>tfw stuck in ELO hell on tinder
Tfw stuck in ELO hell on tinder
>tfw stuck in bronze because of bicep insertions
>tfw wood league because not white
>tfw stuck at DMG because my gym bros don't know how to spot me on my calf raises
Great band mate. I'd love if the girls I talked to were fans desu
>tfw trying to farm for 3pl8 squat but power racks are getting camped
>tfw Garen is fucking my oneitis again. fucking Chads REEE
>tfw challenger but still virgin
>fit af
>trying for a year on tinder
>not a single match
at least you get a cash money jacket this season user
What's wrong user? I get like 6 matches a day and none of my pics even show off my gains
>thinking the jackets are cool
>not being autistic
Pick one
>tfw diamond and no1 notices
>tfw have been unproductive for almost a week
fuck off descriptive geometry I don't want you
>thinking the jackets are cool
ill take this one
have fun being cold and unstylish
Must be my curly shit hair. Looks like pic related.
why is everyone ignoring this
>ganking people in the squat rack
>The Press their squat if they step out for a set
>Gym refuses to nerf me even though I can't be countered
>tfw the only ELO song is that one with olivia newton john
bretty gud
>trying to trade with cardio bunny
>interrupt her teleport and she agrees to go to base with me
>ignite her
Watch out for someone ganking from the trees and slowing your reps only to stun and crit you with their benchpress. If you survive it that due might just steal your gains if he hits your squats.
>Gymbro named Taric
>Supports me in my lifts at weight meets
>Brings me carbs and puts on wraps at meets
>Best support out there
>Until I met Sona
>Sings while I lift
>Post competition cummies
>Even better gym snacks
>Stuns other lifters with her ass
you got put in elo hell.
it means your ranking is so low that you appear at the bottom of the stack for girls.
meaning you dont get any girls looking at your profile and swiping right. which means your elo rating can never increase
>3 of us in a group on tinder social
>good looking white guy is dps
>tfw got great bants but mediocre looks
>tfw delegated to support role
at least I'm not the tank though. designated grenade diver
I think dota is more relatable to you guys.
>tfw no one joins you on hard lane
Check'd and kek'd
>not grouping with your buddies for gg ez
Hot gay roommate (solo mid) is the bait and when they add for him I (assassin) pop out the bush and hit em with the bantz
>playing a game that copies another game only differing by introducing grind/pay 2 win and designing it with 12 year olds as their target demographic
Ur a fucking goober aren't ya
>tfw play esea but not mm
>was LEM 8 months ago
>stopped MMing
>play one
wait does tinder know ur ?/10 based on the ?/10's you match with? or r u guys memeing, because i want to make app where u rate qt's and if u match with enough high rated qt's u get points and then u can show off how much rank u have
I haven't played LOL in a year and a half, but it is not pay to win. You can get all the runes you need from a couple of hours of games assuming you don't waste your points on skins. I bet 99% of actual cash spent is for skins and the other 1% on runes.
tinder has a ranking system that figures out your ?/10
If you're a sub 7 you appear too far down the stack in a girls "people near you" to ever move out of elo hell
tfw schizotypal personality disorder but still getting a bunch of matches which i cant use or develope to dates because i have this disorder.
>tfw want to farm 3 pl8 benchpress
>hook a dyel from across the gym to watch me
>he actually leeches my exp even though i can handle it by myself
Happened today
but u have to grind/pay to use every champion
team composition is a huge aspect of MOBAs
just doesnt make sense
Every few months I just delete my old profile and create a new one. Works well enough.
They actually do look pretty decent.
Though its not like people at challenger on KR / EUW have many oppurtunities to wear it considering you have to play like 8 hours + a day to get to challenger. The only people who get challenger within 200 games are people who usually already are challenger and thus only have to grind master for a long time since they outskill the other divisions. But even to get significantly better than diamond is a humongous grind.
>tfw forever bronze league
It's not in League.
Most players who get to high rating do it using 1-3 champions so they can focus on the basics and game knowledge instead of switching from champion to champion. Once you get to around diamond 3+ you should diversify your champion pool though since right then it's often a good idea to play what is strong rather than what you're great at. This also makes getting from high rating to top rating an insane grind where you need to improve, but to improve you need to play a shitton of games at higher level.
You really have that? Damn pretty glad I only have to deal with grindr. Why don't you just have a heterosexual app that only shows girls if you're a guy or only guys if you're a girl and then you can just message whoever you want. Would make much more sense than this whole matching B.S.
I also find stuff like okcupid bs, if someone wants to know me they should ask me I shouldn't really give a profile of what I'm like people should figure out.
>get matches
>but only from ugly girls because I just swipe right without looking
At this point, I'm just keeping them as my trophies to stroke my ego.
gets me every fucking time
Why would you join a void in the hard lane
1k player confirmed