Why are you worried about Face Aesthetics when Ugly men are preferred?
Its science btw
Why are you worried about Face Aesthetics when Ugly men are preferred?
Its science btw
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This is all a scam to give some glimer of hope to unattractive men, so they remain as perfect worker drones.
Nobody prefers ugly men, you should go outside sometime.
Women do not know what they want. They tell you what they want and it is the exact opposite.
sounds like she is just talking out her ass without a single source other than herself
probably too ugly to get hot guys so she justifies dating ugos
Women want to be the attractive one in the relationship because they're insecure. This should be p fucking obvious
She is. I read the entire article, she actually never bothers going into "why?", it's basically just her trying to justify her inability to get attractive men.
>Oh, I'm not looking for a hot guy like Brad Pitt. I'd be fine with an average guy like Jim Halpert from the office.
this right here. If a woman feels her man is more attractive than she is, she'll be filled with insecurity and jealosy
not gonna read all that bs, but being hot only gets you in the door, you have to have appeal past that such as sexual skills and personality and money.
You need to be entertaining, be able to make her cum, and be able to afford to treat her once and a while.
Its called science you idiots
She isnt wrong
Women want to be the center of attention and the attractive one, its more beneficial to them because they can fuck up as much as possible in the relationship and becuase the guy is ugly he wont leave
However girls want attractive guys on occation aswell, they want to flirt with them and sometimes fuck with them but not have a relation with em
Too many guys + too few girls = the current state of dating
>insecure women don't want their men to have options
I'm a semi-attractive, thin girl who prefers overweight and subjectively unattractive men. But they're good looking to me and I'm not sure why. Like, I can recognize that they're not a prize and my friends wonder why I get so hung up on this guy or that guy, but they're beautiful to me - not all overweight and subjective unattractive men, just ones I've taken a shine to.
Like the woman in the article says, I'm just not actually attracted to gym bods. They're objectively good looking, but the idea of having sex pressed up against some rock hard body is repulsive to me.
You can find an article on the internet that will tell you whatever you want to hear if you look hard enough.
The article is a joke. At one point she says "anecdotal evidence" aside and precedes with more anecdotal evidence. There's 100% no science.
You are either massivly insecure and dont want the guy to have options or im thinking you might be on birth control
That fucks up your hormones so you think unattractive men are attractive
Is this why I haven't had a gf in ten years?
yes there is
I have wondered if the insecurity thing is it, but the guys I tend to like tend to be really popular, smart, and funny and have plenty of options, so I don't think that's it.
>plenty of options
Pick one.
It's not like they're hideous, user. They're just in the 4-6 range physically but to me they're 8-10s, at least when I'm in crush mode.
>overweight and subjectively unattractive men
>guys I tend to like tend to be really popular, smart, and funny and have plenty of options
So which is it?
You realize you can be overweight and still be well liked, funny, and smart, right?
If you're overweight and none of those things, it's not like it's going to change once you get fit. You don't go to the gym to fix a nasty personality.
She's doing mental gymnastics, don't waste your time.
I imagine it's because these unattractive men, like unattractive women, tend to be forced to have more to offer while demanding less.
If you struggle with women, you work harder. If you don't struggle with women, you don't bother; you've got bigger fish to fry in your life.
Mfw monitoring this thread.
This was writen a decade ago
If you want to turn the general rules of society and attraction upside down thats fine but please do support
I seriously doubt fat guys have plenty of options when i know guys who are funny, social, tall, good looking and smart and still struggle with not alot of options
I know women dont generally make alot of sense but atleast try, please
>used to having unadulterated, fawning attention
Like women?
If you assume that the majority of women think like her and your friend is simply too high value to not intimidate these women then the point becomes true
Yeah im not gonna bother mate, asking a woman about stuff is just pointless because she has no clue
I assume most women dont make alot of plain sense in their train of thought and i dont think me and my friends intimidate women since they do spill spaghetti around us but few are willing to date since they already have boyfriends and contrary to popular Veeky Forums belief women arent likely to cheat on their bf
Maybe it's your location, or the people you mix with? I know I've never personally struggled finding women to fill the days. It's keeping them around that's the hard part
>women aren't likely to cheat on their bf
Depends on the demographic, frankly. College age party girls dgaf.
I'm not trying to over turn anything. I'm simply stating my own viewpoint.
And the truth is I'm more likely to have a crush on and date an overweight objective 4 than a rock hard objective 8. I have been pursued by both.
>woman states definitively what she wants
>tell her she must be insecure or lying
>then tell her she's the one performing mental gymnastics
fucking women, when will they learn.
I guess but from my experience Veeky Forums usually says girls will JUMP on your dick if she finds you attractive boyfriend or no, this hasnt been the case IRL
I go to uni and work so not alot of time to spare, could be it but i swear 90% of girls i meet/see have boyfriends if they are decently attractive but yes, i do realize this isnt a univeral problem but to me it very much is a problem with having very few single women around
I live in a pretty poverty area, so my view probably doesn't apply to most people
but I regularly see beautiful girls with ugly ass drug dealer boyfriends who look homelss and have long hair, jobless idiots who are in and out of jail
Truth is, girls like "bad boys"
>Assuming women know what they want
Nigger, we had a woman over here a few days ago who was adamant that height was not important to her at all but she had married a 6'4'' guy
Im betting this chick is equally deluded in some what and i dont really care to figure out how, im not dating her to figuring out her mental issues isnt my problem
so you like charisma and wit, and are willing to compromise on looks to get them.
I can't be asked to find the article since I think its on my work computer but I'll paraphrase
>If a person you like has a trait that is seen as low value on the market, but you don't place value on it, you are more attracted to it.
Essentially if a person has stats 9 wit, 9 charisma but 4 looks their market value avg = 7.3. But you don't care about looks, so to you they are a 9 and the added bonus that you have less competition.
P.S. If you like overweight hairy guys then
PLS b Minneapolis
>College age party girls
We're talking about real people not meaty fuckdolls.
>implying women arent good for just fucking and not much else
Id take a 18year old girl with a nice ass who wants to fuck over a 30 year old who wants to talk and have kids any day user
Depends on what you want from a woman. Sure they good for one night stands, but user was talking about keeping woman. I don't see the apeal of keeping teenage slut.
>keeping woman
Why would you ever keep a woman?
Because memes don't dictate my life.
Alpha fucks, beta bucks.
Nothin new
nice try, Fitzgerald.
She said that the guys she's into are unattractive, but then that they have plenty of options, so they're attractive. It's retarded. She should have stated from the beginning that she's into popular, charismatic guys and their appearence have not much to do with it.