This is the natty limit, memes aside

This is the natty limit, memes aside

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he roided for that tho

don't talk shit because there are *lots* of people on Veeky Forums that roided to look worse than that

notice how jason's shoulders are wider than his hips

>scott jewman
pick one

Hes made no gains in like 5 years or something

he didn't make no gains he gained like 4-5 pounds as you'd expect from a natty that trains with passion and dedication (PS: natty lifting past year 5 is a meme)

absolutely saiyan tier

up to cell saga obvi

Why does his physique look out of proportion? Something looks weird as fuck to me

He's natty

Literally no traps

Lord Vader pops skittles like crazy though

holy fuck i cannot unsee it

He also has wide hips

its the pose look at his lats

He's flaring his lats you dyel retards

You'd think he'd do shrugs considering the amount of tutorial videos he has.

angle + flared lats = traps disappear

they could be small though

He's just pulling his shoulders down.

The problem with discussing "natty limit" is that all men vary in genetics and testosterone level

science says you're wrong. next you'll tell me scooby is natty too.

>natty lifting past year 5 is a meme
it's not a meme, it's just maintenance

You misunderstood what I was saying. One guy's "natty limit" is probably fairly different from another's so you can't reference it since it doesn't apply to you. I understand that there is a "cap" you could estimate somewhere.

That depends on genetics.

I think this is the best meme because it always gets a shit load of easy replies.

Anyways, as you can see from Veeky Forums you have people who roid for years and STILL look like shit. The natty limit is a joke and is completely dependent on genetics.

look at those short little arms lmao


i unironically think this is the natty limit for ~6'2ish

he hasn't gotten any bigger than 5 year old videos, and when he's not playing the character seems like a super humble dude who wouldn't roid

He's 6'0 tops

he definitely does not roid

All jokes and memes aside this is probably the best the human body can reach naturally but fuck all people could ever hope to get close

He has the literal perfect bodybuilding genetics and has worked hard for 30+ years with extensive training.

Low tier bait senpai

rand paul's looking great!

Yeah cuz everyone in the world has the same genetics. Fucking retard