What do you shave, fit?
I have an ass like a werewolf,
do you shave your booty crack or leave it hairy like a man.
What do you shave, fit?
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Dont, shave areas like that, wax.
Thank me later you hairy arabic piece of shit.
Leave it hairy if it's not out of control. Light hair on ass and thighs is perfectly fine
i just shave my back so i can get some sun. everything else i leave hairy and natty cause chicks are fucking crazy about pic related look
Shaved my ass once, it was alright. But it gets itchy when it starts growing back
Stuck with Mediterranean genes, will never get that chest.
Oh well, at least facial aesthetics are god like
>Facial Aesthetics are God like
Sure Ahmed
>thinking Mediterranean is Middle Eastern
>spelling it wrong
But shaving doesn't influence your hair thickness as opposed to popular beliefs
Sauce? No homer
I only shave my armpits, rarely. I trim my balls from time to time.
Fully shave my face regularly.
My ass is the hairiest I have ever seen on a man, though. And quite frankly, I'm really scared of shaving it. I reckon it'd feel like a cactus between my butt cheeks.
Shave armpits, shoulders and upper arms totaly
Shave pubes into a raindrop shape above cock
Shave face bc no beard is better than patchy one
Pluck eyebrows bc I like how it looks
I'm very hairy as well so I know how you feel.
That being said - don't completely shave most areas of your body. The only area I shave completely is armpits since the hair grows in so thick that it can impair how well my deodorant grows.
When my abdomen and back hair get too thick I will usually trim them along with my chest hair (never completely shave chest hair - women love a guy with chest hair). Very occasionally I will trim the crotch area since some girls have told me they don't like going down on a forest.
Meant to say "how well my deodorant works".
i shave nothing
savour my magic ginger pubic forest bitches
I wax everything. Grows back nice n thin.
>nice n thin
like ur dick
Shave pits and unibrow, trim balls.
I'm hairless as fuck on the body.
Trim pubic hair
Shave face at night
Armpits, vag/butthole, legs. I had a friend in high school who grew long dark hairs on her nipples, she shaved them with a razor instead of tweezing or waxing. She has sex with black men now though, I'm sure they don't mind.
>Grows back nice n thin.
I bet you like to suck things that grow nice and thick, dont ya, faggot?
I'm very curious how do you do to shave your vagina.
Shaving cream and a sensitive skin razor (razor with lotion strips on it).
You definitely have to be careful, but it isn't a difficult task if you are keeping up with it. Waxing is nice every now and then, but I don't know any person with the disposable income to get weekly brazilian waxes.
Go to any porn site and you will literally find a tutorial son
Street 6-7 weeks of Brazilian waxes the hair doesn't come in as coarse.
Also the hair doesn't start growing back until maybe week 3
how do you shave on the actual vagina, not just the mons pubis?
it's very difficult imo. And it grows back itchy and becomes bumpy.
Nah, youtube is enough for that.
Yeah, weekly was a mistake. Typically women who wax go like once or twice a month (unless you're a hairy beast) still it requires an amount of disposable income that could be spent elsewhere or put into stocks/savings. Shaving works fine, just don't let your bush grow uncontrollably. Keep up on it and youll stay smooth.
You don't allow it to grow to the point where it gets itchy, when it starts to prickle back up you shave again. I don't grow hair on the inside of my lips or around my clitoris, but I know some people do-- which would definitely cause irritation if you let it get too long. I grow hair by my butthole though, which sucks to shave, gotta spread eagle to get it.
I'm mediterranean and my chest looks like pic related
Having ass hair is the most uncomfortable feeling. I could fucking feel it tickling my butthole when I'm sitting or walking. I shave my nether regions and armpits every 3 weeks.
I'm also mediterranean and my chest and upper body hair is as shitty as it gets. Happy with it though as all what I have read points out that there is some kind of link between body hair and balding.
>shave balls, dick and pubs
>legs hairy as fuck
What do? It looks weird when you have a shaved dick, but hairy legs.
I need to shave pubes though because they look disgusting desu.
I shave my ass, it makes it soft, and 10 times easier to wipe which means I don't have to sit on the pot for an hour trying to make sure there's not shit in my hair.
my boyfriend loves it too.
Fade it
>It looks weird when you have a shaved dick, but hairy legs.
shave balls and ass/asshole down to where your ass meets your thigh, trim pubes and hair immediately on penis
leave hairy legs.
doesn't look bad unless you have a codpiece of pubes covering your ass and dick.
>TFW gf has a hair ass
>Like really hairy
>Seems completely unaware of the fact
>Not even just her hole or crack, literally all over her ass
What the fuck is this? Do I dump her or what
Wax back and trim pubes. That's it.
>leave it hairy like a man
t. Ahmed
she's going to make high test babies.
make 4 or 5 chadleys and then divorce her so real chads can make some chad babies.
The only men who shave their ass crack are the ones prepared for things to go inside of it
It's not about the thickness bro it's about the surface area of the hair when you shave it instead of the hair tapering to the point it has an abrupt sharp point and when you move it chafes and scratches it's one of the most annoying experiences
Sometimes I nair everything. At the least I trim my chest, pubes, ass, and thin out my armpits, arm, and leg hair.
>to go inside of it
or for things to leave
having shit in your hair is disgusting.
So you prefer to have shit-coated ass hairs?
I don't shave anything desu, but then again I'm not that hairy. I trim my pubes with an electric clipper or a pair of scissors now and then and I've been thinking about using a depilatory for between my cheeks because I have some annoying hairs in there that hurt when I scratch my taint through my underwear or when I wipe my ass after I've been sweating.
Shave my chest crotch and ass. Use women razors only. For some reason I can aggressively scratch those over my loose ball skin and yet I NEVER cut myself. Just leaves me silky smooth.
I do it because my wife shaves every hair below her eyebrows off her body, and she appreciates it when my crotch and chest is completely shaven too.
It's only fair
New year legs
New year pecs rate dubs
I'm still currently too chubby to shave. I won't feel like there's much point in me shaving until I have abs.
By the way, for my niggas that have shaved their ass, does it make your ass sweaty? or smell less?
I just take the extra time to wipe adequately
if you shave you're going to have to do it consistently since it'll be itchy as fuck otherwise
Thank god for Ginger genetic.
Body hair is practically colorless.
I like my woman hairy.
>I'll just take 10 minutes to wipe my ass every time i shit.
it's not itchy at all, I forget to shave my ass because it's a hassle sometimes and I never have any urges to scratch it.
Question for color fit:
Do you smell more than caucasians?
Do you or do you smell differently?
if you squat shit this never happens
Trim everything with a electric razor
>no ingrown hairs
>still manly because not bald
>easier to keep clean
>looks fuller
>I don't grow hair on the inside of my lips or around my clitoris, but I know some people do
Thank fuck I don't grow hair under my bellend
its not more or less, it's the difference in odor
mixed persian and white here. all my girlfriends always tell me i smell like lemons. doubt race has anything to do with it. it's mostly just diet and lifestyle. i do find it weird though how blacks always have a distinctive smell, and i can't quite my put my finger on it. am i the only one that notices that black males have that scent? wouldn't say it smells bad, but it's distinct.
Trim balls and pubic area, pluck out treasure trail and hair around nipples. Trim chest hair as small as you can.
Only grow a beard if you can pull off the aesthetic persian style beard or the viking full beard but aside from that shave your face.
>Not growing out your hair long
Missing out, chicks love the lion's mane brahs.
oops didn't mean to reply
Chubby black girls always reek of BO
A pubic fade ?
Id have to ask my barber
just use nair on that forest ass
>doubt race has anything to do with it.
why? niggers smell different than white people who smell different than nips, why would Persians not smell any different
They smell different, not more. You don't notice with your own because your brain isn't telling you to kill the foreign devils.
Used to wax my chest and stomach.
Now I just trim it.
My body is 90% covered with body hair. I don't shave because it's inconvenient. I usually trim my chest and back hair with a razorblade during summer and that's it
>chicks are fucking crazy about pic related look
Is that true user?
Use chems. Veet or Magic Shave work great on pubes; butthole; armpits; and whereever. Careful on the anal area - some use a bit of oil on the hole before treatment.
Trimp pubes, shave balls.
Everything else stays.
>some bird pooped in my hair
>wash it you filthy fuck!
>n-no I just take extra time to wipe it!
That's you. Your ass-hair is covered in shit during the day and no amount of wiping will change this. So unless you wash your anus after every shit you're basically pajeet.
Shave it or wash it you disgusting caveman.
Shave: beard, balls, pubes, armpits, chest/abs
Trim: legs & ass
I'm glad I don't have a hairy back and arms. Tried waxing for a while, hurt like hell
I definitely smell different. I don't think it's a good smell then again I don't find that sweaty Caucasians smell amazing either.
Oddly my ex (caucasian) loved my smell and would bury her face in my chest and take big sniffs.
>tfw first shit with a hairless asshole
Do i look like a numale cuck with this beard?
Or a WoW human paladin
>women like the way men smell
wew that's some game changing info friend.
Shaved my ass once and the next day the gf ate me out and fingered my prostate
you look like an islamic louis CK
I don't shave anything, I can't stand the itching after it.
Only get haircuts and trim the beard, nothing else, I'm not that hairy on my body anyways so its not a big deal. My hair and beard gains are good and that's what matters.
Head clippers, .5 guard. Everything goes, and shave the butthole, for sanitation reasons. In the words of Alf: "they had to cutting the crap out of my fur before going on stage" #nodigleberries
how to puck my arab eyebrows
Just my dick and balls every so often, but the last time its gotten super itchy down there, like to the point were scratching is immensely pleasurable, i might have a fungal infection or some kind of infection, i should probably get it looked at.
never shaved legs and never will
>fungal infection
no "wat" as in how do you get them on your dick.
I'm getting laser on my armpits and pubes
I shave or wax legs and arms
do you guys trim or shave your taint/asshole?
my ex gf was blowing me and mentioned it was really hairy and now I am forever selfconscious
Do you even lift?
why wouldn't you?
>I usually trim my chest and back hair with a razorblade during summer and that's it
her. Jesus christ
>with a razorblade
I only get body hair down the middle of my chest and on my nipples. I also burned half the hair off my left nipple on a slip-n-slide. So I shave my nipples.
I dont want buttstuff and itch
I thought shaving for sex was for practical reasons
think my brother used my clippers i left in the bathroom to clip the dog, once i started itching and it felt amazing to scratch like too good i mean its itched when ive shaved before but never like this, i remembered there were hairs on my clippers which i didnt think anything of at the time and just wiped my fingers with them and used em, hes denying it, theres no red rashes or anything its been itching like this for a week and a half i thought it wouldve gone away by now, should i be concerned or is this paranoid?