You may only post in this thread if you have flaws that will prevent you from ever making it
>loose skin
You may only post in this thread if you have flaws that will prevent you from ever making it
>loose skin
Other urls found in this thread:
Large forehead and fucked up hairline since I was a lad.
>Recessed chin
>Recessing hairline
>Poor jaw angle
>Narrow shoulders
>Browse Veeky Forums
5'8 manlet with anxiety
1. Severe anxiety at meeting and chatting up women unless I've had a couple drinks in me.
2. Inability to sexually perform if I've had more than a few drinks in me.
3. Pretty much bald
4. Fear of public speaking.
And, I tend to look much more handsome with contacts rather than my glasses, but...
5. Sensitive eyes that are constantly bothered by everything when I wear contacts, so that when I wear them I spend roughly 80% of my concentration squinting and/or trying to look at brightness levels that don't bother me, so they don't start watering and it looks like I'm crying constantly.
>possibly developing schizophrenia
Look, I can pull infographics out of my ass too!
Now keep /pol/ in /pol/
>Jew nose
+5,000$ on rhinoplasty
>Full lips
>Big cheeks
>My autistic personality
Working in retail for more than 20 years.
Only two employers in 23 years.
>Captain Nametag
All these fucking excuses
I have a bad disc, I will never be loved
You can't be a real man with a bad back
>look at my unsourced infographic
You'll have to do better than that.
creepy face
I am tall, have good frame, naturally toned muscles, passably handsome face, good teeth, blue eyes, thick head of hair, engineering degree, in my mid 20s
I'm just 100 lbs overweight, lazy, and a bit of a faggot
wew lad you actually remembered this thread and copy+pasted it after the couple days it's been down for
Tiny wrists (18cm)
framelet, large forehead, bad disc, tiny wrist/ankles
Out of all these I continue to force myself that I will make it as I've been to r9k and back
This is what I don't get, see this guy has tiny wrists but is a framelet, while I'm not a framelet at all other than my wrists.
Why is this?
ugly pajeet face
ugly lips
hooded eyelids
round face
I'm pretty fucking ugly I just hope that I can get better by losing weight