At least you're not a manlet.
At least you're not a manlet
6'2 lanklet here, ready for a new year of alpha dominance
Is 5'8" a manlet?
6'2 as well, been going to gym for a year
It's worth it
> mfw towering over 90% of the men at gym
Depends on your country honestly
America, most guys I meet are a couple inches taller than me and most almost every chick I meet is shorter than me, it's really not bad.
5'8 is totally fine. Just don't ever acknowledge your height around girls or come off as self conscious about it.
yes thank you. Im 6'1 and soon i will be jacked and have cute gf. But now at least im not a manletyes
Jungle asian here
I've seen asians taller than i am (6'2) and it fucking weirds me out
They always look like mongoloid imbreeds
6'5” former ham planet here. Down from 370 to 260.
Just finished my first day at the gym in a long time. Any tips?
Yes you are a manlet.
5'8 masterrace
>Any tips?
Never give up
you still have to eat a lot to avoid becoming skeletor if you're 6'5
Kind of new to this bear with me.
Right now I am...
>Eating 2100-2300 cal/day
>Shooting for 230 lbs
Is this reasonable?
>6'2 towering over 90% of the men at the gym
Don't come to the Netherlands, I'm 6'5 and I'm not the tallest at my gym.
After that you're going to eat at maintenance and lift, or bulk, depending on how you look.
desu I'm as tall as you and I'm shooting for 100kg, think I'll be a hungry skeleton at that point tho
probably not enough honestly
Fuck no. I eat 2100-2300 calories to maintain, and I'm 145lbs.
You need at least 3000 if you lift and you weight 230, probably more like 3500.
im travelling there in the summer to visit my aunt, will I be laughed and pionted at if i go to the lifting area if I'm 5'0 (Igirl)
>tfw 5'10"
Just fucking kill me already I can't take this anymore
At least I'm not Anthony Burch, though.
iktf tbqhfaymaloimeh
>tfw 6'3" BIG with cardio out the ass to boot
Literally just erg, lads. It isn't a meme. You will never know the joy I feel
what makes you think erg was responsible for your height
haha yes that is what the angel of hell will sing to me as i drown ankles deep in hell
Your running posture is shit :{P
>gone from 5'5" to 5'8" in the past year, 19 now - I'm going to reach 5'10" before I stop growing right guys?
6'4'' 256 lbs probably 190 lbm, feels bad mans
being 5'8 fucking blows, why even live. It feels like every woman I meet is way taller than me
>tfw 5'11" king of manlets
i rule over most but still look to higher things
Same here, i am a late bloomer too, only that i am 5'10" and 18 right now, hopefully i'll reach 6'0" or atleast 5'11"
That's all that matters. If you have height then you are GUARANTEED success in life. Good jobs and women will come to you despite lack of skill or being ugly.
6', I'm still a manlet niggas what do.
stop telling 6' is a manlet
im 6' as well
dont make me feel like a manlet
same here brother. you must also be from europe
>tfw thought I was 5'7.5 my whole life
>remeasured height
>just barely 5'6
B-being a Manlet isn't too bad right?
one subconscious cue of authority is size and damn does it suck being 5'8 next to 6'2 Veeky Forums guy
5'8 here. well really im 5'9 but im 5'8 lol
i live in the UK in a majority white area and i get height mogged everywhere i go at 6'
6'2"+ is the master race
TurboManlet Masterrace reporting in
Rather than laugh I think people will just stare at you in bewilderment.
>tfw 6'1
>tell people around my height I'm 5'11 just to fuck with them
i hate that smug ass dog
>There's that retard that won't stop talking about his height.
>G-guys, I'm 5'11... pffff...
>barely 5' 6"
that's turbomanlet not manlet little buddy
Lawdy, that's shorter than the average girl.
What your age at 5'5"?
if im 18 and 5'6 theres no hope of growing anymore is there
depends, have you grew at least a bit from 17 to 18?
When did you hit puberty? I.e. first major growth spurt to your current height along with voice crack
Age 11-13: 0.000% chance
Age 14-15: 40% chance
Age 16-17: 95% chance
I was like 5'2" throughout middle school and most of high school and had just about accepted my fate as a manlet, but I should have seen the signs that I was a late bloomer: didn't have my first wank till I was 15, hit growth spurt to 5'6"/5'7" along with voice getting deeper at almost 17.
Presently 19 and am 5'10" and still on my way up, legit grew half an inch in past six months,. will probably hit 5'11" by 20 and if the gods are truly smiling upon me, maybe even 6'0" by 22/23
Any other late bloomers on Veeky Forums?
I'm 5'5"
Fair enough
But I'm 5'11, which is tall enough to be tall but short enough to mentally know that I'm not even 6'
King of the dwarfs at 5' exact
Same but fat and mexican. Started my deficit on new years.
>At least you're not a manlet.
I feel you, user