>no boxing gym around for 30 kms >don't have the time to take boxing lessons and commute for over a hour back and forth >alternative is going to kickboxing or muay thai that doesn't interest me at all
I already learned some basic punching techniques but nowhere near perfect, and pretty don't know effective drills. Should I just give up and stop thinking about it or can I teach it myself to some degree?
Go to a gym. Muay thai and kickkboxing are GOAT, btw. If you search for self defense you could also do judo or another grappling sport
Jayden Sanders
I don't care for kicking at all, been to a try-out session with friends who already train there.
There only is a judo gym in range here but I'm not interested in that either. Wrestling would be cool but there's no gym for miles here.
Michael Thompson
Alexander Jackson
Judo is awesome as fuck. Insane cardio and a great workout all-round. Ne waza (groundwork) randori (sparring) is fucking insane. I highly recommend it user.
Judo is fun as shit. Also gives you sick forearms/grip strength, and back development
Robert Thompson
Don't 4get dem shouldahz
Easton Parker
That's true as well. I didn't mention shoulders because I used to do boxing before Judo, and the shoulder emphasis in boxing BTFOs that of Judo. But you get it in both.
Dominic Murphy
I like to watch judo and understand your enthusiasm, but I don't care for it. I want to be boxing, nothing else. Each their preferences.
Brody White
>Judo Judo is shit. I have mandatory judo classes at shool and that shit is just retarded, you get tossed around alot which is just horrible for your organs and joints and you will hate yourself in your 40s and later on when you are constantly in pain Not to mention the techniques are shit as well, like i remember the teacher showing us some hold and i was like "but i can still easily hit you in the face and like poke your eyes out" and he was like "no it is against the rules to hit the face etc" fucking useless unless you want to do it for a living but if you ever get in a fight you are dead
Nicholas Jenkins
idk if this is b8 but you've got some misconceptions If you learn to fall properly (which is the first thing they teach you), youll have no problems with "organs" and the like. Joints will eventually have issues, mainly in knees and fingers, but this takes decades to show up. Judo is absolutely useful as well, its usage in MMA where all sorts of striking is allowed should be proof enough for that. >muh eye pokes go ahead and try it lol, there's a reason anyone who knows fighting thinks that shit is stupid. I've actually used judo in 2 fights, so I can attest to it personally. It's helpful to know basic boxing, it's easier to grab someone after punching them.
Owen Butler
Judo is a competitive sport at its core and so a lot of that shit is based on the sport's rules, but if you used that particular hold in a street fight you'd be retarded. There are plenty of holds and chokes that can be applied in real life to keep you safe. More importantly if you employ one of the many throws and drop someone on their back on the pavement they will be out of fucking commission.
Julian Robinson
To add to this, I've knocked out opponents before by throwing them in competition, and that's on soft mats... you're daft if you think this won't be devastating on "duh streetz"
Christopher Green
OP here, can we go back to boxing?
Adrian Ward
You could teach yourself some of the basic but since you aren't sparing and don't get proper coaching you'll never get anywhere
Camden Parker
Well I can spar with my kickboxing friends, but don't even have proper access to a punching bag myself.
Robert Edwards
m8 either do it properly or don't do it at all.. what even is the point of this thread
Gabriel Perez
half of muay thai practitioners don't use their legs at all. literally just punches and elbows, maybe a knee once in a while for a show of good faith you won't like it as much as boxing, but it's better than nothing.
Ian Long
Work on cardio. Run your ass off, shadow box, jump rope, and be ready to effin go when you can box. Also, just look for boxers in your area to spar/ learn from
Jonathan Morgan
Do body shots in boxing actually hurt?
Jayden Gray
Hit in the liver and solar will bring you down like a kid.
Jordan Ross
It's a different kind of pain Sometimes you don't even feel it consciously, but you suddenly become slower/less coordinated Makes it really hard to catch your breath
Nolan Rivera
muy thai>>>>>>>>>boxing
go away boxer
Kevin Watson
never did any marital arts in my life(24 here) and i almost ended up in jail. I want to learn boxing/kickboxing/muay thai and i dont want to compate it. I just want it to make safety. Every fucking places only tennangers tain and fucking semi-pro competitors. Should i take classes in my local fitness center? or join train with those "hardcore" fighters? I got muscles and i just want to learn how to fight. What to do?
Michael Fisher
> I got muscles and i just want to learn how to fight.
sounds like you have no motivation
fighting is an art you can't afford to be shit at
i would suggest you train with the hard core fighters (because it's fucking obvious you should, idiot) but why bother when you sound like you want the easy way to master fighting?
Bullshit, you will never get to TEST your skill against competition, that's what you should've said.
But you will ALWAYS improve technique by 1. shadowboxing 2. watching endless amount of boxing/muay thai training and competition videos.
I have no sparring partners, but I do have a heavy bad, double end bag, a slip rope, and guts to make shit happen. I can always "spar" by competing in local tourneys in the big city close to me.