>gf texts what's up
>tell her i'm in the gym
>asks me for a selfie
>can't think of any way to take a selfie in the gym without looking like a complete douchefag
what do?
>gf texts what's up
>tell her i'm in the gym
>asks me for a selfie
>can't think of any way to take a selfie in the gym without looking like a complete douchefag
what do?
go into showers and pull your pants down. Take a frontal selfie
Go to Micky D's and take one in the bathroom
just put the phone away from you and take a quick snap. you don't gotta look pretty, just prove you're there. I think the sight of you doing the work will hit her just as hard as any vanity picture you can take.
Ignore her. Bitches love that shit.
came here to say this. I like taking pics with shrinkage too.
You have a gf why do you care what anybody else thinks
Yeah lol
>all that skim
RIP in pieces perfectly good milk
Tell her tits or gtfo.
literally why would she ask for a selfie? What the fuck
Jesus. texting your girl at the gym and then being asked for a selfie is the fucking dumbest shit ever, you're obviously in a very very new relationship, don't worry about what to do, this wont be a problem in a few weeks.
She didn't believe him.
Are you really that thick?
what a fucking cunt. What a big league bitch. I'd straight up answer 'fuck you'
almost 6 months now
i guess that explains why you didn't understand why she asked for a selfie. you're autistic and can't communicate with people.
my girl always asks me for gym selfies even though she knows i'm there. i think they just wanna get their engines revved for when you get back home and fuck 'em, at lea
That's so fucking weird. By that point i'm well past even replying to her until im not busy.
My ex-gf wanted me to send her snaps constantly, she just liked seeing my face.
trips of truth t b h
I'm sorry you're a spineless rat who gets accused of being a liar on a daily basis and has gotten used to it
you sound like a great person to be in a relationship with. I wouldn't call resting between sets "busy"
make a goofy face so the others in there don't think you're taking yourself too seriously. People seem to be less dickish/douchey if they clearly don't take them selves seriously
She was keeping tabs on you, dummy
ask someone to record your 1RM deadlift then just screen shot the video where your at the top and your face is purple and blown up like a tetraodontidae
Lol mate. To start with, I don't even have a phone on me in the gym, it's a distraction.
Plus when you're in a long term relationship, you see each other so much that she wouldn't even bother texting a bullshit 'whats up' message in the first place. When you grow up and live with a girl you will realise this.
> girl not trusting you and wanting tabs on you constantly
huge red flag
this, op is a faggot
>not leaving your phone in your locker so you can devote all your concentration to your routine
Not gonna make it.