6'2" 155 lbs.
Beach weather in 3 months. Recommended way to get sexy as possible? I'm talking normies, not you dysmorphic Fucks. Should I just cut hard as shit?
Please include diet info
6'2" 155 lbs.
Beach weather in 3 months. Recommended way to get sexy as possible? I'm talking normies, not you dysmorphic Fucks. Should I just cut hard as shit?
Please include diet info
How was the hormone treatment?
If you cut hard as shit you'll end up looking like the hungriest of skeletons, you have no muscle mass under your fat
I guess I would recommend eating around maintenance and lift hard, that way you can at least pack on some muscle but you wont end up getting fatter
Great, I got all the estrogen from eating ya girls ass.
This is the part I hate the most and why my initial thought is to lose fat. I think I could deal with being a hungry Skelton if I lost the stupid love handles
There is no way you will be able to make yourself presentable in 3 months, even with roids
Just wear a wetsuit and try again next summer
How are you skinny as fuck with childbearing hips and a fat waistline?
Kleinfelters? If not, you have some gross fucking body genetics
>Veeky Forums
>not you dysmorphic Fucks
Dude, come on, just send a letter to GQ, Men's Health or Cosmopolitan.
Also, you have a BMI of 19.8 and want to cut. It's okay if you want to look like a skelly, otherwise start building muscle. My advice: don't take your tshirt off at the beach.
So start cutting then
Can't wait to see you in the machinist
Dude the machinist tier body is
A. More aesthetic than his current body (not claiming it looks good lol, just saying)
B. What every skinny fat should aim for before bulking.
Ignore these guys. They either started from skeleton, and just bulked and therefore don't know what they are talking about, or are (actually) trolling you.
To address the 'no muscle' concern:
You can gain muscle while you cut.
Yes. It's the truth. When people say 'you can't gain muscle cutting' it's true, but only only only for people that have trained for years and left noob gains.
You can lean out AND pack on muscle at the same time.
Do this by eating -500 and lifting.
That's A
The more fat you have on your body the more fat less muscle you gain bulking.
We have reams of scientific data and studies to this effect.
That is why you AlWAyS cut to skeleton and then lean bulk.
Op is way too fat to bulk. He needs to aim for skeleton mode.
Realistically there is nothing you can do that will have you looking good in less than two years other than roid.
But better? Lose some weight. You can look better in 1 month, legit. Not much better, not good, but better
1. Kill yourself
2. Read the sticky
3. Lurk more
4. Actually diet and do exercise
Eat more, lift more. That's it.
t. 6'2 140lb ex-skele
Your telling me buddy. I used to be 240 in high school, so I think that with my dirty eastern European genetics and my body just really wants to hold on to my back fat.
>while posing at the beach
Thanks buddy. I really don't think my body is that bad, better than most the people in the world. But I'm still so damn doughy!
Guess I'm cutting hard... Beach twink mode incoming.
How much? Tdee calcs are saying 2400is maintenence for me... That seems like a lot of food... I don't want to get fat again...
>I don't think my body is that bad
You don't have dysmorphia though.
Anyways, here's the thing. When you get really low bf %, no matter how little muscle you have,you look 'ripped' to normies because the amount of definition and shreds gives the illusion you have more muscle than you do.
If you wanna look good on the beach, 100%, cut
>cutting sucks
Stuff your face with broccoli. Has lots of vitamins, very low calorie, and it fills you up hardcore.
Like a cheat code for cutting.
>diet advice
You should really start counting macros.
You need lots of protien (1.2g/lb) ... some fat. (20%).. little carbs
When you try to gain muscle (bulk) you need some protien (.9g/lb), lots of fat (30%), lots of carbs
As far as diet just in general try to avoid 'dirty food'
It spikes your insulin levels and lacks micronutrients
start working out?
Thanks for the genuine reply brother.
Are you seriously telling me I need 160 protons a day?
I don't need to impress you big guys, I just want to look trim enough to get mires from all these thick college cuties.
>Are you seriously telling me I need 160 protons a day?
Yes. Try quark/greek yoghurt, whey or lean meats like chicken and fish.
Yeah. High protien levels help stop muscle wastage on a cut. When you bulk you only need like 120
Jesus you sound so fucking autistic it's hard to read
I ate around 2700-3000 calories every day and lifted hard. Started out skinny fat (though a bit less fatty than you) and went to lean in around a year. 3 month change is minimal regardless of what you do.
I know it's nothing to drool over yet but let's be honest, better than 80 % of girls boyfriends I'm gona be seeing at the beach. And shit, I still have 3 months
No that's pretty horrible.
Wow, is it already time for those insufferable "how do i get jacked in time for the beach" posts? I thought we had a couple months left.
How about you lift you fucking retard.
You look disgusting desu. The best you can do in 3 months is shave, get a light tan and cut as much as you can.
>ny shitposting
>beach time shitposting
>summertime school's off shitposting
>school start's newfags wanna lift shitposting
It's shitpost season all year.
what the fuck is with those gigantic strands of hair hanging off your tits
it's like you're wearing a hair-bra
You wont look builtfat or anything that looks fit if you gain more fat now. You will look more athlethic if you drop some fat. And gaining muscle always helps ofc. As you want to look normie appealing cut and go twink mode, you wont get big anyway and skinny is the bestlooking to normies after otter, especially if you get a sixpack/have some muscles.
Ill do a 5 month cut now, kinda at your level but more fat around belly, so ill get a sixpack and look athletic af for the summer, and then its time to get BIG to look otter next summer
Well eat a lot of chicken, a can of tuna and some beans/nuts, that should be enough . 1 pound of chicken and 1 can of tuna has close to 150g of protein, so its easy to hit
Are people legitimately telling an underweight guy with 0 muscle mass to cut?
You look terrible. Shave and become a trap
Well guess I'm eating more protons and shooting for 2000 Cal a day. Lifting and ab work.
You guys kinda suck. Thin otter mode is a OK with me. And I know you homos don't want to admit it but it's truly what gets the highest percentage of pussies wet.
I'll post back in three months with my completely underwhelming results. Maybe with an ab or two kek
lmao you are not and probably never will be ottermode. If you cut now, you will look like pic related. You also sound and write like a permavirgin
if he cuts and eats enough protein + hard lift and 20 min cardio he will gain muscle mass and lose bodyfat.
Also he has clearly muscle definition on his arm you blind retards
Why the fuck are you asking for our advice if you refuse to take it? We're not your personal echo chamber
focus on lats, traps, shoulders, triceps, biceps, forearms, abs, obliques.
eat at maintenance +200 or so and just do crazy volume like a brosplit or something
>0 muscle mass
What is this thing popping out from his arm then?
Fat you autist?
good decision, i cant stand all these whiners here. being twink mode is the most attractive, you need a quite big amount of muscle before you can look better than skinny with a higher bf, not everyone wants to weigh 200lbs, and all bodybuilders are lean af too, i dont get why everyone pushes the sub200 is twink mode meme
You do realize that when people say 0 muscle mass they don't literally mean the body contains no muscles, right?
Half you folks are saying "bulk ya retard" with no reason other than body dysmorphia. The other half is saying to cut because: normies think it looks better, more fat gain on surplus with higher bf%, the definition will make you look bigger than you are.
It sounds like I want to cut
Still he wouldnt look like If he maintained his current muscle mass and cut he would look like pic related probably and pic related on the beach is completly fine and enough.
Try to eat clean and bulk slowly on 200 extra cals a day. Stop eating sugary shit if you are.
I'd recommend the split below for any skinnyfat person
>INCLINE bench press or DB press
>OH press
>Lat raises, front raises (do both)
>Pushdowns, skullcrushers, dips
>Chin ups, lat pulldowns
>Seated rows, shrugs
>2 Curl variants
>CLEANS 5x3 (go heavy)
>Squat 3x6
>Calf raises 3x12-15
>Hamstring curls 3x8-12 (try to go heavy)
>Cardio 15 minutes (walk, run, walk, run, etc)
Arms and pecs? Possibly, if OP trains smart
Core, lats? They are not even remotely close and in no way would OP reach this in 3 months by just maintaining what he has
And the problem is these skinny physiques are all made impressive looking by their overdeveloped cores, you take that away and you just look weak
dude after 3 months of recomp he will look like the dude on the left
problem is that body is beyond pathetic
thing is op is a filthy normie that wants to look like that
so he should cut a tiny deficiet for 3 months and recomp
PS: even if he wanted to look like piano man, the correct course of action IS STILL CUT.
Masteron and test
My prediction for what op will look like in 3 months
You got your abs op now go slay all that pussy
>this is what an average 6'2'' poster looks like
>brb being 5'6'' and being swole without even lifting and fucking all those
>that much body hair
He's just fat and has no muscle, likely played computer from child and ate like shit
>He's just fat
If thats fat then normal fat is fucking obese on this board
T. Retard.
You don't cut when you're already underweight.
Basically work out more, don't neglect the abs. Got it.
Looks like I'm getting out of this pastry job.
I chuckled
gyno surgery
have your hipbones sawed off
1gram of test and tren per week
10 scoops a day in addition to your normal diet
klinefelterlets, when will they ever learn?
He IS fat.
his bodyfat % is at least 20%.
BMItards should kill themselves.
Please never post again
Hahaha oh man. My most successful thread in history of 4channing. Top bantz and great trash talking. I'm dedicating the next ass I eat to you guys