There is literally NO DIFFERENCE between the leg press and the squat in terms of muscle hypertrophy. The only difference is that squats will fuck up your spine.
Why are you still falling for the squat meme, user?
There is literally NO DIFFERENCE between the leg press and the squat in terms of muscle hypertrophy. The only difference is that squats will fuck up your spine.
Why are you still falling for the squat meme, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
This isn't even good bait.
Yes good form, leg press instead of squat so that way you have weak spinal erectors and you will need significant medical assistance because of your atrophied spinal erectors during your old age.
>muh hip flexors
Squats won't inherently fuck up your spine, but I've heard countless lifters say they press instead of squat because it's easier on the knees, back, and other leg exercises can be used with it to almost completely replace the need to squat.
fuck off and kill yourself
>implying deadlifts, rows, pull ups, and good mornings don't hit spinal erectors.
Let me repeat that.
>deadlifts, rows, pull ups
Literally don't need squats for that.
>I've heard countless lifters say they press instead of squat because it's easier on the knees, back, and other leg exercises can be used with it to almost completely replace the need to squat.
Exactly this. You don't need squats to develop impressive legs.
Hey look, it's this thread again
>Rows and pullups
Lol now
Yes, because someone who doesn't squat because of "muh spine" is going to deadlift.
I don't squat and I deadlift. Come at me.
Also, everything I listed helps target spinal erectors. Everything.
Do you know how I know you'll injure yourself deadlifting and are small and weak?
Lol, why would anyone squat if they want aesthetics?
Instead of playing some shitty gamble and hoping you have the right body morphology to squat good. You could iust leg press and deadlift. BUT NO RIPPETOE AND POWERFATS SAY TO SQUAT SO YOU SHOULD. Who cares if bodybuilders have learned squats are shit rippetoe says they are good.
why would you deadlift but not squat? It seems like you are missing out on the pros of squatting and the pros of protecting your spine.
But bodybuilders do squat.
If you doing barbell, Tbar or even cable rows you will use your spinal erectors ? The only way you can get around useing them on a rowing movement is to use a machine
Does anyone else here do front squats? They've significantly improved my shitty posture.
What, do you think because I dislike squatting due to a torn trap injury from years ago that I am somehow inherently either too weak or retarded to deadlift with proper form? You don't have to squat for leg gains. It's a fine exercise, but you're acting like the only important lift in the gym is squats.
I actually cannot squat due to my knees and feet not being aligned properly. I tried for YEARS because everyone told me everyone can squat yada yada. Leg press has always had better results for me though because I have a deformity that prevents me from squatting.
And even then I know squats are better you tool
No, I think you'll get injured because you have weak glutes, hamstrings and spinal erectors from not squatting.
No matter how hard I try I just can't get into position for the olympic grip. I've watched loads of videos and worked for months on my mobility and flexibility and it just won't happen.
I used to do the cross armed grip but honestly that feels really shit so I just stopped.
>No, I think you'll get injured because you have weak glutes, hamstrings and spinal erectors from not squatting.
>weak glutes, hamstrings and spinal erectors from not squatting.
>from not squatting
LEG PRESS = SQUAT, it's same fucking lower body movement
No, actually it isn't.
>weak glutes
Deadlift and leg press
Deadlift, leg curl, and leg press but not as much
>spinal erectors
We went over this already.
Your glutes and hamstrings will be weaker from not squatting than just from deadlifting. Same with your spinal erectors.
>a place where posting pictures of cartoon frogs and Monster energy drinks replaces interactions with other humans, but leg press does not replace a squat
welcome to Veeky Forums
>a fixed chain exercise is the same as an open chain exercise
My buddy fucked his back up on the press machine.
checkmate, lever fuckers
Squats are for women, insecure spergs and homos, not sure why i still do them.
How? Is he retarded?
he never really specified, but the guy is a swole manlet who never squatted/deadlifted normally until I worked with him, so I wouldn't put it past him.
you do realize that press machines are like literal bombs going off in your lower back right?
That shit is terrible, the only way to do a leg press is one foot at a time with the other foot down to maintain an arch in your lower back.
>you do realize that press machines are like literal bombs going off in your lower back right?
I once did leg presses and I heard my back crack and all of a sudden I was having acid flashbacks because the crystals lodge in your spine
No clue what you mean. You are supposed to keep lowering the weight until you butt ALMOST comes off the pad. You should not be pressing so low that you have to arch your back significantly. Watch this
>literally NO DIFFERENCE between the leg press and the squat i
Doing SS.
Why can I squat 3 times a week but not bench?
srs question
Why do normal squats at all, when you could do sumo deadlifts in a squat style?
Just do conventional deadlifts for hip hinge strength and squat-deadlifts for squat strength.
With enough volume, you can still get hypertrophy.
Plus, squat-deadlifts don't require a squat rack or safety bars. You just drop the weight to fail.
With some form adjustments, the squat-deadlift even has the same depth as a low bar squat.
As an inexperienced lifter your bigger muscles recover more quickly than your smaller muscles. Once you get bigger and stronger it'll be more of the opposite effect.
Lifting two years here, I lift four days per week. Flat bench 3x per week, incline once, squat twice and deadlift twice.
>Why can I squat 3 times a week but not bench?
You can bench 3 times a week, but Rip believes that The Press™ is a more important strength builder that should be at least half of your pressing frequency.
Since Starting Strength is a three day a week program, he alternates the presses, but you are still pressing three times a week.
Damn. My dad was smart enough to put me in a training program in highschool for a year so I was lucky enough to establish great form.
some fat ex powerlifter from Texas believes that your quadriceps needs 3 times more attention than your chest or shoulders
that's his opinion, do whatever the fuck you want
honestly he picked up the movements really quickly, and enjoyed them immensely. He just never had a gym bro who was into compounds.
He immediately shot up past me in squats and matched me in deadlifts within like 2 months.
>squat highbar all your life
>waaah why does my back hurt
because you're not working your back
you do know you're supposed to do the movement with only your arms?
using your back is literally cheating the row
The only significant difference between highbar and lowbar squats are a leverage advantage with lowbar.
poor excuse for your inability to learn good form
>that your quadriceps
then why doesn't he recommend highbar squat or leg press if it's all about the quad?
I'll tell you why, because it's not and you don't know shit
and the stressing of spinal erectors/hamstrings
but keep deluding yourself that squats work nothing but quadriceps
Both are closed chain. Go back to the books bro.
When my knees are straight my feet are at about a 60 degree angle out. in order for my knees to track out I have to have my feet facing completely out like a fucking ballerina. How do you suggest I adjust my form and not fall on my back?
>Why are you still falling for the squat meme, user?
I'm not, IU switched to leg press and only do squats with lower weight. It's just not worth the risk of fucking up my lower back.
Where is this spinal erector nonsense coming from on this board?
>implying I'm the stupid OP
I'll say it again, there's no significant difference in the muscles worked when comparing a highbar and lowbar squat. The only major difference is a leverage advantage with the lowbar squat.
What you suggested would actually make the lower back arch worse.
Do a posterior pelvic tilt during your reps on the leg press. That's how you protect your lower back
good job finding an error in my low-effort bait
so tell my why I can lmao4pl8 leg press but can only 2pl8 squat.
That's all dependent on your body's shape. I have short legs and a long spine so the leg press fucks up all of those for me. This is why bullshit like OP's bait is bad. It doesn't apply to everyone.
If they're the same, then why are you opposed to one and not the other?
It's the same movement in terms of the lower body, the difference is in the upper body. That is, the entire weight of the squat rests on your fucking spine
You a personal trainer?