Could you at least fuck him up a little despite being Veeky Forums?

Or nah?

>implying I can even make weight for a sanctioned fight

>asking fat autist East Asian handcraft forum users if they could take on the heavyweight champ

I would not fight my countryman :^)


He would KO everybody in this thread. Stop posting sport and fight talk shit, go back to /sp/

dečko je zvjer brate

Because I always see faggots saying they're 6'6 and 300 pounds fucking sham this board is pussy ass niggas.

>talking to people about fighting who never have trained or been in a fight

Sums up Veeky Forums

Anyone here who hasn't doesn't have a pro record would have to a be ridiculously delusional to think they could.


Nigga u cereal?

overeem looked way less roided than usual for that fight imo

he looked like he always does in the post-Overroid era

this is the Econoreem era

to his credit he was doing really well until his poor ability to take punishment became a factor

look at those t-rex arms

I'm 6'5, I'll easily keep him at distance and mayweather his bitchass with jabs

What makes you think lifting isn't a big part of /sp/

he has an 80 inch reach, that of a 6'8" man


>reverse muh heritage
cucked beyond belief

I have an 88" wingspan, I'm black. hes trex tier

you assuredly don't have a 7 foot 4 wingspan, maybe you should learn how to measure correctly

It isn't. The average /sp/ browser is ~5'8" and skinnyfat or chubby.

u mad white boi?

fucking pterodactyls


Shit I'm only 210 at 6'4" ( ;_;)

he got spooked by the Brock Lesnar scandal so he cut his doses in half

Slavenski geni


100lbs bigger than me and 8 inches taller. I would be decimated.


any pro heavyweight boxer worth his salt would fuck him up

i would empty my clip.

>using middle finger as trigger finger
The fuck is going on?

10 lbs heavier than me and 6 inches taller than me.
I would easily knock him out.

You're fucking fat.
nigger are you retarded?
If he gets you in a headlock you're fucking done.

>op asks if you could take guy on in a fight
>autistic american kid with no firearms tells you that he would just shoot him

You have to go back