Fact or Fiction?
Political alignment and gym routine
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fuck off /pol/
I remember a study released recently that showed men who tended to be stronger had more conservative beliefs.
The study said that rich strong men had conservative beliefs and poor strong men were liberal. The survey was not particularly rigorous though so the results were largely meaningless.
Wrong. The study is talking about was far more divisive. It literally showed if youre weak/un attractive/non-dominant you were more likely to be liberal.
Libertarian checking in
But voted Trump this time
There's definitely some truth behind it, lifting will make you appreciate the fruits of your labor more which goes in line with conservative dogmata
link it then
>A study measuring attractiveness and dominance
Completely objective measurement, I assume?
I lift weights for Hillary. And I despise Trump supporters. Like just fucking despise them.
I don't hate conservatives or Republicans so inb4 you don't tolerate people who disagree with you bullshit. No, I just hate easily conned rubes and idiots. And I won't be tolerate them if their stupidity and poor decisions adversely affect my life.
You have to go back, Pedro
>I won't be tolerate them if their stupidity and poor decisions adversely affect my life.
What do you think Obamacare is?
>No, I just hate easily conned rubes and idiots.
Says the person who supports a Goldman Sachs shill with a long record of incompetence and corruption, and who would have imposed retarded leftist economic policies and retarded foreign policy.
I'm white, but I do live in a Hispanic neighborhood. All my neighbors work harder and contribute more to society than your NEET ass.
You can join them when they eventually have to go back
>accuses someone of supporting Goldman Sachs shills
>voted Trump
>incapable of seeing the irony
beauty standards aren't completely arbitrary, no matter how much Tumblr and fatties want to pretend.
No, this is my country too, you redneck retard. I'm not going anywhere.
>so inb4 you don't tolerate people who disagree with you bullshit.
Your entire tirade is exactly that. You fail to acknowledge the hypocrisy of the Hillary supporters who did the same exact thing or voted for her just because she is a woman and blindly followed her despite her crimes.
What were the standards used in the study? Can you link it?
They are at least 50% subjective
Look at this fucking board, plenty of people wanting "thicc" or roided gfs who are completely unattractive to a large part of the population
>I'm not going anywhere.
Except back
its a cleverly crafted piece of rethoric.
weither you can prove the claim is a different story.
im inclined to think it holds, but without proof i wouldnt bet my life on it
>implying I voted for Trump
Trump is the criminal. Hilary has been investigated and continually comes up clean. Her foundation is consistently rated an A by watchdogs groups.
Once again, you fell for Trump's horseshit. You are too stupid to live.
>hasn't seen or read Clinton Cash
am Veeky Forums and gulagposter, but i can see it i guess
im an xd gommunist xd but still find myself sympathizing more with the aut-right than the """""left""""" ivory tower entitled libtards
Oh, and why are they still investigating her? Why did they reopen the case yet again? Why are the dems so asspained at the Russian "hackers" who managed to figure out the pa$$w0rd1 and get their secret documents that shpws their guilt? Why are they in damage control mode? That's my point: you are failing to see the hypocrisy.
>hasnt done anything to provoke an investigation
>Trump is the criminal
>anyone who's against Hillary must be a Trump supporter
Trump is being investigated right now, chimp. He would have been investigated for his university, but he paid off the prosecutor and then gave her a job.
Are you stupid?
Arnold is talking about weights
The retard above him is talking about politics
What does getting in touch with weights have to do with politics?
And even if there was a connection, being an expert psychologist is not exactly what Arnold is known for
I didn't say that. Anyone who dislikes Hillary but doesn't support Trump is fine.
I only hate Trump supporters because they're retards.
Eurofag here. I've always voted for Conservative parties, except for once where I voted for center liberals and once for extreme-right. Most of my social circle and close family is conservative/right wing, so no surprise.
But you did in my post against you. Because I called you out on your hypocrisy, you assumed I was a Trump supporter.
Since I was only insulting Trump supporters and you got pissy, I assumed that was the case.
In any event, I think Hillary has her issues, but I do not think she's corrupt for getting paid to give speeches (which Trump has as well, by the way) or for having a private email server. Trump is demonstrably more corrupt, as can be seen multiple times over in his transition to president, not even counting the shit he's pulled in the past.
And really, Hillary's issues shouldn't even be discussed anymore. She lost so they don't matter. Let's focus on our incoming president and the unbelievable shit he is pulling.
makes sense
most bodybuilders are poor
>Hillary's issues shouldn't even be discussed anymore.
So just sweep everything under the rug because the election is over. How fucking ironic. Stop being a fucking hypocrite. Are you ignoring the misuse of Clinton Fund into things they are not allowed to use them for under law? You talk about corruption on one side and argue about it, but want to forgive the person you voted for's corruption? You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Having a private e-mail server is a requirement in top positions. You ignore that she had her maid, who had no security clearance, access to it to print off her top secret e-mails because she couldn't be assed to carry a second cellphone like millions of other people do.
As an outsider, I understand deeply why one would be against Trump.
But I have no idea why you would support Hillary. I'm willing to bet you're middle class or lower, so why would you vote for her?
Aside from her economical views, she's a warlord and allegedly a criminal.
guys who lift consistently probably lean more towards conservative/libertarian ideas because of the whole self improvement mentality but just lol at deluded aut-right stormcels who think their basement theory nerdic cope is high t and not a load of high cortisol aspie nonsense
Again, her foundation has been checked out and continually there is no evidence of wrongdoing. The only people who say that there was are her political opponents with an agenda.
And yeah, what do her issues matter? She lost, she's done. Why are we wasting time bitching about things that have already been investigated and don't matter anymore anyway? If she had won, if be happy to debate this with you, but she didn't, so who cares. Keep on fuming over nothing.
Hillary took money from the Saudis while SoS, deliberately mislabled and insecurly transmitted classified info (including top secret info), and rigged her primary. These are all big time "pound me in the ass federal prison" felonies.
if you're middle class or lower you should be hanged for voting libertarian
>I don't understand economics
>trick down economy works
yeah dude taxes suck!!
Lol, no they're not. There's no crime in taking money from another country.
She didn't rig her primary, and I say that as a Sanders fan.
And her email server was careless but ruled not criminal.
Just lol at you, retard. Keep paying attention to the distractions while Trump is raping your ass. You're a fucking fool.
>I don't understand history
Economics is a made up field to misinterpret people like Smith and Ricardo and discredit people like Marx and Henry George in order to justify the concentration of wealth in a small group. People like Adam Smith were moral philosophers who wrote critiques about society as a whole, econometrics is the misapplication of statistics to sociological systems.
based taleb
who else /robust/?
are you still ignoring how she invaded the middle east?
>And yeah, what do her issues matter?
It does matter because they are against the law. Just because an event is over doesn't mean all is done and over with. It's why she is still being investigated. It's why her case has been reopened yet again. Nothing ever goes away.
>implying trickle down economics is not a strawman
>I do not understand public choice theory
>Economics is a made up field
Keep reading your fake news, retard. Trump is lubing up your asshole and you don't even notice.
Taking foreign money while a federal politician is an enormous felony, that's why she tried to hide it
You aren't a sanders fan or you wouldn't give hillary a pass on literally conspiring with the DNC chair to keep bernie out
And her carelessness with classified info is criminal negligence, others have been convicted for far less. If she was not guilty of a crime, why go to such lengths to destroy her electronics and data when investigation loomed?
Economics is to Philosophy as Women's Studies is to History.
name me 1 time liberalism worked
Trump is about to penetrate your asshole. Meanwhile, what are you paying attention to?
Whoa, someone is incredibly ignorant. Go to school.
answer me
but it does work
for rich people
The ones who are throwing out the fake news argument are the ones who have a huge selection bias ignoring everything that's negative about their failed candidate from the media that's for her. They use "fake news" as a distraction away from her crimes, just like how they're using Russian "hackers" as a way to distract the cases away from it ny presenting nothing but national security issue when she is the primary reason why security is so lax.
Thar's why you are a hypocrite. You accused Trump supporters of the things you are doing right now.
well yeah but we aren't talking about that
Look, just admit that you're too dumb to do math.
Give me a decent source about Hillary being a criminal. You can't do it. You lose. Ta ta.
>do not think she's corrupt to give speeches
Corporations and foreign governments would donate to the Clinton Foundation and then turn around and pay them exorbitant amounts of money to give 'speeches'. They operated on the fringes of legal legitimacy. The Clintons' massive personal wealth all came from giving 'speeches' while occupying positions of state power.
>having a private email server
Look at Comey's press conference after the FBI investigation.
>3 email chains containing special program top secret information (highest classification level in the US govt)
>11 email chains containing top secret information
>33,000 deleted 'personal' emails after being subpoenaed by the FBI which their IT lackey deleted after being ordered by her lawyers
>fragrant lies about using one device to read emails, having one email server
She did not have a .gov email address during her entire time as Secretary of State. Do you seriously think that she didn't receive any confidential information during that entire time? Comey himself said that if someone in the FBI were to mishandle confidential information in such a manner they'd face harsh legal repercussions.
You cannot 'oopsie' this bad. This goes so much deeper but should at least be classified as criminal negligence. You are absolutely not fit to be POTUS after this.
I'm not a Trump supporter by the way.
I'm actually a chemical engineer. If you read anything by Nassim Taleb you would know that there is a difference between being able to do math and being able to understand why you are doing the math.
> Arnold Schwarzfedora
In what way?
Give me one unbiased source that has investigated and cleared her--that includes the FBI who is under Obama's pressure. You can't haha tata. See? Two can play that game.
The investigation is still on-going and is criminal in nature. You might want to stop sweeping everything under the rug like you are trying to do.
>hillary supporter
>hates easily conned rubes and idiots
your b8 is weak
I was going to vote Johnson, but he came out as an open borders shill.
And then that embarrassing "here come dat gary" ad.
If there was a candidate that would identify with Veeky Forums as far as lifestyle, Gary was it. He regularly exercises and has even completed an Ironman.
But he's so bad at memes
He's a bigger shill than Shillary.
>something gets more expensive
>people want to buy less of it
>something gets less expensive
>people want to buy more of it
>something gets more expensive
>people want to sell more of it
>something gets less expensive
>people want to sell less of it
Apparently, this is all fake. This whole "economics is not real lol" mentality is tinfoil hate-tier thinking.
A great american tradition
Yes, me knowing how much I can lift informs my decision about political and current events. I don't even need to watch the news or learn history. I learned to speak 3 languages by doing curls. Quantum physics was revealed to me when I broke my deadlift PR.
You're fucking retarded if you think the quote is anything but a personal wisdom type of quote. You face your own limits and weaknesses through any type of exercise. Not only weightlifting. That's his point.
Of course, can't expect someone who supports a reality tv star to understand reality. The guy who posted that pic doesn't even understand statistics (10 guys at one part of they gym totally reflect upon the entire human population!)
All that guy did was prove that in every building, there is only 1 smart person, and he voted Johnson.
>something gets more expensive
>people want to buy less of it
What about diamonds? Or Theranos stock?
That's only true if the word shill has no meaning and people use it because it to look cool on an anonymous image board.
Explained by marginal utility. Which is an economic theory. Also, Giffen goods.
>I make my political decisions based on commercials
good job buddy, you're super smart.
I couldn't get past the 3rd paragraph of that retarded as blog post.
post actual, objective news sources instead of a circlejerk blog created solely because a Trump supporter was worried Johnson would make Trump lose the election. I'm not going to read some garbage that starts off with a quote about some jokes between two guys.
It was written in 2012, dipshit. He lists his sources as he mentions them. Also in the article he mentions how the libertarian party has taken more votes from Democrat candidates than Republicans.
>"Stone, who going back to his class elections in high school has been a proponent of recruiting patsy candidates to split the other guy's support, remembers suggesting to Cohn that if they could figure out a way to make John Anderson the Liberal party nominee in New York, with Jimmy Carter picking up the Democratic nod, Reagan might win the state in a three-way race. "Roy says, 'Let me look into it.'"
Roger Stone was using Johnson's campaign to take votes from Obama not Romney, just like he did when Reagan ran against Carter.
>Trump supporter
>post is from 2012
are all shitlibs as stupid as you?
>It was written in 2012, dipshit.
I couldn't get past the retarded bias to even look at the date.
>He lists his sources as he mentions them.
then you post them. i'm not reading that article.
>who going back to his class elections in high school
That proves he's an expert!
>Roger Stone was using Johnson's campaign to take votes from Obama not Romney, just like he did when Reagan ran against Carter.
That proves Reagan solely won because of this guy!
What stupid leaps of logic. Are you even trying? You are just parroting the retarded ramblings of the blog you posted.
"People work together during elections, what shills!" That's basically what your saying. When looking at Trump, it's immediately apparent he's just being a loudspeaker for the Republican leadership. He's literally being paid to get people to line up behind Republicans, and nothing more.
Johnson is the only candidate that tried to reduce the wealth and power of the elite. His entire political philosophy is based on this. He's a politician, of course he has to shill. Shilling is 90% of what politicians do. but there are levels, and johnson is the lowest in that regard in modern history, other than Ron Paul and Carter.
Oh, did the Republican party not exist in 2012? i didn't know that.
but please, dwell on my minor mistake caused by ignoring a retarded blog post, instead of the actual facts I presented.
Gary Johnson’s campaign, was:
Managed by a Republican/Koch pollster who partnered with far-right GOP dirty tricksters and the founder of Citizens United in a smear campaign against Harry Reid;
His spokesman worked to pass anti-immigrant English-only laws in an organization infested with fringe white supremacists, then served as chief-of-staff to one of the most corrupt Republicans in Congress, Chris Cannon, replacing Jack Abramoff’s partner-in-crime, David Safavian (who also was Grover Norquist’s business partner);
His nonprofit "OUR America Initiative" was chartered and incorporated by Jim Lacy, one of the main promoters of birther conspiracy theories, who also backed violent racist Minutemen causes, and who runs one of the largest slate-mail operations in the country, essentially a mass elections fraud business to trick voters into voting for the wrong candidate;
The nonprofit papers that launched his campaign were filed by Maureen Otis, a central figure in the Texas Minutemen extremist movement, who also worked with Alan Keyes on nonprofits that smeared Obama as a foreign-born Muslim; Otis is also a supporter of Romney and has called for people to donate to the Romney campaign;
And finally — Gary Johnson was a corrupt governor who privatized his prisoners with gruesome results, who wants to privatize the federal government and strip us of anything that might protect us from the Kochs and the rest of the oligarchy, and dismantle all the social programs including Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, college grants, minimum wage laws, even child labor laws — and in return, he’ll let you smoke pot. If your state votes to legalize pot, that is. If your state still wants to put you in prison for smoking pot, or even stiffen those penalties, sucks for you.
That’s not Gary Johnson’s problem.
Not that guy, but I'm 35 (full disclosure, also voted for Hillary) and right wingers have been after the Clintons since I was a child, literally. Judicial Watch is a conservative watchdog group and Cause of Action is run by a Republican and they will never stop attacking her.
I'm not sure how much I trust Hillary and mostly voted anti-Trump, but these open investigations are pretty meaningless to me by now.
Q. Assuming you don’t win, whom do you think your candidacy will hurt the most?
A. You should vote for who you think is really going to best represent you and what you think. I’ve always believed that, so this isn’t a step out from that. Probably, it’s going to end up helping Romney. I’m probably going to take more Democrat votes
I'm an econ major and I have to say that people with opinions like this are clearly fucking retarded that have never taken econ classes in their lives because if they did they would know there are many many differing schools of thoughts.
tl;dr people who actually studied economics think your fucking retarded
>who wants to privatize the federal government and strip us of anything that might protect us from the Kochs and the rest of the oligarchy,
>muh Koch brothers
The oligarchy uses the government to screw everyone over, you moron. It's called crony capitalism. This is why libertarians and conservatives want to reduce the size and scope of government.
>Giffen goods are a real thing.
Jesus christ , can you shut the fuck up you ignorant fuck?
I never said they're real. They do, however, exist as an economic theory.
>Why We Did The Series The widening of 118 miles of N.M. 44 from San Ysidro to the Four Corners area is the biggest road project in New Mexico history. At a cost of $420 million, including financing, it is also the most expensive. The Johnson administration says its plan is so innovative it could change the way states handle highway construction projects. Critics call it a disaster in the making. Journal investigative reporters found that highway officials jumped the project ahead of other needed road work and entered into a questionable warranty deal at a cost of $62 million. They also found that the only company [Koch Industries] to bid on the project proposed it in the first place.
Yes, we must stop crony capitalists by electing crony capitalists. #DraintheSwamp
Funny how strong and secure people are more liberal, while conservatives are more insecure
Except conservative policies increase government size. Trump will end net neutrality and double the power of the corporate oligarchs.
see you retards in the bread lines
>"Vote caging is an illegal trick to suppress minority voters (who tend to vote Democrat) by getting them knocked off the voter rolls if they fail to answer registered mail sent to homes they aren't living at (because they are, say, at college or at war)."
Yet millions were able to vote via absentee ballots. Holy shit i just BTFO of that entire blog post.
This is the problem that I see with economics, stuff should not be mentioned at all unless its proven in real life, theres too much focus on theory that doesn't have any empirical evidence behind it.