Red pill me on cold showers Veeky Forums
How cold does it need to be? Feel cold, or genuine cold?
Red pill me on cold showers Veeky Forums
How cold does it need to be? Feel cold, or genuine cold?
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Only cold water cold. No hot water allowed.
What are the benefits of doing that? Cold showers always feel like satan is molesting me
I can dig them but after my regular hot water shower, I close the hot water knob and stay under for like 1 minute making sure to get all my part exposed to the cold water. I live in east canada so the water is freezing.
Imagine a personal timeline where instead of Satan molesting you, Satan is imbuing you with heroic power.
That's what mastery over ice baths and cold showers can grant.
also checkd
ya same here, warm shower then cold for last minute or so, refreshing way to wake up in the morning
i'd do full cold but i'm too much of a pussy, plus warm shower in winter is bueno
i think it was blood circulation
also: showering with hot water for longer than 5-10 minutes will make your skin dryer than the sahara desert
Well I have a power shower, but after my run, got in and turned it down to like 4-5, and so the water felt cool to me. As the shower went on my body got used to that, so I turned it down further. And then right at the end, I turned the heating elements off to see what true cold felt like. And yeah, was only under for a few seconds. Damn that's nippy!
Take this with a pinch of salt but I started cold showers cold turkey (lmoa) because the hot water knob was broken for a while and it was summer so i didnt mind that much. What I did was I psyched myself up telling myself (COLD WATER ON MY SKIN IS THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD THERE IS NOWHER ETYOU WILL FIND THIS FEELIGN NYAHWRE ELSE EXCEPT RIGT HHERE RIGHT NOW HERE WE GO BABY ENJOY THIS SHIT HERE IT COMES ) on repeat while grinning manically. It worked.
>mfw I take 30 minute showers with hot water daily
Been doing cold showers for a week, plan to do it for all of january and see if I notice any benefits
Don't know if it's just a placebo, but think my bacne might have cleared up a bit. Like anons have said, if you have skin issues, doesn't hurt to try it and see if you notice any difference.
>Red pill me on cold showers Veeky Forums
You want to be 'redpilled'?
>you'll get sick more often
>you'll be miserable all the time
>you'll dread having to take a shower and might just avoid it sometimes -- so you'll end up dirty and smelly, repellant to women
>you WON'T gain any 'benefits' from it -- because THERE ARE NONE. Your 'test' won't go up.
>you WON'T be able to train in the gym because you'll be sick more often
>you WON'T get more girls because you'll be sick more often, and skinny and weak from being sick so much and not being able to train in the gym
>you WILL feel like a total idiot when you realize you've fallen for yet another rediculous troll-meme
Is that enough information for you?
There is a REASON that humans, and most animals, seek WARMTH: WARMTH is LIFE. COLD is DEATH. That make enough sense to you?
>being cold gets you sick
Thanks mom.
Why do you think the viral infection known as 'the common cold' is called that? It's a family of rhinovirii that don't survive at normal body temperature, but that thrive in temperatures lower than that, in a moist environment LIKE YOUR SINUSES. It gets a foothold there and you get sick. These virii are in your sinuses right now, and if you're cold all the time, they have more opportunity to take hold and make you sick. How could you not know this?
There's also hypothermia. Your body has only so many resources, and the more of them spent trying to keep your core temperature up, the less available for your immune system to fight off infections. Therefore you get sick more often if you're cold all the time. How could you not understand this, either?
WARMTH IS LIFE. Nobody needs this FACT explained to them.
'Cold showers' are a troll-meme, plain and simple. Anyone claiming otherwise is a troll.
>Don't know if it's just a placebo, but think my bacne might have cleared up a bit.
The cold is reducing inflammation from the infection is all. You'd get the same benefits from a cold compress in that area, without having to make yourself completely miserable taking stupid cold showers.
I take cold showers for two reasons:
>it makes me leave the shower
>it doesn't act as a false warm embrace that I use as a crutch when I lack human contact
consider suicide. seriously.
>Why do you think the viral infection known as 'the common cold' is called that?
>being retarded enough to think the common cold is caused by getting cold
3/10 troll got me to reply
>can't read
See this is my thing. I typically take a long time in the shower, not because I'm standing under its warm embrace, but I clean everything.
Every shower I:
Shampoo my hair twice
Soap every inch of my body (ears, face, neck, back, front, arms, legs, toes etc)
So every single part of me is cleaned. But I'd freeze to death under the cold shower, surely?
Fine. Don't believe me. Believe Yale University, then:
FUN FACT: the reason that the common cold is called "the common cold" is that people get infectious diseases more often in the winter because they spend more time in-doors/ around other people, so not-very-serious diseases became associated with coldness
>So every single part of me is cleaned. But I'd freeze to death under the cold shower, surely?
See: and Cold showers are NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH. Troll/meme.
>Red pill me on cold showers Veeky Forums
It's broscience.
Cold showers are worse for you than normal showers. They are a meme, don't do them.
I do it only because my scalp doesn't get irritated by it when I wash my hair. Everything else is bullshit.
Finally, someone else with some common sense.
Not Troll here
I did experiment with cold showers for a while
I;d wash off with warm then stand under the fulll cold for several minutes.. completely covering my whole body with cold water . Not just a cold risnse which is what I do now.
I was able to get to the point where I could go into the New Hampshire Atlantic Ocean water in May and stay in an hour when it was 50 degrees. in just swim-trunks.
Everyone else who were surfing wore wet suits .
I found I never got sick and always felt great. I can go around in winter in shorts and a t shirt, hang out at home naked with the heat OFF and sleep with the heat off just a wool blanket or two when its well below freezing
I am not Win Hoff tier cold adapted but I have adapted substantially .
I am also 53 so I find it helps keep inflammation down and aids the general overall acheyness which comes to stay after a certain age.,
being cold weakens your immune system, making you more susceptible to this easy to fight off virus.
long, hot shower master race reporting in
Enjoy going bald early LMAO
Having converted to cold showers myself and I can say it did wonders for my hair. It doesn't grease up nearly at the same rate it used to.
why not just medium showers
why can't we be friends
>sjw socoial sciences university number 20
I've been showering with searing hot water since forever and I'm noticing hair loss patterns.
>I'm 25
>having cold-viruses in your shower-water
lmao y'all missed the point, retards
you dont get a cold under the shower
>this is what whiny wimps actually believe
>beginning to see hair loss
Gratz ur a man undergoing typical 2nd male puberty where mature hairline starts to form
Really? But I hate receeding hair line ;_;
My hairline has been going back at the corners since i was 17. I hate it too bro.
Personally, cold showers wake me up a hell of a lot better than hot showers, in addition to being a lot shorter. More time and energy is a good enough benefit for me.
>only let cold water touch your body
>literally from a Seinfeld episode
I'm sorry mate, but standing in a cold shower for 10 minutes a day is not going to increase your chances of developing a cold any more significantly than standing outside on a cold day for more than 10 mins is. Especially not given you are warming yourself up rapidly to the correct temperature afterwards. The fact is that millions of people around the world deal with cold temperatures in their day to day lives without any issue and many athletes have to cold showers or ice baths for significantly longer periods of time almost every day.
If you are getting ill from standing in a cold shower it's because your immune system is fucking shit or you aren't feeding yourself what you need to fight common illnesses.
>Kramer: "You know what you need. You need to take cold showers"
>George: "I'm not taking cold showers. That's for psychotics"
Satan doesn't molest, Catholic priests do
That first 30-45s of water is what the hell .001 C above freezing, so I turn in the hot water. This matters about zero, since my place's hot water heater lasts about 20s.
So, get head under to get hair wet, water gets cold, rinse under cold water, soap up, rinse off on cold but not freezing water.