Does anyone on Veeky Forums plan on getting surgery? An attractive face is often a healthy one and it would compliment a fit and healthy body
Does anyone on Veeky Forums plan on getting surgery...
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The problem is dealing with everyone you know after the surgery.
People won't just accept it automatically even if the change is for the better.
Your children will still be ugly.
If I could I would get everything done
Depends actually
Well, not really. Because weak chins and fucked up teeth are generally not genetical but environmental as a result of our upbringing in the modern society.
If you look at tribesmen they almost always have perfect teeth, chins and jaws.
fuck them bro, move or something
save money, it will definetly be worth it, jaw surgery, genioplasty, nose job can change your life
just look at MDONGO being alpha and eating nothing but BUFFALO while you slave away at the GYM
>but you can't make children if you're ugly first though
I think I just need a slight nose reduction, almost jewy, but not really.
I'll definitely need hair transplants later on. No signs yet, I think my dad started at around 30 years old so I got a few more years
i mean you can tell everyone you did because of health reasons, that you couldn't breathe through your nose.
one of my friends did this, but it was an actual operation on the nose and not the jaw. i don't think many people cared. he's like a 8/10 now because of that.
what's the chinlet cutoff?
I know i can fix jawletism by going on a damn cut
post pic, do you have overbite?
same desu
Kill yourself you illiterate fuck
Plastic surgery should be illegal for women.
is it possible to turn this around without surgery?
she is young but she have already ruined herself
and if you are wondering if it is possible as an adult then absolutely not, just get surgery bro
Eh, id go with mandatory...
>Best Korea
What kind of surgeries are these? Are they just jaw surgery + rhinoplasty?
Can you just tell a doctor "make me good looking" and they do?
they all had a lot of different surgeries
As stupid as it sounds a lot of doctors actually doesn't know what makes someone attractive unless it is very obvious things.
I would unironically suggest that if you haven't yet lose weight and then head over to Lookism and make a thread asking for advice and then PM pictures to people and ask them for advice, there are some people that are very knowledgeable there
The 2 pics with black background was done by the same doctor and he is like da vinci or something
They will with time.
>keked at filename
Id get a nose job if it was free. I have a jew nose.
The alternative is having no children at all or having children that would've been even uglier because you couldn't attract as good looking of a partner before surgery.
Also, some people have good genes but just get fucked by freakish circumstances You always hear about the manlet in a family of lanklets.
The best thing is to get surgery, attract attractive partner and have ideal and healthy upbringing for your kids and they should come out okay
This. Surgery is genetic fraud.
>implying I want kids
so he fucks 54 women per year?
1. You're one of the most pathetic people on the planet if you get surgery purely for appearances
2. You're a complete liar and a fraud unless you show 'before' pics to any girl you get involved with because your kids will be ugly as you were. Women have divorced and sued men over this in the past.
blahahaahah typical normie bullshit who thinks that looks is only about women, women fake tits and make up is as much fraud
>We're inclined to pay people more depending on how they look. In one of Mobius and Rosenblat's experiments modeling the hiring process, would-be employers looking at photographs of would-be employees were ready to give 10.5% higher salaries to attractive people over unattractive people.
>We all suffer from the "halo effect" - without realizing it, we take someone's appearance to be telling of their overall character.
>Experiments have shown that we consider attractive people "as more sociable, dominant, sexually warm, mentally healthy, intelligent, and socially skilled" than unattractive people.
>By the time cute kids become attractive adults, they've benefited from this bias for years, giving them higher levels of confidence.
>"Physical attractiveness raises social and communication skills, which in return raise an employer's estimate of the worker's productivity," they write. "We assume that the employer is unaware of these biases and hence does not correct for them."
Do you seriously think that it is only about attracting a partner? lmao dude you are clueless
Fucking filename killed me
Lol I fuck more women than he does every year.
He's in the fucking dirt.
fucking lmao dude
you are a pathetic piece of shit
i'm getting surgery so I can dominate my peers mentally, I can become a stock master and be more succesful and become an alpha
your just a bitch that will be left in the fucking dirt
first 3 are prob orthognathic; some mix of lefort, BSSO, genioplasty after braces
I've seen tribesman and a lot are ugly fuckers
not really... ugly parents can produce beautiful children and vice versa.
I mean look at pic related, these two have the same parents. There's a reason its called the genetic lottery, its all about luck.
Been watching Mew for a few hours. It's really cool stuff he's talking about. 1/3 of all humans have dental problems. And all the dentists try to fix the teeth but they don't know why people get crooked teeth in the first place. And now Mew figured it out.
But here's just a short video telling us we can start to look better.
i think that's fetal alcohol syndrome and he would have turned out like his brother were it not for his mother
Mew's a fucking scammer
shit she literally went to a 9/10 in profile
I'm a medical student taking a year off for this surgery. It causes sleep apnea even at low weight/ body fat. At 195 6'3" I had sleep apnea. Now I am 275 out of shape, but in shape w muscle I'm 245.
I'm afraid of blood clots and Pulmomary emboli. I had a septoplasty that caused a trombus in facial branch of jugular vein and am afraid that the long surgery will throw more emboli
But I am tired of life on hard mode. In med school it became clear how people judge each other based on their faces/ looks and shit has been hard bc of it. Theres a guy in my class with a crooked jaw and he has to joke and play this role all the time bc noone takes him seriously. I have to face the same bc of my class ii malocclusion.
Me at low body fat, still w sleep apnea
but i prefer the first one?
Lefort 3 osteotomy
Ramus implants
Zygo implants
Browridge implants
Hopefully I'll look human afterwards
and you're in med school? what surgery will you have? Dr. Mew recommends not doing surgery.
>hurr I need all this surgery cuz im ugly :c
Since the beginning of life, from the first fucking cell to the first sexual organism, for billions of years your ancestors were capable of fucking to such a high rate of reliability that for billions of fucking years, generation after generation, they were making fucking babies. Now, billions of years later people are legitimately worried that their gene pool FINALLY ends with them because they look like trash.
So what? So did everyone else in your family. Fuck, looks do not matter. LOOKS DO NOT MATTER. You can be the ugliest motherfucker in the world, with body hair trimming, hygiene, and without cosmetic surgery beyond braces, you are easily capable of pulling almost any female. I'm not pretty, pretty ugly if anything, but I still get pussy. You think just because Chad whores around with a bunch of low self esteem sluts that you need to look like him to do the same? Holy fucking shit, get a grip people.
it's not about finding a 10/10 blonde barbie
more like this guy you can still find lots of good pussy. try to find a girl that you simply enjoy being with. similar hobbies or something. there are so many boring girls out there. instead of looking at yourself in the mirror, try to start looking for girls you like. because they're hard to find.
they literally look alike if guy on left wasnt drunk, sweaty, had better lighting and haircut
I'm getting an surgery to look like Taylor Swift.
jesus christ, this is unbelievable
that fucking filename
This, he just give people false hope
-- /fit --
>women shouldn't wear makeup, because it changes their real attractiveness
>women shouldn't get surgery, because it changes their real attractiveness
>women are all just sexual objects and only care about the status quo
>hey bros, I'm thinking about getting that jaw surgery, along with a hair transplant
Kek that filename. I've heard rich Jews in cali/ny get their kids plastic surgery at 16 to get rid of the schnoze. But the genes remain.
that's a personal problem senpai
> this delusion
Sure all the other stuff matters: fit, brains, money, power, humor etc...
But at the end of the day there is a hard line in the sand at which a woman will not fuck/marry a guy if he doesn't meet a certain standard of looks
jesus christ
this shit should be illegal, genetic garbage should not be allowed to parade around in attractive people masks
imagine having a kid with a freak like this and then finding out
She looks the same man.
I think she had her tits done though.
He provides free knowledge to help us ensure that our children don't develop shitty midfaces and mandibles. Moreover, it costs nothing to Mew.
not at all, I've adopted the proper tongue posture he advocates and my cheeks have noticeably become more hollow
used to have chubby cheeks even though i've never been fat
I used pic related for 8 months, it's called Twinforce
it corrected my bite and gave me a jawline, my face changed completely without surgery
it really sucks during those 6 months tho, and it works better if you're a teenager I guess
are butt chins Veeky Forums approved?
I think I have a pretty strong jaw, just need to lose a little more bodyfat
>there are 54 weeks in a year
I feel like the rubber bands did the same thing for me.
was your underbite especially bad?
she is young but she has already ruined my boxers if u no what i mean (i fapped to her)
You'll never fall in love with a beautiful girl if you aren't attractive yourself.
And who wants to love an ugly girl?
>dat jaw
When will fucking retards learn jaw and dental deformities arent due to genetics but due to a lack of proper nutrition during child and adolescent years?
>nah man people are automatically born with fucked up jaws and teeth
Jesus fucking christ.
Yes, I'm receiving nose surgery in the next few months to alleiviate my Roman nose and if you count dentistry im soon to get off my braces (1.5) years
>tfw a bit above average looks
>Know I shouldn't want plastic surgery but super bad urge to fix the couple of minor things wrong with face to become Chad
why does this literally come up in EVERY plastic surgery thread. forget understanding basic genetics do you not interact with people irl?
there's almost always the ugly one in a group of siblings. theres instances where the parents look like shit and the kids are good looking, vice versa.
not the first time i've seen you. Unless ur fat its probably your personallity that hinders you.
Do I look fat in the pic senpai? This thread is about plastic surgery and it's something I've considered.
I hate to say it but you're hot as hell. If there's something stopping you from becoming Chad it's not your face
>Plastic surgery should be illegal for women.
Yeah who doesn't love seeing more ugly people walk around than beautiful ones
not really, i guess what im trying to say is that surgery won't make you chad, but you probably know that already.
My goal isn't to be a Chad really, but just to have the best aesthetics that will make me happy in my own sense.
Yes I know, but I never intended to be one. I've however always wanted to look full-chad just for the giggles. I don't think I'm too far away, I'd most likely need a mild rhinoplasty, mild lip surgery, and fixing one of my uneven jawlines.
Is that Timothy Mcveigh
Why are you biting your lip like a retard
you look like a normal dude
maybe your personality is just shit and thats why people don't like you?
im pretty sure i have Class 1 malocclusion but my teeth are very straight, all I need is whitening desu
if you're really fast maybe you can squeeze in 54
you don't need surgery. if anything start Mewing. you look great already. surgery will probably make you look worse or fake
the second and third guy didn't look bad and the first one stil looks bad
>that upper arm fat distribution on a thin girl
Fucking gross. Red flag
>Veeky Forums
its not fat distribiution, she is using hand for balance thats why muscles clenched
Small lip syndrome
>explain how you get "good" pussy
>explains you should look after things that have nothing to do with "good" pussy
kys mang, that is a friend you descibe
>imagine having a kid
>there are people who are against plastic surgery
Are you kidding me? If you have the money, the means, and the willpower to make yourself more attractive and hence improve your quality of life, you should do it! Go for it!
these are all the same guy
Reason wont fly here.
Youre my 10. Dont change a thing please.
makes your face emotionless and plastic. no thx
That's not in their parents genes. It's some rare mutation. Their parent's don't look like that