I haven't done fisical exercise in my whole life but I'm not fat or too gaunt. Am I genetically fit?
pic is me. Yes I've a scar on the belly
I haven't done fisical exercise in my whole life but I'm not fat or too gaunt. Am I genetically fit?
pic is me. Yes I've a scar on the belly
No you are Auschwitz mode. SS+GOMAD
you are a hungry skeleton :(
you are a german death camp survivor
fitness is measured by health markers and performance, you have neither
>hungry skeleton
But looks like you have some good chest genetics, get to work
what the flying fuck does genetically fit even mean
can you all just fuck off every single year there's at least 10 or 20 of these threads a day throughout january and nobody ever sticks with anything anyway since if you had a functioning brain you would've READ THE FUCKING STICKY BEFORE MAKING A THREAD
No you are not fit
Jesus man a good kick to your belly could snap your spine in half
It looks like some sort of eyeless mutant is trying to escape from you.
OP didn't post the original
You look like a fit guy who got captured and starved for 2 months. I would give you a grey texture and a broken long sword and put you in the next dark souls game.
>not too gaunt
>those toothpick arms
Choose one
Decent chest insertions though so you've got potential. Start lifting and put on some weight and you'll look good
I assume his eyes and mouth were taken by his stomach
Low effort shitpost, not even funny, 0/10.
>death camp
Nice meme
Is this better?
it's perfect user
you look like gollum
this is my goal body
problem is im already 6 feet tall and 115 lbs and still fatty alll over compared to this
dont get me wrong my arms are like twigs and my legs are fairly skinny, but my pecs are not as clean and tight as that and it feels like i still have backfat to lose