*nervous breathing*
*nervous breathing*
wtf do you guys have as your pictures
just b urself
You see those 3 options for words above the keyboard?
Just use those until you make a cool sentence if you're ever nervous.
She's prolly fat if it makes you feel better
i'm the
Just let the auto-correct thing talk for you. Hit the first 10 things that show up in the middle
Found a girls older sister in tinder. We matched
our faces
feels like that jpg weighs over 300 lbs
Is a great way to get the second ugliest one of the most common problems
if u cant see her body shes a whale
Anyone actually successful with decent girls on tinder ITT?
What is your convo strategy? Reply within 10-20 minutes or delay? Try to get their snap/number as soon as possible? I know there's a balance between not appearing too eager but then again maintaining her interest.
I'm kind of shit at closing on girls I'm interested in on there and the convo usually trails off after a few days and hardly any messages.
The options change after every word
I used to do the whole make great conversation stuff, but after a while you just realize you're putting in too much effort for a bunch of average girls.
Three steps: Hey whatsup, one or two lines about how's it going, then ask her out to coffee or drinks. If she says no, then move on.
If that doesn't work for you then you're too ugly to use an app based solely off looks, and you should try OKC or Coffee meets Bagel or anything other than Tinder
Just get her out with you and go from there. You can't fuck her through a phone
she's fat nigger
that being said she probably sucks a mean dick and likes it in the ass so go ahead
Its a PNG file
Happened to me but it was a girl I went to school with's younger sister. Fucker her :^)
Yeah, I'm starting to think brevity is key. I'm pretty attractive and get good matches but I've been doing too much of the trying to start compelling conversation thing.
Hey brahs any tips for me?
Currently talking to this girl but it's all conversation, I got her Facebook and don't really know where to go from there. She's pretty cool so I'm framing it like I wanna be friends desu desu
Yeah just try and get the number and meet for drinks or something as soon as possible.
My biggest mistake atm is trying to arrange a fuck straight away and scaring them off by being a sleaze. At least try and meet them in person first then go from there.
>"Wow, he replied really fast, he must be insecure!"
>Cut contact
Girls don't actually think like this, relax
I've had some success stories from using tinder, got a couple of blow jobs in my car, and three other girls became regular fuck buddies at different times. I think it's been mostly luck as I don't really know what the fuck I am doing. But I always started the conversations lik I was just messing with them and not really wanting to fuck them.
Post her other pics
> I'm framing it like I wanna be friends desu desu
don't do that unless you actually just wanna be friends
This usually works
I have to say, I don't have a pretty good idea to be able to get through.
I think that's possible.
Man, this is hours of entertainment, right here
what? making jokes?
>Nose piercing
>Ugly face
>Slutty attention seeking picture
Literally what are you nervous about? They are the bread and butter of tinder, if you talk to them about anything other than organizing hooking up then you're doing too much.
damn your picks must be fuckin good
nah not really
Do you swipe right for everyone or do you actually care?
Swipe them all then weed out the ones I don't care for. Otherwise you're reading through profiles and falling in love with girls who you'll never talk to.
I've fucked a few girls from tinder and got my current gf from tinder. Together for 6 months now.
We can all make it. Pretty simple rule of thumb is if you can make her laugh you are good to go.
I just ask if they want to play with my puppy. Then if they reply in ask when are they free + what's their phone number. 50/50 odds.
That girl is fatter than you might think op, just a heads up
T. Tinder veteran
when did you serve bro?
any advice for a new recruit?
>"You want to play with my puppy?"
>They go to the meeting place and two masked men drag her into the back of a van
Do you offer free candy as well?
Tinder is for trash people. I have never met anyone on tinder that has been worth dating. They are the scum of the earth. you guys wonder why you aren't happy with your girlfriends. its because you meet them on tinder. think of the girl that is on tinder. is she so desperate or fucked up that she can't find a normal boyfriend at a bar but has to resort to an online app. pathetic.
Honestly Tinder was the shit when it came out. Pussy was incredibly easy to get.
Now it's terrible. Never date anybody on there.
this this this. tinder was good when I got on it three years ago. lots of easy puss and good matches. now it sucks. Anyone try bumble or the league or whateveR?
A girlfriend? From tinder? Nigga what.
Meeting people at bars is pretty old-fashioned. I'm also not convinced meeting some barfly or club slut is better than Tinder.
I don't use Tinder, I'm just pointing out your alternative isn't really lofty.
I have been in a while, and the rest. the first one.
I am a beautiful person.
I'm not going on. it was a little more than just the right place, but the best of all, I will not be a great day and age.
Much fun desu
Last year for about a year on and off until I got a gf (not from tinder)
Had about 5 one night stands and a bunch of dates that never went anywhere
I quickly learned to deduct at least 2 points from the girls' pics, with no exception did they not look a lot better in their photos, but the amount of difference could vary
If a girl looked like she had a regular body in her pics it was like 50/50 she was chubby. If she looked chubby in her pics and they were all cropped tightly like in OP's pic, they were obese
Usually the non-keepers were the least honest with their pics while the girls you could at least hold a proper conversation with had somewhat reliable photos
Showing off your gains the way I did (tank top pic) never seemed to work that well, I think if you want to use your gains to get laid you might as well go balls to the walls and post a shirtless pic
The hotter the girl is the faster you need to close the convo or you'll lose her interest to any of the other hundred guys in her inbox
Once you find an opener that works well just stick with it, I tried to start every convo in a different manner in the start and then realized it made no difference - they can't see your other convos anyway so they will never know about the extra effort
Just try not to have a too cliche opener, come up with your own words. If you find it on the internet they have 100% already heard it
This guy is right about openers.
im this guy.
I asked something like
>who would you rather fight, 5 midgets or george clooney.
Most (You)s i got from tinder was with this lame as fuck line.
I made a lazar angelov tinder account, and the level of matches was so unbelievably high I couldn't believe it. Must have had 200 matches in just a week. Over half messaged first, and almost all of them gave me a phone number immediately after the first response I gave them, which was just "phone #?"
I'm sure if you're highly attractive you can pull tinder slut pussy on an hourly basis. Seems pointless at that point though, because none of them want a relationship, and Chads get cheated on hard by other Chads. Give me a 6/10 that will just try to keep me happy, I'll be good to go.
I'm not saying it's better, what I am saying is think of how easy it is for girls to go to bars and get a guy. Now if she can't even do that then she's on tinder. It speaks poorly of her character I think unless she is a prude or shy which is fine but rare I think.
you fucking idiot
why even waste time on bars when you can arrange a fuck session with chad in two clicks?
> you fucking idiot
> why even waste time on bars when you can arrange a fuck session with chad in two clicks?
Because I'm trying to hook up with chicks and not have a fuck session with Chads?
What kind of question is this?
Because sluts like to drink retard
He probably knows the difference between a pic and a pick
A really good shirtless photo as my first one gets way more matches than anything else I've tried.
>>I'm not going on. it was a little more than just the right place, but the best of all, I will not be a great day and age.
this is too real, feels bad man
she's talking to at least 50 guys simultaneously. a match on tinder actually means very little
she can't hide her lack of collarbones. girl's weight starts with a 2 for sure.
Lmao someone is mad that hes too ugly 4 tinder
>thinking barsluts are better than tindersluts
they're the same sluts in different places my dude.
you say this like chad doesn't keep alcohol in his home. it's a lot cheaper and more convenient to get a girl drunk at your place with basically a 100% chance of her putting out than it is to drive all the way out to a bar and spend huge amounts of cash for something that isn't even a sure thing.
jesus you pathetic fags are obsessed with what chad does and doesn't do
chad is a narcistic fuck who fucks women not because he likes them in any meaningful way but because he needs constant validation from them to feel good about himself.
yes he gets women because women thinks it's just "self-confidence".
any balanced person will try to either live in a relationship or be happy with what they got and not obsess over sex
I think I have a better idea of what I want to do for the first time.
He embodied the way I want them to be. Just ask the person who is in the bag.
>Veeky Forums
>balanced person
>Her profile picture is just her face and tits
Dropped. She's probably fat.
except she doesn't have much fat on her face, and actually has a visible jawline.
So? Have you been on social media for a week? It's called MySpace angles, newfeg.
or shes using myspace angles and is probably a 5'1 dwarf
Ask her out. What else do you want to do? Keep whatsapping back and forth? Jesus man. If you two are conversing and she is replying abundantly, and asking questions then ask her out. Done.
theres no doubt lol
yeah that's true
>tfw every tinder slut I try to be fwbs with always ends up wanting a relationship
>I always reject them and the end up dejected.
Why does this always happen to me? If I want a gf, I use real life and not a hookup app.
>tfw met my gf from tumblr
online girls are dabes
I was fairly successful with Tinder. I'd get about 2 matches a day or so, and out of ~15 matches a week, 6 would be dates, 4 would turn into sex. It got exhausting to be honest. I truly should have only dated one or two a week but I was settling and going out with chubby chicks because at the time my gf had just broken up with me and I was getting my dick wet before I settled down again.
Two best pickup lines I used:
>Hey girls are you a portapotty in the desert cause shit you hot (mine)
>Hey girl are you a Catholic beaver cause god dam (thanks Veeky Forums)
First one worked 9 times out of 10. Just be funny and don't put pussy on a pedestal. I'd test the waters after one or two replies with how fun they'd be to talk to and say some shit like "Hey wanna come over and pee on my wiener" and usually they'd laugh and we'd get into another conversation.
Hope that helps, dude.
A saying I once heard from Veeky Forums years ago was if you hit the tumblr you hit the jackpot because they'll likely post noodz there for "body positivity" and shit
I thought they were batshit insane senpai, with an odd obsession with flowers and soapy baths.
Is this true for you user?
how to turn drinks/coffe into sex?
>put rohypnol on drinks/coffe
works for me
>implying chubbies with cute faces aren't the best
I only once went out for drinks. I've been out for pizza, tacos, IHOP, and hot chocolate because some of the cuter girls like that kinda shit. I'd offer to go home and cuddle and watch a movie. You gotta remember, user, women want sex almost as much as men do--they just act like they don't. Once you break the ice and get swimming, it's a lot easier.
It was a little easier for me, I think. I'm 6 foot 4 and have a "glorious" beard. Women are into that nowadays. I don't wear skinny jeans and I basically look like a man's man. I'm told by the women I go on dates with that I'm what a lot of women are looking for, not the fuckboi look. I'm also 30, so I don't think I could pull that look off anyways.
It may be psychological to them, having a big burly dude who has a good sense of humor around is kind of like the stereotypical husbando/provider archetype. At first I thought I was just getting lucky but after 20 or so dates since the first week of October, I started taking note in hopes of scoring better looking women. Now I'm with this 10/10 (in my eyes) and out of the dating game.
I realize that all sounds narcissistic or whatever Veeky Forums is going to say, but it's what I believe transpired.
Ask if she's an archaeologist
Whats the point of tinder if you cant bareback? sex with a condom is fucking awful.
but you CAN user
>putting my naked dick inside a random slut
yeah nah
I've never worn a condom.
Post pic of the 10