When is it over anons?
I am 39, can I still get Veeky Forums
at what age is it no longer possible ?
When is it over anons?
I am 39, can I still get Veeky Forums
at what age is it no longer possible ?
the first step is to get the fuck off this website populated by 14-25 year olds.
It's never too late
Just ask those 80 yr old grandmas doing triceps extensions with 10lb dumbells
its never to late for cardio. But you might wanna look into /trt/ if you wanna make gains.
Also leave this fucking site
I'm 27 and I think I'll be here forever
I'm Veeky Forums though too.
What is your current Veeky Forumsness level? When, if ever, were you last in good shape? Its not too late, but your answers to these questions will determine how difficult it will be for you to get Veeky Forums. The key for older people who are just starting is to take it slow. If you try to go to hard too fast you'll hurt yourself and it will take you a lot longer to recover than a 19 year old.
48 YO here. Joined gym last Feb, I'm now at 1/2/2.5/3.5
Make sure your nutrition/rest/training is spot on, or you'll struggle. Pick one exercise per body part only, too much volume is now a no-no.
I do Le Press, BP, Squats,DL and dips/chins if I'm feeling lazy.
Did SS for first six months, now swapped to 3 x 10 per bodypart.
There is hope.
there are a lot of people on here older than you think
>What is your current Veeky Forumsness level? When, if ever, were you last in good shape? Its not too late
I am 30lbs over weight, when I was 25 I had abs and could bench 2plate for reps and squat 3plate about 3 times
tried to lift the other day and could barely rep 150ish and now I'm sore as fuck
how do you look beach body wise?
'How do you look beach body wise'
Like a bag of spuds, about a stone overweight really. But don't care about that, just want my body to last a while longer instead of being the average 50 YO you see in the street.
good on you buddy, how did you find out about this site?
Sorry, what does W/X/Y/Z mean?
that's really sad
Plates for OHP/Bench/Squats/DL
overhead press/ bench/ squat/ deadlift
and how many plates he can do for each, each plate weighs 45lbs but one plate is 135lbs because that's one for each side of the bar plus the bar
why is it sad
You can still get cut and in shape if you're a fatty. Idk about getting jacked though, however Rogan looks pretty good and he's almost 50
who is rogan
Joe Rogan
>that's really sad
how old are you
it's not sad at all, people of all ages want to improve themselves
Your to old when you think you are.
You seem mentally weak which is why your not fit and not progressing.
Everything you do is more then you use to do. Thus being fitter.
36 yr old here, started at 33. Its do able, the noob gains are great but you gotta slow down and watch out for injuries. My knee set me back 6-9 months when I had to stop squatting and DLing so I could still ride my bike.. which is what my personal fitness goals are really focused on.
do you feel like you made it?
42 here
shit sucks
46 here - very doable.
Eat right, lift heavy and it will happen.
what are your lifts like, how do you look>?
Rogan also takes half a pharmacy.
>Rogan also takes half a pharmacy.
and he's a manlet
50 is too old
don't bitch in your 30s user
>someone my moms age who knows about fitness and memes
plz be my dad
Veeky Forums isn't really good for improving yourself
Its really more of a place for like minded people to share banter and shitpost, there really isn't too much encouragement or even helpful advice going on here
>there really isn't too much encouragement or even helpful advice going on here
never going to make it
completely not true, I was curlbroing and had no clue about diet before I came here
world of difference now
/fit saved my life
At what age do you think someone simply outgrows banter? Please make sure to post here when you're whatever age that happens to be and let us know about your cool grown-up lifestyle.
go to /misc/ it's all 30-40yo guys calling each other brah and talking about riding bicycles
>riding bicycles
Never too late user
is that reps or 1rm
When you come to Veeky Forums, ever, remember
>You're here forever
If you yourself weren't such an autist you would never have found this place. People of all ages, all over the world are using the internet. Why wouldnt ppl accumulate here?
I have got to get some gear
>>You're here forever
Get off Veeky Forums Uncle Davo
28 here
There's no escaping this hell
33 here
Still Killin it CMON
29 here. been here since 2007.
I invented the meme oats and squats, and was the first to rec starting strength. I posted under the trip KING broscience
I'm 35. I'll be your "dad". If you know what I mean.
38 here. I'm in the best shape of my life right now. Got sober 2 years ago and started lifting to fill the void. If I don't do cardio or lift I get really anxious and depressed. I'm not roid-big but I slay enough pussy. I do PPL minus the legs because I have a metal hip. Also I add more rest days and do cardio on them.
> get off Veeky Forums
Lol, fuck you newfag. You leave. I've been here since before chanology. I've been on the internet longer than some of you have been alive.
you will need to get on the gear if you intend on getting jacked. You can still lose weight and get pretty good gains.
whose the jizzwizz?
Definitely possible. 36 now, been lifting for only 2 years. Was cut down from 20% to 10% bf at the end of year one. Am now around 10% but with around 10 lbs more muscle mass and looking close to sickcunt status.
Just figure out a routine and stick to it. Its all about consistency, diet and rest. And avoiding injury.
It ain't over till you're dead, cunt. So keep going.
34 yo lanklet here.
Started SL recently after numerous failed attempts at consistent lifting throughout my 20s. Not sure I have the physiology to ever lift big, not even thinking about 1/2/3/4. Just want to get fitter and stronger and finally try to eradicate my lankletism.
What the hell are you oldfags doing in Veeky Forums? Don't you have adult duties like family, job, expected yet uncomfortable social gatherings?
31 year old here. I do. Just shitposting on Veeky Forums while either commuting to work or during down time at work.