I don't get it, what's the difference between 5x5 or 3x8 or whatever? Does it really make much of a difference?
I don't get it, what's the difference between 5x5 or 3x8 or whatever? Does it really make much of a difference?
5x5 is average and despite memes, is good enough to pleasure most women. 3x8 is a ridiculous chode. Honestly have you even tried to do some research?
5x5 = 25
3x8 = 24
You're welcome
God damn it... You beat me
You can lift heavier on 5x5 than 3x8, which will help get your muscles used to greater weight and they will adjust and grow accordingly.
He was asking for the difference. You only did half the problem.
The difference is 1 OP. Next time, if you need help with your math homework, you should ask your parents though. Veeky Forums typically isn't good with numbers.
Face says Arya Stark but head says Titus Pullo
> 3x8 = 25
>25-25 = 1
Math not your strong suit either it seems
Cushing's syndrome
5x5 is mostly for building strength. 3x8 is more for aesthetics
Here's a serious answer. You can move more weight in 5x5 because you are doing fewer reps per set, and getting 2 additional rest intervals. Also, since you have to do fewer reps per set, you can bump up the weight faster. These things lead to you getting more volume, while not adding too much more time to your workouts. Hope this helps.
>reps of 6,7,8, or 9
>set values other than 5 or 3
Sheiko's programs have a lot of rep 6s and rep 8s as well as 6 or 7 working sets an exercise occasionally
Fucking slav magic man
so 5x5 is strength? is there any way to to more for strength? or is that dangerous?
The number of reps doesn't matter. just go until almost failure for at least 10 sets a week per muscle group.
>This thread