Do you believe Jason is big now?
Do you believe Jason is big now?
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bigger than arnold
Wow he literally doesn't look like shit from that angle
Blaha gets way more shit than he deserves. He's pretty strong/big but not aesthetic cause he doesn't want to cut and honestly that's his fuarkin choice.
It doesn't matter if he's big or not because he's literally been taking steroids for over a decade. He SHOULD be big, that's the baseline when you're taking drugs specifically to get big.
He has shit genetics and cutting would reveal that. Same goes for Alan Thrall to a lesser extent, his lifts are mediocre at best, especially seeing for how long he has been training.
He was always big tbqh but he is also fat so he has 0 definition
>he's literally been taking steroids for over a decade
You have "literally" no way of knowing that
They'd be good for a natural lifter but bloho is or at least was on all kinds of shit
He gets mocked because he's a lunatic though more than his lifts.
he deserves everything that he gets
welfare fraud, stolen valor, talks all this tough guy alpha bs when he is a literaly beta cuck, backs down from any challenge, has zero fitness knowledge etc
complete piece of shit
he's fucking strong. don't be delusional and say he's weak. he's just batshit insane that's all
>has zero fitness knowledge
Jason is the only "fitness youtuber" I know of that actually gives sane fitness advice.
People relying on fitness youtube losers for their information are hopeless anyways. Go fuck yourself Jason
>lifting for 20 years
>can barely get a 1500 total
>looks like dogshit
he is genetic trash
People watching Blaha deserve everything bad that comes to them.
hes a cunt and i dont like him for it
Why does he get hate? He's offers pretty solid advice usually.
Because he constantly lies
is that our boy Hemingway?
blahino's a delusional idiot but some of these youtube channels are even more autistic. this dude's made almost 130 videos on just in the past 6 months solely about blaha, and this isn't even his only account
*130 videos in the past 6 months
His advice is google tier though
There it is
>can barely get a 1500 total
he said he used to bench 475 for 2 reps and around 500 as a max. Also he easily squatted 600 raw without a belt. So unless his DL is absolute shit that is easily a 1700 Total.
Then if you take note of blaha's history you'd realise why someone has made so many videos documenting and critiscising this weird fuck.
>im big as fuck the reason i look like shit and cant lift anything heavy is because i was literally in bed for 100 years straight now do my routine so you can look good and be strong
Something about the titles of these videos and the guys accent is fucking hilarious to me. Dude is accurate with his criticism too tho.
I didnt recognize him at first
jason blaha is a fucking beast
>Blaha gets way more shit than he deserves.
Chronic schizo liar, like fucking mental hospital tier.
Threatens to kill people and their families over petty shit.
Acts like he is the world most alpha man when he turned down any challenge, dates a 3/10 ex-druggie stripper and lives on fraudulent welfare claims.
"Chronic fatigue syndrome."
Thinks that owning a gun means he's the shit, says he would shoot anyone who even shouted at him, let alone hit him - so much for not being a total pussy.
So out of shape he can't finish a sentence before gasping for air.
Fat and genetically fucked, not nearly as big as many natties despite admitting to roiding - still pretends like he is some kind of monster.
Lacks the discipline to do a basic cut after years of announcing it.
One day he is /pol/, the other he is a SJW. Ie. he has no opinions, he simply says what he thinks will make him sound cool.
All his advice is beginner tier and easily googled, refuses any kind of live discussion because he can't use goggle during them.
Most of his more advanced advice is absolute horseshit.
"His" programme is just a bog-standard 5X5 ripoff with accessories that most of those programmes recommend anyways.
whats a hemmingway? is that his dog wife?
>Blaha lifts for 20 minutes 3 times a week
>says warm ups are useless
>fat shit that thinks he is big
>actually manlet that denies he's bald
He is just like retards on fit that don't lift but think they know shit because of what they gather on the Internet
he's a fucking strongman, not a powerlifter shut up
*said* he benches x amount
Protip: blahas a fat lying retard who can't bench 3 plates
didn't he get raped as a kid?
>isn't strong
that was his callsign when he was a secret black operative fighting guerrillas in latin america
Is he not paralyzed now? I'm pretty sure he's in a wheelchair.
that's Ronnie coleman, I can see how you'd be confused because they're both huge, but Jason is a bit bigger
He has posted his stack on for years, and he has admitted it
I agree he is swole, but in his recent videos he's in a wheelchair while making bullets and threatening to kill everyone.
>he said
Yeah, and when asked for proof he said it got burned in a house fire.
>has done powerlifting meets
>preaches squats, bench, deadlifts as GOAT
>not a powerlifter
for a 230 lb man who was in the marines and has been training for over 10 years, a 500 lb squat is pathetic senpai
Wow, he's actuallt big
Holyshit pls show your body after using Blaha advice.
Are your forreal?
He's taking the perfect picture
His left bicep is WAY smaller than his right do to sythenol injections going bad so hence the one arm
His chest is flabby hence the sideways shot
And he's 5'7
This dude is smaller than his gf. He is tiny.
it the ptsdening, powder warening, bloho monster
Just called and spoke to Crime Stoppers for a surprisingly long call. They knew right away who i was calling about. They said what he did was illegal but they have visited the guys on video and those individuals don't want to press charges. Otherwise, Jason would be charged right now for that.
There is currently an open investigation (he said possibly more than 1) into Jason because of his channel, comments, reloading, and this shit. The officer said this has been dispatched to Homicide, as well as other departments and they are conducing central intelligence on him now. He's been classified as 'paranoid' by the department and there is legitimate concern that he is potentially an active shooter, or at the least a hazard to that local community / complex.
What also came up, was that Jason claimed all this started from Layne and he ruined Jason's "business" so he has been suffering since that court case. Jason apparently gave a very long story about the history of ICF and Layne, him moving, the CL ads, etc. Really sounded like a childish story to them.
I think it's a matter of time now till he loses his shit entirely. I don't think this emboldened him in any way, quite the opposite. I think now moving forward, anything he does is going to be reviewed with more scrutiny that just some dude on the internet making claims.
for those who are unaware jason stuck at least two people up at gunpoint for walking down his hallway.
>he said
He also said he used to be a CIA mercenary assassin, a human-reptilian hybrid illuminati member, the owner of a steroid lab, a fitness model and a holder of two bachelors degrees.
>he said he used to bench 475 for 2 reps
he said a lot of things
>puts on +5 hat of autism
How much does Blaha weigh? I've actually been googling this but it was surprisingly hard to find a answer.
On videos I've seen him bench 140 and deadlift 240. Does anyone know his personal best?
Numbers are not bad, not world class or anything either... But should he not look better at those numbers?
>On videos I've seen him bench 140 and deadlift 240
lbs or kg?
Strange. He doesn't look like someone who benches 3 pl8.
He said he weighs 230lbs in one video, maybe a bit more nowadays.
How has this fat under-performing fuck honestly not killed himself?
Does someone have link to that parody vid of him being all fat with that "fatty takes his own life" song Bowie made in some comedy? Cracks me up every time...
this photo is like 2 years old
he is grotesquely obese now
Let's order some pizzas
Hooorah for more ments
fuck you pay a lot of attention to this guy's life
If that's a recent pic of him then yes, he looks decently big imo.
Tris and upper chest could use work
God damn it why are you so ignorant? have you seen his new vid about owning a gym?
Of course his lifts will stagnate if he owns a gym, he's focusing on his clients and not on himself.
And besides, he's not doing meme lowbar, 500lbs squat is great.
ok i hadnt seen all that maybe he has said some crazy stuff lol. But hey in general still I don't mind watching him. I will say though for the Meniere's thing on this they are trying to talk shit on him for is legit. You cant just say have a lower sodium diet and on you are magically cured. It doesnt work that way. I can tell you I have had doctors tell me I have menieres before, and I myself have had a almost 4 month period where I was in and out of bed constantly. And 2 of those months I basically was at the point where I had friends and family randomly helping me out and driving me around I was so bad. So it can legit fuck you up for sure.
I don't get why Veeky Forums dislikes blaha, it's golden entertainment
It's from this