>eats like 12 bananas a day
>is completely fucking shredded
How do I into gorilla mode /fit?
>eats like 12 bananas a day
>is completely fucking shredded
How do I into gorilla mode /fit?
Other urls found in this thread:
Eat 12 bananas a day
Lay around all day
Get up to fight or an hour or two to keep your territory
Bang your 10-20 gorilla bitches everyday
Seriously though, how do apes maintain such huge muscle mass on such a meagre diet?
>>eats like 12 bananas a day
you answered your own question
report back in a week after 12BananasAday
They have diff enzymes in their stomach, can make fiber into protons
Post gorilla pics
First you have to be a gorilla
Bananas are processed differently in primates, they get emulsified in their liver to become equivalent to one glass of whey for every 50g of bananas
>Can make fiber into protons
They convert fiber into positive electrical charges? Shit man.
They only have babby dicks
U must be new, muscles are 99% proton
Why can't we humans harness the power of the apes? Can't someone use Gorilla DNA to make a new supp?
Fuck, look at that hip mobility
We could start trying but for some reason making a big huge Gorilla Man is "unethical". It makes me sick that we're not making lab monsters. I just want a qt centaur but THE MAN says we have to have a 40 year discussion about it like a pack of faggots.
>12 bananas a day
Gorillas stick to a mainly vegetarian diet, feeding on stems, bamboo shoots and fruits. Western lowland gorillas, however, also have an appetite for termites and ants, and break open termite nests to eat the larvae.
Chimps are shredded, even the Beta ones
if you want boulder shoulders then walk on all fours. You'll be burning those forearms/tris/delts/pecs all day baby
why is this thread so fucking dumb?
Why are you so fucking autistic?
Wtf are you talking about these niggers eat all day. Seriously they spend about 11 hours a day eating. Imagine just eating lettuce all day for 11 hours.
>curing world hunger and becoming a super-shredded gorilla übermensch is unethical
Fucking religious faggots stopping us from making it
Or you could just take roids without spending billions in research
Gorillas are strong natty as fuck. But what if could get one to roid and do some minor lifts. How fucking strong could a gorilla get?
>lay around and eat all day
>only move to fuck your gorilla cumdumbsters and fight another shredded af alpha gorilla
>still stronger, healthier and bigger than any beta human
The dream. Why even bother when you'll never become harambe mode?
Humans are 1 of like 5 animals that don't naturally produce their needed macros and need to supplement vitamins with their diet. 99.9999999% of nature eats food soley for caloric intake.
>shooting horse sperm up your pooper is better than creating the gorilla ubermensch
wow that ape looks so memetic...
Read Mandrill Mindset
Cus they can break down fiber into protein
Also they eat literally the wholel time they are awake
Plants got under the radar but I'll be too old for a horse wife at this rate.
why cant we do it if we evolved from them
checkmate richard dawkins
Because their brains are tiny. You can thank cooked food and meat for our brains. Raw veggies and fruits don't have enough calories to maintain our large brains. When we started cooking and eating meat, we had such a surplus of calories in our diets that we were able to spend more time creating and talking.
>this new
Get out
>2017 minus 2 days
>not doing starting simian
It's like you don't even want to make it
>Seriously though, how do apes maintain such huge muscle mass on such a meagre diet?
they literally eat 20kg of plants a day, protein adds up
In humans too? Because we are -technically- also primates.
lurk moar.
because we didn't evolve from them. they are our cousins.
>being this new
New years came a few days early.
>eats 30 bananas a day
>still in auschwitz mode
God I fucking hate this board. You guys are so uninformed, it is remarkable. I am an animal biologist, and I studied this field to learn about animal fitness so I could borrow their techniques. Now, I haven't studied Gorillas, but I know that there are 3 key facts that seperate them from humans
1. Gorillas do not need protein, carbs and fat. These are human macronutrients. Gorillas instead need Glucose, Fructose, and Fibre. They get this from bananas, bamboo, and berries. Groilla muscle made sugar and humans unlike protein muscle made. Gorillas aren't built like us
2. Gorillas have never had access to livestock or farming. Not because Gorillas aren't capable of farming - they have been studied and shown they can grow their own milk and durum wheat - but they have never had space. So they have developed in the way that means no protein is needed
3. Gorillas don't have bones made from the minerals found in proteins. Gorilla bones are made of Potassium so they need bananas.
Humans chose big brains and big dicks over gains. Evolution was the fall of mankind.
he has taken steroids before too
>Groilla muscle made sugar and humans unlike protein muscle made.
That explains it. Their muscle is made of sugar and humans!
Gorillas don't eat bananas. Bananas were created by humans, not by nature. (Where are the seeds?)
The only gorillas that would possibly eat bananas are ones that are kept captive by humans, or that humans have interfered with in some way or another. So their health, fitness, and other aspects will already have started deteriorating at that point.
>fling shit all day
>eat bananas x infinity
we have the gene to turn fiber into protein its just not turned on. Gorillas also have an innate version of myostatin deficiency
>Groilla muscle made sugar and humans unlike protein muscle made
>they can grow their own milk
gorilla milk make muscle gains fiber is protein though
human milk is different though but protein still fiber in our genetics bananas are pretty good for that but our brain is too big and calorie dense
yet we rule over gorillas
>tfw too intelligent to lift
>Groilla muscle made sugar and humans
fucking creationists getting more and more ridiculous
How the fuck are you this stupid?
Are you implying you can turn cellulose (a carb) into amino acids? Do they just fucking spawn the nitrogen out of fucking nowhere?
Fuck you.
>12 bananas
Its 18kg of vegatation.
don't listen to the rest of these replies, they're retarded. Most animals tend to be able to build muscles and have them not slowly fade because it is beneficial, however humans have no need for large muscles as hunting requires chasing an animal for hours until becomes tired. When compared to a gorilla who has to sit around, eat, and protect himself it is clear that they require muscles to fend for themselves, whereas humans need to be light-weight in order to chase prey over extreme distances.
damn, check out that deep squat
>He tries to argue nutrition on Veeky Forums
Stop embarrassing yourself kiddo
t. NutriSci PhD student
>spelling gorilla 'Groilla'
>calling anyone else informed
thanks for the help """animal biologist""" (NEET)
>tfw too intelligent to go gorilla mode
Should I just end it now lads?