/CBT/ thread. Rate me boiiss
/CBT/ thread. Rate me boiiss
who is he and how did he hurt you OP?
Wut? that's me. shut up and post yours
I'm so sorry
>mouth breathing
>hunched over
chin up and smile
Wtf, dude.
How do you train arms so much you lose chest and legs?
What kind of program are you on? Why is your chest so DYEL?
You need to go work on a farm.
And raise those calfs
poor guy
Hell yeah i'm natty. it is impossible to have muscular legs without the aid of testosterone supplements.
1 kek
I didn't ask if you were natty or not, mongo.
I asked why your chest and legs are so DYEL you look like a stretch armstrong.
shut up whore. post yours and we'll see who beats who fat cunt lol
height and weight?
>muh first cycle without knowing all exercises
I'm trying to figure out what makes it look so weird.
Probably just your genetically insanely broad shoulders? They really are quite inane.
But yeah, some core work would definitely help.
Hello, I've been working out regularly for two years and this is what I got from it. Rate my progress, or lack thereof..
rate my traps and the trap at my door
enhanced view
no legs
bretty good
keep going
stop mouth breathing brah
i feel like im close to natty limit
gonna roid soon fuck this
Dude holy shit I work with you.
How long have you been lifting?
almost 3 years
no you don't
if this is not bait, which it probably is, i would suggest starting to eat a bit more and you will get much faster progress
Fuck senpai, this is why i don't want to take a photo in my works disabled toilet. Has epic lighting but someone will probably notice.
I'm like 100% sure I work with you. Where do you work?
either shitty pic or very tall i dont see how you are near the natty limit. Still pretty good progress
I'm a bartender
this is my gym bathroom lol
i'm 6'2"
didn't go gym for about a year and now been back abt 5 months. how am i doing lads?
i kno we work together. didn't know u like to post pics of yourself without a shirt on to forums didnt even kno u lifted lol
alright busted its me xd
look like you have just started m8
keep going rome wasnt built in a day
recovering fatass/skelly here, currently at 5'7", 133lbs after falling off the wagon during holidays lol. not sure if I should cut and maintain around 128-130 or bulk up to around 140 and see how I feel/look.
lol it's definitely not bait dude, thanks for the advice
The guy on the right looks like he thinks he's about to be raped.
Just finished bulking up. Left is 155 lbs in July, right is me now at 190 lbs.
Dirtiest bulk ever, didn't track a single calorie. I put on a little muscle, and definitely put on a little fat. Going on a cruise in June so i need to cut back now.
>wide frame no muscle mode
>no traps
>fucked up peck mode
>no legs
>no fashion sense
Go ahead, post tupac.jpg.
I made more progress in the first half year when I just dropped junk food and soda. I'm twenty-fucking-seven. It's not gonna get any better. JUST end me brahs ;_;
What's your routine like?
Fuck a rotator cuff injury, my dudes
Time to get back at it, 2017 is the year of the bench.
stronklifts + accessories
stats are shit
Where is the progress m8
I look and feel better than I ever have, so I suppose there's that.
Fix your fucking diet and stop playing in the gym. Get some work done. There's honestly no excuse for progress that horrible.
88 kg
181 cm
This is me 2 months ago, broke my wrist when in training for the navy seals. Feels bad man
Also downlightning for the grilz
Rate me
thanks, what should i train to get 10/10?
Happy new year cocksleeve!
It doesn't matter, just start working out.
Dont wear sleeveles, looks weird. Would look great in a hoodie. Put on chest and trap mass to achieve greatness
Time to cut
Close your mouth, and take a break from arm workouts for about 2 years while you focus on legs.
205lbs 6' 2
not close to natty limit but small frame
>tard face and posture
>what is leg day
>that outfit
>roiding for this
190 5 10 :(
You look like you drink alot of protein powder and skip legs.
You are fat now. Congrats.
2 years. 0 progress.
nice chest no homo
grow your hair out, trust me bro you'll stand out from the average nigga
Been working out at home for 9 months with dumbells/bodyweight only.
5'7" around 148-150lbs
Been stuck at this weight forever, though I think I lost some bodyfat and gained some muscle.
What's your stack?
No bully, 6'1 190 lbs
I posted one time before saying I use roids but I was actually lying, thanks for the compliment though.
5g creatine everyday, protein powder, vitamin D and zinc supplements, eat pretty healthy diet, lots of spinach/quinoa (they supposedly have a natural anabolic effect), get lots of sleep.
I'm a NEET and I do full-body workout 7 days a week. I have no life so I'm able to dedicate as much time as I want to fitness/nutrition.
I use this for LONDONS
Into the spank bank this goes.
Winter cutting. First time seeing this much definition in my back. My fucking fat hips are still out though. We're all gonna make it brahs.
6'2 200lbs 3.5 weeks into cut, starting weight was 218ish.
Piercing is an odd choice, but you're looking good mate.
You look like a tank
have faith, I stopped benching from the same injury, took 5 months off leaving with 225x8
started back about 8 weeks ago with a wider grip and now I'm banging out 275x5. Stick with the physio at least 4 times a week, dont skip on warmups.
6'1" / 185cm
80kg / ~178lbs
What do you do for obliques?
I'm not racist but nigger genetics is totally a thing
Maybe, but before I started lifting I was scrawny AF
Big fan of leg day eh lay?
>test needed to build legs
Haha legs are the biggest producer of natural test in the body that's why we all barely hit legs
Have you ever heard of the squat rack?
I looked like that after my first two weeks
Heavier weights, more food/strength training you should see a years worth of results in a few months
Lol @ calves, knees and ankles
Good work op, good to see another lifter who is not s fucking retard falling for the leg day meme
If you do leg day. You are either:
> A woman
> Gay
2 Years Calisthenics only
NYR to get to 190 lean
Routine? Going back to med school and afraid I'm not going to get as much gym time as I want, looking for a solid routine that'll help me grow or maintain at the very least without hitting the gym.
You are not 6'1.
We're in the same boat, you and I. I'm 6'4 at 85kg, calisthenics for years - also lacking lat development. Notice how most of your pull strength comes from your biceps?
Lats need to be worked on separately. No amount of pullups is going to fix this, the only thing that works is deadlifts, deadlifts, deadlifts. Happy new year.