tho
I was gonna post my face but then I realized how mongoloid I look.
How do I achieve level 5 status plz
Genetics plus roids
Mostly genetics
wait, chin and dimples make you super masculine?
okay, I guess I am then
It's the natural expression of my jaw with no underbite.
Resetting my underbite is overdoing it?
That second photo isn't 'overbit' My teeth are almost level. I actually cannot keep it level, so I simply rest my lower jaw slightly over, but as close as possible to front.
Am currently doing this
>keep teeth level (no udnerbite no overbite) for as long as I can
>then move it back into the resting mild overbite position
In a week I can already keep it level for longer and longer.
Day one My jaw would tighten and wobble asap.
>look like a mouthgaurd
Been over this, I like how it looks, so I wanna look the way I like to look.
You don't need roids or surgery to improve your face
Read my posting about pushing out your chin.
Jaw muscles can be trained with mastic gum.
Sunken cheeks are way more prouncced when you are lean... get lean.
There are plenty of people on steroids with still no chin at all and subhuman jaw (see photo)
>all roids are the same
Buccal fat is removed mostly by tren, clen, t3, dhb, your pic isnt on either of those.
>get lean
Not everyone will get cheeks like that if they lose bodyfat, people have different fat placement.
>chew gum
Enjoy your deformed looking jaw with an overdeveloped masseter not to mention potential tmj issues.
Your underbite looks better you just need to lose fat
I prefer the non underbite pic
Everything is saying the underbite looks better and if everyone is saying so maybe they're right
Regardless I'd like to fix my underbite.
>lose fat
yep. 15% right now, obviously that much bf% makes your face look worse.
Need to lose 10 ish pounds, get to single digit, and then I'm planning to just bulk to 12% and cut once I hit 12% in the future.
Dunno why so many guys seem to wanna bulk to 15%... and then cut.
> overdeveloped masseter not to mention potential tmj issues.
'Why are you lifting weights enjoy your overdevolped deformed muscles not to mention potential joint issues'
Shut up Tanner
>It's the natural expression of my jaw when I consciously alter it from its natural expression
Non-jawlets don't look like that. You look natural in the first photo. You look like a not tough guy who is trying to look tough in the second. It's not masculine at all
It's not trying to 'look tough' user. It's trying to have my jaw be where it is supposed to be.
A (severe) underbite. is. not. natural.
That's a *deformity* that I am fixing (desu fixed it already).
At which point did I claim to be tough or be trying to look tough.
My jaw is altered from it's natural expression by merit of my underbite.
Ugly chart
The point is you're overdoing it and it look stupid man
Hey 18 yo here.Did any of you guys get taller,more masculine looking,bigger dick after 18?I'm happy with myself but it would be nice to know
Now 21, here are the changes since i was 18:
yes by an inch
>more masculine
yes the fat distribution on my face has changed, i now have less fat on my cheeks making my face look less feminine, also facial hair
>bigger dick
still a dicklet but i've grown from 4" to 5" and about 0.5" more girth
Way far from it
Not that far off. I was diagnosed with HIV in February and lost some weight but I seem to have recovered nicely.
I am woman. Middle is best.
how'd you get it?
god tier jaw, fucking baby face ruining it unless my face is feeling lean
The study showed that far right was most attractive for one night stands, second from right best for short term relationships and middle best for long term relationships.
>5" dick
Stop double dipping Veeky Forums and lookism, pick one and stay autistic there
Pick one, faggot.
He's a nigger. They're born with it.
mid to mid-right
No homo but it looks like the gods sculpted your face
win some ya lose some
4" inch would have been suicide tier but with a 5 at least i can find some petite asian qt and live in solitude in the Himalayas
imo everything other than 1 is masculine, if someone with the 2nd face lowered their bodyfat (and lifted) they would progress through the other faces.
>implying I post on lookism
If you read my auttistic rantings I make fun of those guys quite a bit
They are all convinced up and down that you need to be good looking to get girls, when real life says otherwise.
That said I don't see a problem with making yourself more attractive, it's a hobby I guess, for me.
For you too, asuming you're not powerlifting
Top male and female models are androgynous
That's because faggots control the fashion world. They want all models to look like twinks, male or female.
Pajeet / 10
How has mewing worked out for you
I can breath out both nostrils for a solid month now, so im sure something changed
Yeah, I can breathe out of both nostrils as well, but I was able to do so on day one.
The only noticeable benefit I have seen from mewing is that I believe my breathing has gotten easier through my nose.
For example, I don't need to breathe through my mouth as often for oxygen when doing HITT cardio/fugging
I'm mostly doing mewing because Moosey smoke so highly of it.
From what I read online the benefits are mostly seen in much oyunger people, but I will do it anyways ( cannot hurt).
I have to go with the middle, too. Middle or the second from the right.
I guess I'm in the minority and do think you look better with your jaw pushed out, but it does make your mouth look unnatural with how your lips are pursed.